
Forced Nightmare (1992)

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 40分

演出 : Lau Sze-Yu


A female psychic (Sandra Ng) leaves her mainland home to visit Hong Kong. Along the way her bus crashes killing everyone on board except her (her powers protected her but they cause the dead passengers to re-aminate). So, she seeks the help of a famous Tao Priest (Lam Ching-Ying) to put the dead back to rest.


Lam Ching-Ying
Lam Ching-Ying
Tao Priest
Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu
Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu
Michael Chow Man-Kin
Michael Chow Man-Kin
Charlie Cho
Charlie Cho
Wu Fung
Wu Fung
Eliza Yue
Eliza Yue
Xiong Xin-Xin
Xiong Xin-Xin
Lam Kai-Wing
Lam Kai-Wing
Wong Yat-fei
Wong Yat-fei
Tseng Chang
Tseng Chang
Yau Gin-Gwok
Yau Gin-Gwok
Gregory Charles Rivers
Gregory Charles Rivers
Lawrence Lau Sek-Yin
Lawrence Lau Sek-Yin


Lau Sze-Yu
Lau Sze-Yu


Once an architect, Frank Bannister now passes himself off as an exorcist of evil spirits. To bolster his facade, he claims his "special" gift is the result of a car accident that killed his wife. But what he does not count on is more people dying in the small town where he lives. As he tries to piece together the supernatural mystery of these killings, he falls in love with the wife of one of the victims and deals with a crazy FBI agent.
A newly married couple discovers disturbing, ghostly images in photographs they develop after a tragic accident. Fearing the manifestations may be connected, they investigate and learn that some mysteries are better left unsolved.
No Retreat, No Surrender
Young Jason Stillwell moves with his parents to Seattle, where local bullies harass them without mercy. Jason's father Tom does not believe in violence, so the family takes it on the chin. One day Jason enrolls in a martial arts class and quietly rises in rank to be a major contender. His mettle is tested in an international match against Ivan, a Russian champion.
離婚調停中であり、娘の郁子の親権を夫邦夫と争っている淑美は生活を立て直そうと、郁子と一緒に新しいマンションに引っ越す。しかし、そこは雨漏りが酷い、水道水が不味い、上階の子供の足音がよく響くなど不具合が多く、また彼女は何か不穏なものを感じていた。 ある日、淑美は屋上で、赤い子供用バッグ(mimikoバッグ)を見つけ、それがきっかけで郁子と同じ幼稚園に通っていた少女・河合美津子が2年前から行方不明になっているのを知る。美津子は父と共に、淑美たちの真上の部屋に住んでいて、行方不明になったときには似たバッグをかけていた。 バッグは落とし物としてマンション管理人に届け、捨てられたことを確認するが、後日また屋上で同じものが見つかった。娘の郁子はバッグが気になるようで、また、見えない女の子と会話する奇行が見られるようになった。淑美は、美津子の霊が郁子を連れ去ろうとしているのではないかと恐慌に陥り、一度はマンションを出る決意する。
A musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic ghost tale starring Albert Finney.
Ebenezer Scrooge malcontentedly shuffles through life as a cruel, miserly businessman; until he is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve who show him how his unhappy childhood and adult behavior has left him a selfish, lonely old man.
A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.
Accomplished sailor Charlie St. Cloud has the adoration of his mother Claire and his little brother Sam, as well as a college scholarship that will lead him far from his sleepy Pacific Northwest hometown. But his bright future is cut short when a tragedy strikes and takes his dreams with it. After his high-school classmate Tess returns home unexpectedly, Charlie grows torn between honoring a promise he made four years earlier and moving forward with newfound love. And as he finds the courage to let go of the past for good, Charlie discovers the soul most worth saving is his own.
In the Sengoku period, a woman and her daughter are raped and murdered by soldiers during a time of civil war. Afterwards, a series of samurai returning from the war through that area are found mysteriously dead with their throats torn out. The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero to quell what is evidently an Onryō ghost. He encounters the two beautiful women in an eerie, beautiful scene. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.
Ebenezer Scrooge is far too greedy to understand that Christmas is a time for kindness and generosity. But with the guidance of some new found friends, Scrooge learns to embrace the spirit of the season. A retelling of the classic Dickens tale with Disney's classic characters.
A young photographer Thun and his girlfriend Jane discover mysterious shadows in their photographs after fleeing the scene of an accident. As they investigate the phenomenon, they find other photographs contain similar supernatural images, that Thun's best friends are being haunted as well, and Jane discovers that her boyfriend has not told her everything. It soon becomes clear that you can not escape your past.
Disney's クリスマス・キャロル