
The Lighthorsemen (1987)

They did what they were told... They didn't know it was impossible!

ジャンル : 戦争, ドラマ, 履歴

上映時間 : 2時間 11分

演出 : Simon Wincer


Palestine, 1917. The British advance has been stopped by the Turkish line running from Gaza to Beersheba. The latest attack on Gaza has failed. The attacking forces included a regiment of Australian mounted infantry, the Light Horse... Lighthorseman Frank is wounded in a skirmish with Bedouin. He is replaced by a young soldier, Dave, who proves to be a crack shot, but reluctant to fire at the enemy. Dave proves himself during a German biplane attack. Recuperating in hospital, he meets a sympathetic nurse, Anne... The regiment is called upon for a bold flanking attack on Beersheba. But how do you convince the Turks the main attack will come at Gaza? And how do you attack across a desert without water?


Peter Phelps
Peter Phelps
Dave Mitchell
Nick Waters
Nick Waters
Lighthorse Sargeant
John Larking
John Larking
John Haywood
John Haywood
Dave's Dad
Di O'Connor
Di O'Connor
Dave's Mum
Shane Briant
Shane Briant
Ralph Cotterill
Ralph Cotterill
Gen. Friedrich von Kressenstein
Bill Kerr
Bill Kerr
Gen. Sir Harry Chauvel
Grant Piro
Grant Piro
Tony Bonner
Tony Bonner
Col. Murray Bourchier
Serge Lazareff
Serge Lazareff
Gary Sweet
Gary Sweet
John Walton
John Walton
Tim McKenzie
Tim McKenzie
Jon Blake
Jon Blake
Matthew Randell
Matthew Randell
British Sergeant
Peter Douglas
Peter Douglas
Cockney Lance Corporal
Patrick Frost
Patrick Frost
Sgt. Ted Seager
Adrian Wright
Adrian Wright
Jim Willoughby
Jim Willoughby
Farrier Sergeant
Iain Strutt
Iain Strutt
Armourer Sergeant
Sigrid Thornton
Sigrid Thornton
Anne Scott-Pendlebury
Anne Scott-Pendlebury
Kingsley MacDonald
Kingsley MacDonald
Brenton Whittle
Brenton Whittle
Anthony Andrews
Anthony Andrews
Maj. Richard Meinertzhagen
Anthony Hawkins
Anthony Hawkins
David Sadler
David Sadler
Dying Turk
Michael Kitschke
Michael Kitschke
Trooper at Ruins
John Kelly
John Kelly
British Major
Gerard Kennedy
Gerard Kennedy
Ismet Bey
Jon Sidney
Jon Sidney
Graham Dow
Graham Dow
James Wright
James Wright
Gary Stalker
Gary Stalker
Cpl. Nobby
Stephen Crockett
Stephen Crockett
Chauvel's Aide
Tony Mack
Tony Mack
Allenby's Sigs Officer
Scott Bradley
Scott Bradley
Lt. Frank Burton
Bill Stacey
Bill Stacey
German Artillery Officer
David Bracks
David Bracks
Turkish Range Finder
Simon Palomares
Simon Palomares
Turkish Officer
Mark Pretti
Mark Pretti
Ambulance Driver
Robert Simper
Robert Simper
German Trench Officer
Steve Bastoni
Steve Bastoni
Turkish Demolition Soldier
Peter Merrill
Peter Merrill
Young German Officer
Peter Browne
Peter Browne
Terry Brittingham
Terry Brittingham
Ambulance Officer
Ashley Cooper
Ashley Cooper
'A' Trooper
Jason Dunn
Jason Dunn
Trooper In Demolition Room
Brendan Egan
Brendan Egan
'A' Trooper
Steve Harrison
Steve Harrison
'A' Trooper
Lou Horvath
Lou Horvath
'A' Trooper
Adrian Ireland
Adrian Ireland
'A' Trooper
William Kerr
William Kerr
'A' Trooper
Kevin May
Kevin May
'A' Trooper
Tom Mudge
Tom Mudge
'A' Trooper
Ricky Noble
Ricky Noble
'A' Trooper
Tom O'Brien
Tom O'Brien
'A' Trooper
Vic O'Neal
Vic O'Neal
'A' Trooper
Johnny Raaen
Johnny Raaen
'A' Trooper
Leo Scanders
Leo Scanders
'A' Trooper
Barry Stephan
Barry Stephan
'A' Trooper
Richard Stevens
Richard Stevens
'A' Trooper
Milton Stevens
Milton Stevens
'A' Trooper
Tamas Szegedi
Tamas Szegedi
'A' Trooper
Farah Mak
Farah Mak
Daughter (uncredited)


Simon Wincer
Simon Wincer
Ian Jones
Ian Jones
Dean Semler
Dean Semler
Director of Photography
Adrian Carr
Adrian Carr
Mario Millo
Mario Millo
Original Music Composer
Bernard Hides
Bernard Hides
Production Design
Lloyd Ventry
Lloyd Ventry
Antony I. Ginnane
Antony I. Ginnane
Executive Producer


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チャップリンがアドルフ・ヒトラーの独裁政治を批判した作品で、ヒトラーとナチズムに対して非常に大胆に非難と風刺をしつつ、ヨーロッパにおけるユダヤ人の苦況をコミカルながらも生々しく描き、ニューヨーク映画批評家協会賞で主演男優賞を受賞した。 またこの作品は、チャップリン映画初の完全トーキー作品でもある。 1918年の第一次大戦末期、トメニアのユダヤ人一兵卒チャーリーは飛行機事故で記憶を失い入院する。それから数年後のトメニアは独裁者アデノイド・ヒンケルの天下で、ユダヤ人掃討の真っ最中。そんな折、退院したチャーリーは生まれ育ったユダヤ人街で元の床屋の職に戻る。親衛隊の傍若無人ぶり、特にそれが恋人ハンナに及ぶに至り、彼は勇猛果敢かつ抱腹絶倒のレジスタンスを開始。それがどういうわけかヒンケル総統の替え玉を演じさせられることになり……。
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