
The Executioner (1975)

ジャンル : ドラマ, アクション

上映時間 : 1時間 23分

演出 : Memduh Ün


Cellat, the Turkish version of Death Wish, sticks fairly close plot wise to the template of the American film, with some scenes and bits of dialogue being almost identical. However, it also deviates from its inspiration at times and is at its most interesting and valuable in these little moments, providing lurid snapshots of a place and a culture.


Serdar Gökhan
Serdar Gökhan
Emel Özden
Emel Özden
Melek Ayberk
Melek Ayberk
Reha Yurdakul
Reha Yurdakul
Oktar Durukan
Oktar Durukan
Tarık Şimşek
Tarık Şimşek
İbrahim Kurt
İbrahim Kurt
Yeşim Yükselen
Yeşim Yükselen
İhsan Gedik
İhsan Gedik
Nesrin Yesilyurt
Nesrin Yesilyurt
Abdi Algül
Abdi Algül
Aydın Haberdar
Aydın Haberdar
Hüseyin Kutman
Hüseyin Kutman
Gülten Kaya
Gülten Kaya
Kenan Pars
Kenan Pars
Muammer Gözalan
Muammer Gözalan
Coşkun Göğen
Coşkun Göğen
Süheyl Eğriboz
Süheyl Eğriboz
Muzaffer Cıvan
Muzaffer Cıvan
Ramazan Akboğa
Ramazan Akboğa
Mahmut Hekimoğlu
Mahmut Hekimoğlu
Mustafa Doğan
Mustafa Doğan
Mehmet Yağmur
Mehmet Yağmur
Yusuf Çetin
Yusuf Çetin
Niyazi Gökdere
Niyazi Gökdere
Mehmet Ali Akpınar
Mehmet Ali Akpınar
Oktay Yavuz
Oktay Yavuz
Yılmaz Kurt
Yılmaz Kurt
Kadir Kök
Kadir Kök
Tevfik Şen
Tevfik Şen
Sönmez Yıkılmaz
Sönmez Yıkılmaz
Hakkı Kıvanç
Hakkı Kıvanç
Giray Alpan
Giray Alpan
Tahsin Koray
Tahsin Koray
Erdoğan Seren
Erdoğan Seren
Hüseyin Zan
Hüseyin Zan
Ahmet Kostarika
Ahmet Kostarika


Memduh Ün
Memduh Ün
Bülent Oran
Bülent Oran
Memduh Ün
Memduh Ün


Premium Rush
In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.
死にたい小説家とクビ寸前の殺し屋が繰り広げる追走劇を描いたイギリス製コメディ。小説家を目指すも全く芽の出ない青年ウィリアムは、人生に絶望して7回も自殺を試みたが、いずれも失敗していた。一方、ベテラン殺し屋のレスリーは、英国暗殺者組合の暗殺件数のノルマを達成できず引退寸前に追い込まれていた。ある日、ひょんなことからレスリーと知り合ったウィリアムは、1週間以内に自分を暗殺するよう依頼する。そんな矢先、出版社で働くエミリーから、ウィリアムの小説を出版したいという電話が掛かってくる。出版へ向けて話し合ううちに急速にひかれ合うウィリアムとエミリー。ようやく生きる希望を見いだしたウィリアムは、レスリーとの契約破棄を希望するが……。小説家ウィリアムを「ダンケルク」のアナイリン・バーナード、殺し屋レスリーを「フル・モンティ」のトム・ウィルキンソン、ウィリアムに希望をもたらすエミリーを「モダンライフ・イズ・ラビッシュ ロンドンの泣き虫ギタリスト」のフレイア・メーバーがそれぞれ演じる。
Ab-normal Beauty
Jiney is an popular art and photography student, but despite winning an award, she remains unhappy with her work. After photographing the aftermath of a fatal car accident, she finds herself obsessed with death. Suffering from morbid throughts, flashbacks of an incident from her youth when she was sexually abused by some young boys start to appear.
Here Awhile
Terminally ill Anna returns to Oregon to reconnect with her estranged brother while simultaneously making the heart-wrenching choice to end her life putting to use the Death with Dignity Act.
The Executioner
Cellat, the Turkish version of Death Wish, sticks fairly close plot wise to the template of the American film, with some scenes and bits of dialogue being almost identical. However, it also deviates from its inspiration at times and is at its most interesting and valuable in these little moments, providing lurid snapshots of a place and a culture.
Napoleon: Destiny and Death
May 5, 1821. Napoleon Bonaparte, deposed emperor exiled on the island of St. Helena, is about to take his last breath. The son of a Corsican family, he has been close to death on many occasions since, as a young captain in the revolutionary army, he seized Toulon from the royalists in 1793.
The Ages of Lulu
Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.
聖闘士星矢 真紅の少年伝説
After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.
クリムゾン・リバー2 黙示録の天使たち
It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.
ピエール・ブール原作のSF映画の金字塔「猿の惑星」を基に、その起源となる人類文明崩壊への道のりを明らかにしていくSFアクション大作。  アメリカ、サンフランシスコ。製薬会社の研究所でアルツハイマー治療の研究をする神経科学者、ウィル・ロッドマンは、開発中の新薬を投与したチンパンジーの知能が驚異的に発達したことを確認し、その成果を発表する。しかし、そのチンパンジーは突然暴れ出し警備員によって射殺されてしまう。事態を重く見た所長によってプロジェクトは中止を余儀なくされるが、射殺されたチンパンジーは妊娠中だったことから、ウィルは生まれたばかりの赤ん坊を秘かに引き取るとシーザーと名付け、自ら育てることに。そして、次第にウィルとシーザーのあいだに人間の親子のような絆が芽生えていく。その一方で、シーザーは並外れた知性を発揮し始めていく。ところが、すっかり成長したシーザーはある日、ウィルの父を助けようとして隣人とトラブルを起こしてしまう。それが原因でウィルと引き離され、類人猿保護施設の檻の中で屈辱と絶望の日々を送ることになるシーザーだったが…。
21世紀末の世界大戦により人類は大量の化学兵器を使用した。その結果地上の大半は居住不可能となり富裕層はヨーロッパを中心としたブリテン連邦(the United Federation of Britain、通称UFB)に住み、貧困層は反対側のオーストラリアを中心としたコロニーに居住する事になり、コロニーの住民はUFBの労働力の為にフォールと呼ばれる巨大なエレベーターに乗りUFBに通勤し働いていた。やがてUFBからの独立と解放を目的とするリーダーのマサイアスを中心としたレジスタンスと呼ばれる反体制派のテロ活動が盛んになり、UFB代表のコーヘイゲンはロボット警官のシンセティックの増産を唱える。
George, a lonely and fatalistic teen who's made it all the way to his senior year without ever having done a real day of work, is befriended by Sally, a popular but complicated girl who recognizes in him a kindred spirit.