Street Stars: The Alpo Story (2007)

The drug game wasn't personal, it was business.

ジャンル : 犯罪, ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 55分


With his buddies AZ and Rich Porter, Alpo rose to become one of New York’s top drug kingpins in the 1980s. This documentary traces the life and career of the young man dubbed the unofficial “Mayor of Harlem.” Business smarts and hard work led to street fame and enormous fortune for the friends, but when flashy Porter neglected to pay money he owed to the more unassuming Alpo, the rift in their partnership led to betrayal, murder and prison.Eagerly anticipated story about the most popular guy in the most trend-setting part of the world…Harlem. As a young boy growing up in Harlem, Alpo and his friends (AZ & Rich Porter) took advantage of a power vacuum in the drug game after the head kingpins from the ’70s were either killed or incarcerated. Through business savvy (offering the lowest drug prices in town), hard work, and charismatic public relations Alpo became the unofficial “Mayor of Harlem”. Watch as ambition turns to greed, which leads to murder.




Michael is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded house with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum, but still meets with Fresh on occasion to play chess. Fresh is rather quiet in a crazy world. Fresh's sister is a junkie who sleeps with the dealers that Fresh sells for. As the story progresses Fresh realizes that he doesn't want to sell drugs anymore, he wants revenge.
Rollin' with the Nines
Too Fine and his friends Finny, Pushy and Rage hope to set up a successful urban underground garage...
How to Make Money Selling Drugs
Ten easy steps show you how to make money from drugs, featuring a series of interviews with drug dealers, prison employees, and lobbyists arguing for tougher drug laws.
Half Baked
Three lovable party buds try to bail their friend out of jail. But just when the guys have mastered a plan, everything comes dangerously close to going up in smoke.
Grocery store clerk Simon occasionally sells drugs from his cash register at work, so when soap opera actors Adam and Zack come looking for Ecstasy on a quiet Christmas Eve, they are surprised to find Ronna covering his shift. Desperate for money, Ronna decides to become an impromptu drug dealer, unaware that Adam and Zack are secretly working for obsessed narcotics officer Burke.
A gangster, Nino, is in the Cash Money Brothers, making a million dollars every week selling crack. A cop, Scotty, discovers that the only way to infiltrate the gang is to become a dealer himself.
Craig and Smokey are two guys in Los Angeles hanging out on their porch on a Friday afternoon, smoking and drinking, looking for something to do.
Tell Your Children
High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens: a drug supplier entices several restless teens, Mary and Jimmy Lane, sister and brother, and Bill, Mary's boyfriend, into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives.
In the Mexican state of Michoacán, Dr. Jose Mireles, a small-town physician known as "El Doctor," shepherds a citizen uprising against the Knights Templar, the violent drug cartel that has wreaked havoc on the region for years. Meanwhile, in Arizona's Altar Valley—a narrow, 52-mile-long desert corridor known as Cocaine Alley—Tim "Nailer" Foley, an American veteran, heads a small paramilitary group called Arizona Border Recon, whose goal is to halt Mexico’s drug wars from seeping across our border.
エリート・スクワッド ブラジル特殊部隊BOPE
After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.
In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged.
マンハッタンのミッションスクールに通うジムたちは、バスケットボールに夢中な無垢な不良少年であったが、教師である神父にいじめられたのをきっかけにドラッグを始めてしまい、やがて退学、泥棒、ホームレス、果ては殺人と、彼らを破滅の道へと招いていく…。 ジム・キャロルの実体験にもとづく全米ベストセラー青春文学『マンハッタン少年日記』の映画化。レオナルド・ディカプリオが堕ちていく純粋な少年を迫真の演技で体現している。全体的に乾いたシンプルな演出が施されており、ウェットなセンチメンタルになることを巧みに避けているのが、逆に悲劇のリアリティを高めている。共演もマーク・ウォールバーグなど、後にブレイクした若手俳優が多数出演。(的田也寸志)
相棒と女房に裏切られ、背中から銃で撃たれた男――ポーター。飲んだくれのヤブ医者の治療により瀕死の状態からどうにか蘇った。5か月の治療で背中の傷は癒えたが、心の傷は一向に癒える気配がない。それを癒す術は、裏切った相棒と女房への復讐、そして奪われた7万ドルを取り戻すことだけだった。 ポーターは怒りを胸に秘め街を徘徊し、非合法な手段で瞬く間に小金と銃を手に入れる。彼はただ、本来自分の取り分だったはずの7万ドルを取り返したいだけだ。しかし、復讐のためには手段を選ばないポーターの常軌を逸した行動は、様々な人間の思惑を巻き込み、事態を最悪の方向へ加速させていくのであった。
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