
Million Dollars (2011)

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 47分

演出 : Janusz Kondratiuk


Bozenka, a worker from a large bank, believes that only those who buy, truly live their life. And there is always not enough money! The reason for her frustration is also her husband, Stasiunek, who should be a devilish lover of the most beautiful women in the world, but in fact he is a lazy bumbler. And then one day she gets a chance…


Jakub Gierszał
Jakub Gierszał
Joanna Kulig
Joanna Kulig
Kinga Preis
Kinga Preis
Tomasz Karolak
Tomasz Karolak
Hanna Konarowska
Hanna Konarowska
Andrzej Grabowski
Andrzej Grabowski
Rafał Mohr
Rafał Mohr
Barbara Krafftówna
Barbara Krafftówna
Hanna Walczak
Jiří Pomeje
Jiří Pomeje


Janusz Kondratiuk
Janusz Kondratiuk
Janusz Kondratiuk
Janusz Kondratiuk
Dominik Wieczorkowski-Rettinger
Dominik Wieczorkowski-Rettinger
Leszek Mozdzer
Leszek Mozdzer
Original Music Composer
Piotr Lenar
Piotr Lenar
Director of Photography


インサイド・ジョブ 世界不況の知られざる真実
Danger One
While transporting a dying man to the hospital, two paramedics find a million dollars in cash sewn into his clothing. When the man dies, they decide to keep it, setting them on a path for a hellish night of violence and mayhem.
Mad Money
Three female employees of the Federal Reserve plot to steal money that is about to be destroyed.
Meet the McTeagues. They've come to stake a claim in their wealthy uncle's will… only he's not dead yet!
A young agent is tasked with investigating a tangled web of corruption and fraud in New York.
Disney's クリスマス・キャロル
相棒と女房に裏切られ、背中から銃で撃たれた男――ポーター。飲んだくれのヤブ医者の治療により瀕死の状態からどうにか蘇った。5か月の治療で背中の傷は癒えたが、心の傷は一向に癒える気配がない。それを癒す術は、裏切った相棒と女房への復讐、そして奪われた7万ドルを取り戻すことだけだった。 ポーターは怒りを胸に秘め街を徘徊し、非合法な手段で瞬く間に小金と銃を手に入れる。彼はただ、本来自分の取り分だったはずの7万ドルを取り返したいだけだ。しかし、復讐のためには手段を選ばないポーターの常軌を逸した行動は、様々な人間の思惑を巻き込み、事態を最悪の方向へ加速させていくのであった。
A group of strangers come across a man dying after a car crash who proceeds to tell them about the $350,000 he buried in California. What follows is the madcap adventures of those strangers as each attempts to claim the prize for himself.
Charting the rise and fall of three corrupt real estate agents who accumulate absurd wealth in no time but fall into a vortex of fraud, greed and drugs.
チャーリー・モルデカイ 華麗なる名画の秘密
ドラゴンボール 神龍の伝説
ナチョ・リブレ 覆面の神様
Nacho Libre is loosely based on the story of Fray Tormenta ("Friar Storm"), aka Rev. Sergio Gutierrez Benitez, a real-life Mexican Catholic priest who had a 23-year career as a masked luchador. He competed in order to support the orphanage he directed.


The Last Action
When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite
Comedy about female friendship, subjected to an extreme test. Two girlfriends - Eva and Maya - are introduced in an exclusive spa with a beautiful masseuse, Cornelia, which involves them in a whirlpool of crazy adventures.
A Jungle Book of Regulations
Nie ma róży bez ognia title in Polish: There is no rose without fire, in reference to two mixed up proverbs – There is no rose without thorns, and There is no smoke without the fire – is a Polish comedy film from 1974 directed by Stanisław Bareja.
Brunet Will Call
Modest editor, has shipped his wife and kids for the weekend, and is trying to relax in his house at the outskirts of Warsaw. His quiet evening is only disturbed by the accidental forecast made by a Gypsy woman, that at evening time he will murder a mysterious brunet.
Four friends are facing problems like infidelity, infertility and disease. But together, they can solve every single problem.
What Will You Do When You Catch Me?
Tadeusz Krzakoski (Krzysztof Kowalewski), the director of a failing state-owned company, is married with problems. His mistress, the daughter of a Communist party bigwig, says she's pregnant and Tadeusz knows he'll have to marry her to save his reputation and his job. But divorce is never simple and Bareja's screwball comedies are never boring.
The wedding of Kornel, a young, well known TV scientist, to the famous singer, Alicja, is to be the social event of the year. In the suburban reception hall, the final preperations are being made. The waiter, Tytus, who is somewhat touchy having just found out he is to become a father, lays out the cutlery on the tables.
The film tells about mainly three people - Max, a bored, smart, poor University Professor of Philosophy; Ramzes, a mafia leader, cool, strong, merciless bully and Stella, Ramzes girlfriend.
The sophisticated thief of art Robert "Cuma" Cuminski is released on probation from the local prison by the corrupt Doctor Wiaderny to organize the theft of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting "Lady with Ermine" for the dealer Gruby. Three years ago, Cuma was accidentally arrested by the snoopy detective Wilk after a successful heist in the house of the collector Lehman, but he has not ratted his comrade Julian.
King Size
A comedy. The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big Eater, ruler of the dwarves. The dwarf kingdom, Shuflandia, exists in a cellar of a library, and only the most obedient get the chance to grow to king size and inhabit the larger world. Once there, nobody wants to return to Shuflandia. Also, there are no women in Shuflandia.
Just Love Me
Modern-day Warsaw shines in this romantic comedy about the love life of a young, hip architect. In his break-out role, popular Polish television star Maciej Zakoscielny plays the handsome young professional, who is torn between two women.
Coyote's Morning
Kuba, a young cartoon artist who works as a waiter at sophisticated parties, falls in love with beautiful Noemi and accidentally gets involved in gangster affairs
Killer 2
Jurek Kiler (see the prequel to this movie, "Kiler") has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, and stuff. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations, and problems in his love life...
Teddy Bear
The main character, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances, is a manager of a sports club in Poland. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament. It appears that somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done it in order to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is taking part in a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for another actor is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play the dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...
Boys Don't Cry
One of the best Polish comedies of the late 1990s, "Boys Don't Cry" is a satirical look at the gangsters of Poland and some teens who accidentally get involved with them.
An innocent cab driver is mistaken for a contract killer and imprisoned. Soon, he is sprung by a mob boss who needs "Killer" for a few more jobs.
96時間  リベンジ
かつてCIA工作員として政府の影の仕事を行っていたブライアンだが、退職し今はアメリカで危険の無い仕事をしながら離婚した妻との間にできた愛娘キムに会ったりして日々を平和に過ごしていた。 ある日キムは友人と二人だけでパリ旅行をしたいとブライアンにせがむ。子供達だけで危険な海外旅行に行く事は当然許しがたい事であったが、悲しむキムについつい旅行を許してしまう。 パリについたキムたちは、空港で外国旅行者を狙う犯罪グループに目をつけらていたのだった。宿泊先で父と電話中だったキムは友人が大胆にも室内で誘拐される様を目撃してしまう。 父の咄嗟の指示により犯行一味の手がかりを話ながらキムも無情に連れ去られてしまう。取り残された携帯電話に犯人が出た気配に気付き、ブライアンは呼びかける。 「私には長年にわたって培った特殊なスキルがある。娘を返せ。さもなければお前を探し出し、殺す」 犯人は電話を切るがそこから得られた本当に僅かな手がかりを辿ってブライアンの娘を取り戻す孤独な強行作戦が始まる。