
Paris 36 (2008)

Music halls, romance, and danger. This is Paris, 1936.

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 0分

演出 : Christophe Barratier


A star is born in a time of both celebration and instability in this historical drama with music from director Christophe Barratier. In the spring of 1936, Paris is in a state of uncertainty; while the rise of the Third Reich in Germany worries many, a leftist union-oriented candidate, Léon Blum, has been voted into power, and organized labor is feeling its new power by standing up to management.


Gérard Jugnot
Gérard Jugnot
Germain Pigoil
Clovis Cornillac
Clovis Cornillac
Émile Leibovich, aka 'Milou'
Kad Merad
Kad Merad
Jacky Jacquet
Nora Arnezeder
Nora Arnezeder
Pierre Richard
Pierre Richard
Max, aka 'Monsieur TSF'
Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu
Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu
Félix Galapiat
Maxence Perrin
Maxence Perrin
Jojo Pigoil
François Morel
François Morel
Élisabeth Vitali
Élisabeth Vitali
Viviane, Jojo's mother
Christophe Kourotchkine
Christophe Kourotchkine
Lebeaupin, Viviane's new husband
Éric Naggar
Éric Naggar
Eric Prat
Eric Prat
Commissioner Tortil
Julien Courbey
Julien Courbey
Mondain, Galapiat driver
Philippe du Janerand
Philippe du Janerand
Triquet, Galapiat's henchman
Marc Citti
Marc Citti
Inspector of Quai des Orfèvres
Christian Bouillette
Christian Bouillette
Dubrulle, stage manager
Thierry Nenez
Thierry Nenez
Crouzet, grocer
Frédéric Papalia
Frédéric Papalia
Clément, Jojo's friend
Stéphane Debac
Stéphane Debac
Social services inspector
Jean Lescot
Jean Lescot
Dorfeuil, first director of Chansonia
Daniel Benoin
Daniel Benoin
Borchard, producer
Wilfred Benaïche
Wilfred Benaïche
Jeannot, costume designer
Reinhardt Wagner
Reinhardt Wagner
Blaise, pianist
Patrick Ligardes
Patrick Ligardes
Controller 1945
Franck Ferrari
Franck Ferrari
Gilles San Juan
Gilles San Juan
Tony Rossignol
Manuela Gourary
Manuela Gourary
Realistic singer
François Jerosme
François Jerosme
Comic trooper
Thierry Liagre
Thierry Liagre
Laundry boss
Paul Chariéras
Paul Chariéras
Laundry man
Julian Martin
Julian Martin
Assistant inspector
Rudolf Pellar
Rudolf Pellar
Old man at Chansonia
Bohumil Švarc
Bohumil Švarc
Old man at the window
Fedele Papalia
Fedele Papalia
Metro policeman
Christian Eustache
Christian Eustache
Metro policeman
Éric Bouvelle
Éric Bouvelle
Philippe Scagni
Philippe Scagni
Corsican singer
Virginie Bordes
Virginie Bordes
Michel Pilorgé
Michel Pilorgé
Bus guy
Violette Barratier
Violette Barratier
Daughter Lebeaupin
David N. Jahn
David N. Jahn
Grégoire Clamart
Grégoire Clamart
Thug (uncredited)
Gérard Robert Gratadour
Gérard Robert Gratadour
Theater technician (uncredited)
Sophie Knittl
Sophie Knittl
Mrs. Célestin (uncredited)
Eric Laugérias
Eric Laugérias
Marseille comic (uncredited)
Pierre Peyrichout
Pierre Peyrichout
Ironic client (uncredited)


Christophe Barratier
Christophe Barratier
Christian Rajaud
Christian Rajaud
VFX Supervisor
Frank Thomas
Frank Thomas
Original Story
Reinhardt Wagner
Reinhardt Wagner
Original Story
Christophe Barratier
Christophe Barratier
Julien Rappeneau
Julien Rappeneau
Pierre Philippe
Pierre Philippe
Nicolas Mauvernay
Nicolas Mauvernay
Jacques Perrin
Jacques Perrin
Reinhardt Wagner
Reinhardt Wagner
Original Music Composer
Tom Stern
Tom Stern
Director of Photography
Yves Deschamps
Yves Deschamps
Sylvie Brocheré
Sylvie Brocheré
Jean Rabasse
Jean Rabasse
Production Design
Carine Sarfati
Carine Sarfati
Costume Design
Pascale Bouquière
Pascale Bouquière
Key Makeup Artist
Roman Dymny
Roman Dymny
Sound Editor
Daniel Sobrino
Daniel Sobrino
Sound Recordist




クラウド アトラス
それぞれ時代も場所も違う6つのエピソードが入れ子状に関連しながら大きな物語を構成していくデイヴィッド・ミッチェルの同名小説を、「マトリックス」のウォシャウスキー姉弟と「パフューム ある人殺しの物語」のトム・ティクヴァ監督が、原作同様、エピソードごとにジャンルの違う語りで映画化した一大映像叙事詩。主演のトム・ハンクスはじめ、ハル・ベリー、ジム・ブロードベント、ペ・ドゥナら豪華スターたちが輪廻転生を象徴するように、各時代の登場人物を人種や性別を超えて演じ分ける大胆な配役も話題に。  1849年、南太平洋。青年ユーイングは、妻の父から奴隷売買を託され、船での航海に出るが…。1936年、スコットランド。ユーイングの航海日誌を読む若き作曲家フロビシャー。父に勘当され、天才作曲家のもとで曲づくりに悪戦苦闘する。その曲は、のちに幻の名曲と呼ばれる『クラウド アトラス六重奏』だった…。1973年、サンフランシスコ。巨大企業の汚職を追及する女性ジャーナリスト、ルイサは、会社が放った殺し屋に命を狙われるが…。2012年、イングランド。著書を酷評した評論家を殺害した作家ホギンズ。彼の自伝は大ヒットし、出版元の編集者は大儲けとなるが…。2144年、ネオ・ソウル。そこは遺伝子操作によって複製種が作られ、人間のために消費される社会。複製種の少女ソンミ451は自我に目覚め、反乱を企てるが…。そして遥か未来、文明がすっかり崩壊した地球。ある羊飼いの男のもとを、進化した人間コミュニティからやって来た一人の女が訪ねるが…。6つのエピソードは並行して描かれ、やがて怒濤のクライマックスへと突き進んでいく。
The story of a dysfunctional couple, whose problems will inevitably deteriorate their marriage and their son's life.
Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?
After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him.
インサイド・ルーウィン・デイヴィス 名もなき男の歌
コーエン兄弟が伝説のシンガー、デイヴ・ヴァン・ロンクの回想録をもとに映画化。第66回カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員特別グランプリを受賞。フォークソングで有名な1960年代のニューヨークはグリニッジビレッジを舞台に、音楽活動に奔走しながらも苦闘するシンガー・ソングライターが過ごす1週間を見つめる。 1960年代のニューヨーク、冬。若い世代のアートやカルチャーが花開いていたエリア、グリニッジビレッジのライブハウスでフォークソングを歌い続けるシンガー・ソングライターのルーウィン・デイヴィス(オスカー・アイザック)。熱心に音楽に取り組む彼だったが、なかなかレコードは売れない。それゆえに音楽で食べていくのを諦めようとする彼だが、何かと友人たちに手を差し伸べられ……。
Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles. While successful in his career, his life feels empty. Haunted and confused, he finds temporary solace in the decadent Hollywood excess that defines his existence. Women provide a distraction to his daily pain, and every encounter brings him closer to finding his place in the world.
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物語は、娘の雪が、母である花の半生を語るかたちで綴られる。 東京のはずれにある国立大学に通う、女子大生の花は、大学の教室でとある男と出会い、恋に落ちる。その男は自分がニホンオオカミの末裔、「おおかみおとこ」であることを告白するが、花はそれを受け入れ2人の子供を産む。産まれた姉「雪」と弟「雨」は狼に変身できる「おおかみこども」であった。しかし雨の出産直後、男は亡くなってしまう。花は2人の「おおかみこども」の育児に追われるが、都会ではたびたび狼に変身してしまう雪と雨を育てるのは難しく、山奥の古民家に移住する。 人の目を気にすることなく山奥で姉弟は育っていく。蛇や猪をも恐れない活発で狼になるのが好きな雪に対し、弟の雨は内向的であったが、やがて雪は小学校に通うようになり、狼にならないように気をつけ、人間として生きていく。一方で雨は小学校に馴染めず、山に入っては狼となって、一匹の狐を「先生」と呼び彼から山で生きる術を学んでいく。
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殺害事件の手口から捜査線上に浮上したのは、すでに死んだと思われていたソビエト伝説のスパイ“カシウス”だった。犯人はカシウスなのか? 真相を解明するため、CIAは引退した元諜報員ポールと、仕事への情熱に溢れる若きFBI捜査官ギアリーに捜査にあたらせるが……
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Special Correspondents
R2I, a famous news radio station, sends its best reporting duo to Iraq: Frank, journalist, and Poussin, sound engineer. Very quickly, millions of listeners follow their highly documented stories, reflecting the hot intensity of the fighting and the difficult survival of the population.
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Esther is at the end of her career as Head Seamstress at Dior Avenue Montaigne workshop. One day, she gets her handbag stolen in the metro by a 20 years old girl, Jade. Instead of calling the police she decides to take care of Jade. She sees in her the opportunity to pass on her skills, the craft of dressmaking, her only wealth. In the frenetic world of Haute Couture, Esther will give Jade la beauté du geste, a way to reach beyond herself.
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Daredevil sailor Sinbad embarks on a voyage across the Seven Seas to find the lost riches of Alexander the Great. His first stop is the port of Basra, where his ship is seized and scheduled for auction. In his attempt to win it back, he befriends beautiful concubine Shireen. But when her master, the nefarious Emir, calls her back to duty, Sinbad must interrupt his adventure to save the "Jewel of Persia."
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Raiders of Atlantis
A team of scientists working to raise a sunken Russian nuclear submarine on an ocean platform off the coast of Miami, Florida, unearth an ancient Atlantean relic from the sea floor and bring in an expert to make some sense of it. But while attempting to raise the sub, radioactive leakage from its missles triggers the re-emergence of Atlantis, and the resulting tidal wave destroys the platform and leaves only a small group of survivors. Rescued by two Vietnamvets-turned-heavies who are out relaxing after their latest job, their boat eventually runs aground on a Carribean island nearby where, upon going ashore, it is discovered that everything has been destroyed and everybody killed. The culprits, a vicious group of well-armed raiders, and their leader, Crystal Skull, are descendants of Atlantis' original race who set about reclaiming the world and adding the survivors to the list of victims as they struggle to stay alive and defeat the raiders and send Atlantis back to the ocean floor.
My Cousin
Pierre is the highly successful CEO of a large family-owned company. Before signing the deal of the century, he has to settle one last formality: obtain the signature of his cousin Adrien who owns 50% of his firm. This sweet, idealistic dreamer, who makes one blunder after another, is so happy to see Pierre again that he wants to spend time with him and delay the moment of signing. So Pierre has no choice but to take his cousin with him on a turbulent business trip during which his patience will be put to the test.
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Eight short films explore the subject of male infidelity. Serial cheaters, Fred and Greg, spend a night on the town doing what they do best, and with absolutely no regrets. The duo play various characters in assorted extracurricular situations, ranging from sexist to the darker sides of carnal desires.
Counter Investigation
A cop investigates whether the man convicted of murdering his daughter is really guilty.
The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...
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It's the beginning of the WWII. South of France. Patricia, 18, is the oldest daughter of a well-digger, Pascal, who considers her a princess because of her moral qualities. She's kind, devoted. One day, she briefly meets a young man, Jacques, the son of Mazel, owner of the shop where her father buy his material. He's handsome and teasing. Her father's friend, Felipe, would love to marry her, and he invites her to an aviation show. She accepts his invitation only because she knows Jacques is a pilot and will be there. Soon, she'll carry his child, and he'll be gone, and the family will have to deal with this out-of-wedlock pregnancy...
Monsieur Batignole
In 1942, in an occupied Paris, the apolitical grocer Edmond Batignole lives with his wife and daughter in a small apartment in the building of his grocery. When his future son-in-law and collaborator of the German Pierre-Jean Lamour calls the Nazis to arrest the Jewish Bernstein family, they move to the confiscated apartment. Some days later, the young Simon Bernstein escapes from the Germans and comes to his former home. When Batignole finds him, he feels sorry for the boy and lodges him, hiding Simon from Pierre-Jean and also from his wife. Later, two cousins of Simon meet him in the cellar of the grocery. When Pierre-Jean finds the children, Batignole decides to travel with the children to Switzerland.