
複製された男 (2013)

“脳力”が試される、究極の心理ミステリー あなたは、一度で見抜けるか—

ジャンル : スリラー, 謎

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Denis Villeneuve




Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake Gyllenhaal
Adam Bell / Anthony Claire
Mélanie Laurent
Mélanie Laurent
Sarah Gadon
Sarah Gadon
Helen Claire
Isabella Rossellini
Isabella Rossellini
Adam's Mother
Joshua Peace
Joshua Peace
Tim Post
Tim Post
Kedar Brown
Kedar Brown
Security Guard
Darryl Dinn
Darryl Dinn
Video Store Clerk
Megan Mane
Megan Mane
Lady in the Dark Room
Misha Highstead
Misha Highstead
Lady in the Dark Room
Alexis Uiga
Alexis Uiga
Lady in the Dark Room
Kiran Friesen
Kiran Friesen
Sad, Broken Woman (uncredited)
Loretta Yu
Loretta Yu
Receptionist (uncredited)
Stephen R. Hart
Stephen R. Hart
Bouncer (uncredited)
Paul Stephen
Paul Stephen
Dark Room Patron (uncredited)


Denis Villeneuve
Denis Villeneuve
José Saramago
José Saramago
Matthew Hannam
Matthew Hannam
Sean Breaugh
Sean Breaugh
Art Direction
Jim Lambie
Jim Lambie
Set Decoration
Renée April
Renée April
Costume Design
Nicolas Bolduc
Nicolas Bolduc
Director of Photography
Javier Gullón
Javier Gullón
Danny Bensi
Danny Bensi
Original Music Composer
Saunder Jurriaans
Saunder Jurriaans
Original Music Composer
Miguel A. Faura
Miguel A. Faura
Niv Fichman
Niv Fichman
Debra Johnson
Debra Johnson
Makeup Artist
Catherine Viot
Catherine Viot
Makeup Artist
Morag Ross
Morag Ross
Makeup Artist
Marc Bech
Marc Bech
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Marc Bech
Marc Bech
Sound Editor
Herwig Gayer
Herwig Gayer
Production Sound Mixer
Marc Orts
Marc Orts
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Albert Ribas
Albert Ribas
Sound Editor
Oriol Tarragó
Oriol Tarragó
Sound Designer
Oriol Tarragó
Oriol Tarragó
Supervising Sound Editor
Sam Hudecki
Sam Hudecki
Storyboard Artist
Patrice Vermette
Patrice Vermette
Production Design
François Ivernel
François Ivernel
Executive Producer
Victor Loewy
Victor Loewy
Executive Producer
Cameron McCracken
Cameron McCracken
Executive Producer
Mark Slone
Mark Slone
Executive Producer
Jordan Kerner
Jordan Kerner
Set Dresser
Martha Sparrow
Martha Sparrow
Set Designer






My Baby
Heavily pregnant Hatsumi and her sister Chika visit a shrine to pray for a safe birth, but in a tragic turn of events, Hatsumi tumbles down the stairs and loses the baby. 6 months later, Chika's baby is safely born and when Hatsumi visits Chika she find out that Chika named her daughter Aoi, which happened to be the name Hatsumi chose for her own baby...
The Emperor's New Clothes
The adaptation of Hans Cristian Andersen's tale filmed on a white background. It is also the first Croatian movie in color.
The Hollywood Detective
An actor at the end of the line who used to play a PI on TV turns to real detective work when a fan of his begs him to help her.
A Step Into the Dark
Slovakia's entry for the 87th Academy awards.
Inspired by 'The Count of Monte Cristo', Padayottam was the first Indian movie to be shot in 70mm format. Prince Udayan (Nazir) is the successor to the Kolathiri kingdom. He is betrayed by his cousin Devan (Madhu) which forces him to go into exile. Years later Udayan returns to Kolathiri to take his revenge.
Vingt ans après
Charming Mimi-Trottin is in love with typographer Louis Chausson, nicknamed Godasse. She meets Doudou, actually a Vicomte, estranged with his parents who are rich automobile manufacturers. Godasse abandons Mimi because of his professional ambitions and Doudou rescues her from a suicide. After making peace with his parents, the young man has Mimi hired as a typist at the factory. After winning a race with one of his father's car, he soon wins the heart and the hand of Mimi.
Charming Mimi-Trottin is in love with typographer Louis Chausson, nicknamed Godasse. She meets Doudou, actually a Vicomte, estranged with his parents who are rich automobile manufacturers. Godasse abandons Mimi because of his professional ambitions and Doudou rescues her from a suicide. After making peace with his parents, the young man has Mimi hired as a typist at the factory. After winning a race with one of his father's car, he soon wins the heart and the hand of Mimi.
Marion de Lorme
The romantic drama based on the play of the same name, depicting the life of a 17th-century French courtesan.
Feyder's scenario very closely follows Don José's own account of his story and his fatal relation with the gypsy Carmen in the third chapter of Mérimée's short novel.
How, When, and with Whom
Italian romantic drama
Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman
Gina is a modern business woman in her late forties, she has a lover named Adrian, who she sees once in a while just to have sex; they are both atracted to the historic figure of Pancho Villa, while he admires his power, she admires his virility. As Gina helps Adrian (who is a journalist) to write a book about Pancho Villa, she discovers the similarity between Villa's relation to women to that of Adrian and hers. She gets sick of only having sex, and when she decides to get married with him and have a baby, he escapes to buy cigarrettes and gets lost for three months. Gina forgets about him and gets a new boyfriend (half the age she is), and when Adrian tries to get her back and she refuses him and humiliates him, the one and only Pancho Villa appears as his machista conscience ready to do anything to get Gina back.
Winter Sleep
Aydin, a retired actor, owns a small hotel in central Anatolia with his young wife Nihal and his sister Necla, who is coping with her recent divorce. During the winter, snow covers the ground and boredom brings the return of old memories, pushing Aydin to flee…
The House of the Bories
Julien, a renowned geologist, lives with his wife Isabelle and their two children in a country house. But his sullen, uncompromising attitude leaves tensions high. The arrival of Carl-Stephane, a young German student, brings a breath of fresh air and lightness to the household.
The Joy Girl
Though she loves one man, an ambitious Palm Beach girl marries another, whom she thinks is rich. He turns out to be a fraud who thought she was an heiress. She returns to a successful hat shop she maintains catering to socialites. Her true love turns out to be in fact, a rich man who let her think he was not to test her.
Fanchon, the Cricket
A young wild girl, Fanchon, lives in a forest with her eccentric grandmother who is suspected by the villagers of being a witch. The unkempt Fanchon suffers from her grandmother's sorceress reputation. One day the girl rescues a boy from drowning and they fall in love, but Fanchon won't agree to marry him unless his father asks her. A year later the boy has fallen very ill and it is only the presence of the enchanting Fanchon that helps to restore his health.
Arsène Lupin, Detective
Arsène Lupin decides to run a detective agency in addition to being a gentleman thief. As a detective he happens to cooperate with police in order to unveil the criminal activities of a villain. When he succeeds the villain returns the favour. The unmasked Arsène Lupin manages to escape with the villain's gangster moll as his new companion.
Evil Never Dies
After his wife is brutally murdered, a policeman transfers to patrol duty at a college, only to discover that the now-executed murderder may be brought back to life as part of a professor's experiment.
Into Madness
Initially airing on HBO's "America Undercover" series, this riveting documentary focuses on three families shattered by the psychiatric disorder of schizophrenia. Subjects "Bob," "Missy" and "Steven" have lived for over a decade with schizophrenia. The film documents the difficult day-to-day existence of both those afflicted with this order and the families searching for answers to their loved ones' suffering. This film also shows the varied and variably successful treatment methods for each of the subjects—one is placed in a group home, one is placed in an institution, and one is cared for at home. The documentary was critically acclaimed for its compassionate treatment of mental illness.
アニメ『魔法少女ユキコ』に憧れる12歳の少女アリシアは、白血病であった。アリシアの父ルイスは、娘の秘密の願いノートを見つける。ノートを開くとそこには「魔法少女ユキコが着るドレスを着て踊ってみたい」と書いてあった。さらにページをめくると「13歳になりたい」の文字が。死期を悟る娘にショックを受けるルイス。ネットで検索したルイスは、そのドレスが有名デザイナーの手による一点モノの大変高価なコスチュームであることを知る。失業中で金の無いルイスは強盗を決意し宝飾店のウインドウガラスを石で叩き割ろうとするが、頭上から降ってきた嘔吐物により一線を越えずに済む。 嘔吐物は、階上に住む既婚女性バルバラが酒と睡眠薬で体調を崩した末に吐いたものだった。彼女は精神科医である夫のアルフレードに管理されていたが、孤独に打ちひしがれ常に寂しさを抱えていた。バルバラはルイスに詫び、汚した衣服の洗濯のため家に招き入れる。やがて孤独感と寂しさからふたりは男女の関係を持つが、翌日、ルイスは「不倫を夫にバラされたくなければ金を出せ」とバルバラを脅す。バルバラはやむを得ず旧友アダを訪ねて、「一夜の仕事」を紹介してもらい、金を用立てる。
The Sandman
Gary is a trailer park romance novelist who can't seem to sleep at night. He also thinks that he saw a monster assaulting his girlfriend while she was sleeping. People is his trailer park begin to die in their sleep. Soon, Gary's friends begin to think that he has gone crazy with all his ranting and raving and that all he needs is a good night's sleep. Gary is afraid to sleep...


Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
ある日、カナダで暮らす双子の姉弟ジャンヌ(メリッサ・デゾルモー=プーラン)とシモン(マキシム・ゴーデット)の母親ナワル(ルブナ・アザバル)が永眠する。後日、長年彼女を秘書として雇っていた公証人(レミー・ジラール)により、母の遺言が読み上げられる。その内容は、所在がわからない自分たちの父と兄に手紙を渡してほしいというもので……。 『渦』のドゥニ・ヴィルヌーヴが監督と脚本を務め、レバノン出身の劇作家ワジ・ムアワッドの原作を映画化した珠玉の人間ドラマ。中東からカナダに移り住んだある女性の壮絶な人生を、過去と現代を行きつ戻りつしながら映し出す。『パラダイス・ナウ』のルブナ・アザバルが陰のある母親を演じ、その娘を、カナダのテレビで活躍するメリッサ・デゾルモー=プーランが演じている。過酷な生涯を生きた女性の胸に秘められた思いに涙する。
A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.
ロサンジェルスで保険の調査員をしていたレナード。ある日、何者かが家に侵入し、妻がレイプされたうえ殺害されてしまう。その光景を目撃してしまったレナードはショックで前向性健忘となってしまう。彼は記憶を消さないためポラロイドにメモを書き、体にタトゥーを刻みながら犯人の手掛かりを追っていく……。 前向性健忘(発症以前の記憶はあるものの、それ以降は数分前の出来事さえ忘れてしまう症状)という記憶障害に見舞われた男が、最愛の妻を殺した犯人を追う異色サスペンス。
An apocalyptical storm threatens to wipe out an entire country. A state of emergency is raised while mayhem breaks out.
ランダム 存在の確率
シャッター アイランド
精神を病んだ犯罪者の収容施設がある孤島、シャッター アイランド。厳重に管理された施設から、一人の女性患者が謎のメッセージを残して姿を消す。孤島で起きた不可解な失踪事件の担当になった連邦保安官のテディ・ダニエルズは、この孤島の怪しさに気付き始める……。<不可解な事件が起きた孤島を舞台に、謎解きを展開する本格ミステリー大作。原作は『ミスティック・リバー』のデニス・ルヘインの同名小説。主演のディカプリオが島を捜査する連邦保安官を演じ、『帰らない日々』のマーク・ラファロ、『ガンジー』のベン・キングズレーが共演。>
アンダー・ザ・スキン 種の捕食
A seductive alien prowls the streets of Glasgow in search of prey: unsuspecting men who fall under her spell.