
Four Around the Woman (1921)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Fritz Lang
脚本 : Fritz Lang, Thea von Harbou


Harry Yquem buys his beloved wife some jewelry in a place where underworld middlemen trade in fake and stolen goods. By chance, he spots a man with whom his wife had an affair in the past.


Hermann Böttcher
Hermann Böttcher
Florence's Father
Carola Toelle
Carola Toelle
Lilli Lohrer
Lilli Lohrer
Head Maid
Ludwig Hartau
Ludwig Hartau
Yquem, the Broker
Anton Edthofer
Anton Edthofer
Werner Krafft / William Krafft
Robert Forster-Larrinaga
Robert Forster-Larrinaga
Lisa von Marton
Lisa von Marton
Gottfried Huppertz
Gottfried Huppertz
Head Waiter
Rudolf Klein-Rogge
Rudolf Klein-Rogge
Harry Frank
Harry Frank
Paul Morgan
Paul Morgan
The Fence
Gerhard Ritterband
Gerhard Ritterband
Hans Lipschütz
Hans Lipschütz
Erika Unruh
Erika Unruh
Edgar Pauly
Edgar Pauly
Inconspicuous Man
Leonhard Haskel
Leonhard Haskel
Crook #1
Paul Rehkopf
Paul Rehkopf
Crook #2


Fritz Lang
Fritz Lang
Otto Kanturek
Otto Kanturek
Director of Photography
Fritz Lang
Fritz Lang
Thea von Harbou
Thea von Harbou
Rolf E. Vanloo
Rolf E. Vanloo
Theatre Play
Ernst Meiwers
Ernst Meiwers
Production Design
Hans Jacoby
Hans Jacoby
Production Design


スタンリー・キューブリックがA・C・クラークのアイディアを基に製作したSF映画の金字塔。 月に人が住むようになった時代。月のティコクレーターの地中からの謎の石碑「モノリス」が発掘され、合衆国宇宙評議会のフロイド博士が調査に向かう。それから18カ月後、最新型人工知能「HAL 9000型コンピュータ」を搭載した宇宙船ディスカバリー号は、デビッド・ボウマン船長、フランク・プールら5人のクルーを乗せて木星探査に向けて航行していた。しかし、その途上でHALが探査計画に対して疑問を抱いていることを打ち明ける。ボウマンとプールはHALの不調を疑い、いざというときはHALの回路を切断することを決めるが、それを知ったHALは反乱を起こす。
Semi-retired Michigan lawyer Paul Biegler takes the case of Army Lt. Manion, who murdered a local innkeeper after his wife claimed that he raped her. Over the course of an extensive trial, Biegler parries with District Attorney Lodwick and out-of-town prosecutor Claude Dancer to set his client free, but his case rests on the victim's mysterious business partner, who's hiding a dark secret.
Adventurous filmmaker, Carl Denham, sets out to produce a motion picture unlike anything the world has seen before. Alongside his leading lady Ann Darrow and his first mate Jack Driscoll, they arrive on an island and discover a legendary creature said to be neither beast nor man. Denham captures the monster to displayed on Broadway as Kong, the eighth wonder of the world.
In this classic German thriller, Hans Beckert, a serial killer who preys on children, becomes the focus of a massive Berlin police manhunt. Beckert's heinous crimes are so repellant and disruptive to city life that he is even targeted by others in the seedy underworld network. With both cops and criminals in pursuit, the murderer soon realizes that people are on his trail, sending him into a tense, panicked attempt to escape justice.
When elderly pensioner Umberto Domenico Ferrari returns to his boarding house from a protest calling for a hike in old-age pensions, his landlady demands her 15,000-lire rent by the end of the month or he and his small dog will be turned out onto the street. Unable to get the money in time, Umberto fakes illness to get sent to a hospital, giving his beloved dog to the landlady's pregnant and abandoned maid for temporary safekeeping.
雪深い山に金鉱を捜し求めてきた一人の金鉱探し・チャーリー。猛吹雪に難渋した上、転がり込んだ小屋にはお尋ね者のブラック・ラーセンがいた。やがて、同じく猛吹雪で転がり込んできた金鉱探しのビッグ・ジム・マッケイと避難生活を送ることとなる。寒さと飢えがピークに達し、ビッグ・ジムはチャーリーがニワトリに見える始末。やがて靴を食べる生活まで始めた。 ビッグ・ジムと別れ、麓に出来た新興の街にやってきたチャーリーは酒場で出会ったジョージアに一目ぼれ。最初はチャーリーの単なる片思いであったが、ジョージアも粗暴なジャックに愛想を尽かし、チャーリーに少しずつ思いを寄せるようになる。 酒場で偶然再会したビッグ・ジムと艱難辛苦の上、ついに金鉱を探し当て百万長者になったチャーリー。帰りの船上でジョージアと再会。めでたく結ばれる。
Miss Annie Rooney
A poor girl falls for a wealthy young man. He invites her to his gala birthday party, but she doesn't have the right kind of dress to wear, so her family and friends band together to raise money to get her the proper dress.
一人暮らしのゼペットじぃさんは、木でつくった人形に【ピノキオ】と名づけ、星に「自分の子どもになりますように…」と願いをかける。するとブルーフェアリーが現れ、魔法でピノキオに命を授け「勇気を持って生き、正直で優しければいつか本当の人間になれる」と言い残して去って行く。 学校へ通うようになったピノキオだが、いろいろな誘惑に惑わされてしまい…。
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Now and Forever
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Mountain Rivera is a veteran heavyweight and near-champion who suddenly finds himself washed up in the only trade he knows—prizefighting. Yet, threatened by gangsters for welshing on a gambling debt, Mountain’s opportunistic manager, Maish Rennick, schemes to get the ex-boxer into a phony wrestling match to make some quick money. Although he and his loyal trainer, Army, oppose the degrading proposition, the disillusioned Mountain begins to wonder if he has any options left.
Five and Ten
John owns the largest chain of five and ten cent stores in the country. He moves his family to New York from Kansas City and their life, though grand, is falling apart due to his constant working. Wife and mother Jenny is lonely. Son Avery hates his job. Daughter Jennifer is snubbed by classmate Muriel and her friends. At a charity bazaar, Jennifer meets Berry and sparks are evident. However, he is engaged to Muriel and Muriel will make sure that she, and only she, marries Berry. After the marriage, Berry still thinks of Jennifer as Jennifer thinks of Berry. Avery laments about the state of his family since they were happy in Kansas City.