
Rosamunde Pilcher: Herzenssehnsucht (2009)

ジャンル : ロマンス, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Stefan Bartmann
脚本 : Gabriele Kister


Jonathan MacKenzie is the founder of a leading brand textile Irish who now heads her daughter Kate (Denise Zich) and her husband Patrick O'Hara (Jens Peter Nünemann). But on his deathbed his past haunts him and confesses the whereabouts of Teresa (Maha-Celine Probst), his granddaughter, daughter of his deceased son, whom he took when he was born and now lives happily with his adoptive family But now the biological mother of the girl on a journey to recover ..


Denise Zich
Denise Zich
Kate O'Hara
Jochen Horst
Jochen Horst
Nicholas McDermott
Klaus Wildbolz
Klaus Wildbolz
Jonathan McKenna
Jens Nünemann
Jens Nünemann
Patrick O'Hara
Alexandra Schalaudek
Alexandra Schalaudek
Claire Molloy
Bernd Stephan
Bernd Stephan
Sean McDermott


Stefan Bartmann
Stefan Bartmann
Rosamunde Pilcher
Rosamunde Pilcher
Gabriele Kister
Gabriele Kister
Jürgen Ecke
Jürgen Ecke


Samson and Delilah
When strongman Samson rejects the love of the beautiful Philistine woman Delilah, she seeks vengeance that brings horrible consequences they both regret. The classic story of Samson and Delilah as told by Cecil B. DeMille.
Solomon and Sheba
Under the rule of King David, Israel is united and prosperous although surrounded by enemies including Egypt and its allies. The aging King David favors his younger son, Solomon, as his successor, but David's elder son Prince Adonijah, a warrior, declares himself King. When David learns of this, he publicly announces Solomon to be his successor. Adonijah and Joab, his general, withdraw in rage. Israel prospers under King Solomon's wise and benevolent rule and is seen as a threat to more tyrannical monarchs in the region. The Pharaoh of Egypt agrees to cede a Red Sea port to the Queen of Sheba in a plot to undermine Solomon's rule. Sheba is to seduce Solomon and introduce Sheban pagan worship into Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Prince Adonijah, now banished, also conspires with Pharaoh and is given an army to defeat Solomon. The film is a highly fictionalized dramatization of events depicted in The Bible -- First Kings chapter 10 and Second Chronicles chapter 9.
ミズーリ州南部オザーク山脈の村に住む少女リーは17歳にして一家の大黒柱として、心の病んだ母親の代わりに幼い弟と妹の世話をし、その日暮らしの生活を何とか切り盛りしていた。ある日、地元の保安官から衝撃的な事実を突きつけられる。 とうの昔に家を出て逮捕されていた父親が、自宅と土地を保釈金の担保にして失踪。もしこのまま裁判に出廷しなかったら、リーたちの 家は没収されるのだという。 やむなくリーは、たった一人で父親探しに乗り出すが、ならず者だらけの親族は全く協力してくれず、露骨な妨害工作さえ仕掛けてくる。 “非情な掟”に縛られた村で真実を探り当てることは不可能に近い。果たしてリーは父親を見つけ出し、家族を守ることができるのだろうかー。
ネバーエンディング・ストーリー 第2章
スペイン動乱を舞台に、ゲリラ活動に参加したアメリカ人の心情を描いた悲恋ドラマ。E・ヘミングウェイの同名小説をサム・ウッドが映画化。 政府の軍事輸送を阻止するため、鉄橋の爆破計画が練られた。作戦に参加したアメリカ人ロバートは、ジプシーのゲリラに協力を求める。そこでロバートは、美しい娘マリアと出会い、二人は激しく惹かれ合うが……。
Hey Good Lookin'
An outrageous, affectionate look at coming of age in the Eisenhower era in Brooklyn.
When Zoe tires of looking for Mr. Right, she decides to have a baby on her own. But on the day she's artificially inseminated, she meets Stan, who seems to be just who she's been searching for all her life. Now, Zoe has to figure out how to make her two life's dreams fit with each other.
HACHI 約束の犬
花と蛇2 パリ/静子
衝撃の官能ロマン『花と蛇』の第2弾。主演は前作に続き、杉本彩。杉本ふんする静子と激しい愛に挑戦するのは、遠藤憲一。大物俳優・宍戸錠も出演している。日本古来の春画の世界がスクリーンの中で再現され、スタッフとキャストが限界に挑んだ意欲作。 35歳という年の差ながら、深く愛し合う遠山隆義(宍戸錠)とその妻・静子(杉本彩)。美術評論家である遠山が崇拝する画壇の長老が亡くなった。彼は遠山にCGで描いたエロティックアートの数々を残していた。それを見た遠山は……。
Three teenagers are confined to an isolated country estate that could very well be on another planet. The trio spend their days listening to endless homemade tapes that teach them a whole new vocabulary. Any word that comes from beyond their family abode is instantly assigned a new meaning. Hence 'the sea' refers to a large armchair and 'zombies' are little yellow flowers. Having invented a brother whom they claim to have ostracized for his disobedience, the uber-controlling parents terrorize their offspring into submission.
Chronicles Jack Harris, one of the pioneers of internet commerce, as he wrestles with his morals and struggles not to drown in a sea of conmen, mobsters, drug addicts, and pornstars.
Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming
Chance Harris looks to find a balance between his school, work, relationships and opportunity to perform at the nationally televised step competition during homecoming weekend at Truth University.
50/50 フィフティ・フィフティ
On Haeundae Beach, a guilt-ridden fisherman takes care of a woman whose father accidentally got killed. A scientist reunites with his ex-wife and a daughter who doesn't even remember his face. And a poor rescue worker falls in love with a rich city girl. When they all find out a gigantic tsunami will hit the beach, they realize they only have 10 minutes to escape.
The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot -- the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal.


The Chef's Wife
Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It's not so much a change in job that Carole seems to need, as a change in husband. Marithé does everything she can to help Carole set out down a new path. But what are the real motives behind this devotion? After all, Marithé doesn't seem to be impervious to Sam's charms, or to his cooking.
The Brother from Space