
Pirates of Tripoli (1955)

For Barbary Gold... and the Beautiful Queen!

ジャンル : アドベンチャー

上映時間 : 1時間 12分

演出 : Felix E. Feist
脚本 : Allen March


A pirate tries to help a deposed Arabian princess reclaim her throne.


Paul Henreid
Paul Henreid
Edri al-Gadrian
Patricia Medina
Patricia Medina
Princess Karjan
Paul Newlan
Paul Newlan
Hammid Khassan
John Miljan
John Miljan
Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna
Ben Ali
Jean Del Val
Jean Del Val
Abu Tala
Lilian Bond
Lilian Bond


Felix E. Feist
Felix E. Feist
Allen March
Allen March
Sam Katzman
Sam Katzman
Henry Freulich
Henry Freulich
Director of Photography
Edwin H. Bryant
Edwin H. Bryant
Paul Palmentola
Paul Palmentola
Art Direction
Sidney Clifford
Sidney Clifford
Set Decoration
Charles S. Gould
Charles S. Gould
Assistant Director
John P. Livadary
John P. Livadary
Jack Erickson
Jack Erickson
Special Effects
Richard H. Kline
Richard H. Kline
Camera Operator


A young Norwegian boy in 1850s England goes to work as a cabin boy and discovers some of his shipmates are actually pirates.
The Spanish Main
Laurent van Horn is the leader of a band of Dutch refugees on a ship seeking freedom in the Carolinas, when the ship is wrecked on the coast of Cartagene. governed by Don Juan Alvardo, Spainish ruler. Alvarado has Laurent thrown in prison, but the latter escapes, and five-years later is a pirate leader. He poses as the navigator on a ship in which Contessa Francesca, daughter of a Mexican noble, is traveling on her way to marry Alvarado, whom she has never seen. Laurent's pirates capture the ship and Francesa, in order to save another ship, gives her hand-in-marriage to Laurent, who sails her to the pirate hideout. This irks the jealous Anne Bonney and,also, Captain Benjamin Black, who was already irked, anyway. They overpower Laurent and send Francesa to Alvarado, and then Mario du Billar, trusted right-hand man, makes a deal to deliver Laurent to Alvarado also.
The Pirates of Buban
By going to the Philippines, Imamura comes to meet people living in an extreme poverty. He discovers very quickly that some communities are under the control of cruel & armed pirates. Imamura will come to meet those men in order to understand their position.
特命戦隊ゴーバスターズVS海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャー THE MOVIE
ある日突然地球に現れた黒色のゴーカイガレオン。時同じくして、エネトロン防衛のために出動した特命戦隊ゴーバスターズの前に立ちはだかったのは、かつて宇宙帝国ザンギャックから地球を守り抜いた海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーだった。 だが彼等は、敵であるはずのザンギャックの新司令官バッカス・ギルらと手を組みゴーバスターズと敵対。全て揃うことで宇宙で最も強大な力が手に入ると伝わる、5つの幻のレンジャーキーを巡る争奪戦が展開される中、そのレンジャーキーの力によって生じた時空の歪みに巻き込まれ、ゴーバスターズとゴーカイジャーは様々な時代へと散り散りになってしまう。 元の時代へ戻るべく、そして幻のレンジャーキーを回収すべく彼等が奔走する一方、ザンギャックはヴァグラスとも手を組み総攻撃の準備を着々と進めていく。果たしてザンギャックと組んだゴーカイジャーの真意はどこにあるのか?そして幻のレンジャーキーの持つ力とは如何なるものなのか?
海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーVS宇宙刑事ギャバンTHE MOVIE
ゴーカイジャーがゴーカイガレオンで航行中、突如巨大な宇宙船が出現。その上に、白銀に輝くコンバットスーツの戦士が立つ。彼こそ全銀河にその名を知られる宇宙刑事ギャバンだった。ギャバンの圧倒的な強さでゴーカイジャーは敗れ逮捕されてしまう。 だが、ギャバンはザンギャックの狡猾な陰謀に巻き込まれており、ザンギャックはギャバンを用済みとばかりに魔空空間に閉じ込めてしまった。バトルの最中にギャバンと心を交わしたゴーカイジャーは有り得ない天変地異に満ち満ちている危険な魔空空間からギャバンを救うために飛び込んでいく。
海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーTHE MOVIE 空飛ぶ幽霊船
Rage of the Buccaneers
Gordon, The Black Pirate, battles the slavery trade.
So You Want To Be A Pirate!
With the help of his trusted dodo Polly, the Pirate Captain presents fun-loving and hilarious tips and advice on pirating. Learn how to remember where you buried your treasure, the secrets of navigating winds, get an inside look at pirate recruiting and even a Pirate’s recipe for a giant squid with lemon. Featuring special guests like Charles Darwin and the Pirate King you will set sail for giggles and fun with musical surprises along the way!
Sea Devils
Gilliatt, a fisherman-turned-smuggler on the isle of Guernsey, agrees to transport a beautiful woman to the French coast in the year 1800. She tells him she hopes to rescue her brother from the guillotine. Gilliatt finds himself falling in love and so feels betrayed when he later learns this woman is a countess helping Napoleon plan an invasion of England. In reality, however, the "countess" is an English agent working to thwart this invasion. When Gilliatt finds this out, he returns to France to rescue the woman who's true purpose has been discovered by the French.
George's Island
After telling his class about the ghost of Captain Kidd and his buried treasure on George’s Island, George is placed in a foster home. George and another foster child, Bonnie, flee to the island on Halloween but when they’re followed by adults Captain Kidd’s ghost is awakened.
ゴーカイジャー ゴセイジャー スーパー戦隊199ヒーロー 大決戦
海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーが地球に来訪する数年前、宇宙帝国ザンギャックが地球を侵略し始めた。地球を守るべく立ち上がった34のスーパー戦隊は、満身創痍になりながらも全ての力を集約させザンギャックの第1艦隊を退けるも、その代償としてスーパー戦隊の力はレンジャーキーとなって宇宙へ散らばっていった。これが後に「レジェンド大戦」として語られることとなる。 そして数年後の現在。力を失った戦士たちがそれぞれの人生を歩む中、ゴーカイジャーは宇宙から集めたレンジャーキーを使い、地球へ再侵攻するザンギャックと戦っていたが、ゴセイジャーに変身しようとした際に本物の天装戦隊ゴセイジャーの5人が現れレンジャーキーを奪ってしまう。力を取り戻したゴセイジャーは変身を遂げ、さらにゴセイナイトのレンジャーキーを返却するよう詰め寄ったため両戦隊の争いに発展してしまう。 そのころ、ザンギャックの旗艦ギガントホースに黒十字王が出現。ザンギャックと同盟を組んだ黒十字王はかつてスーパー戦隊に敗れた救星主のブラジラ、総裏大臣ヨゴシマクリタイン、冥府神ダゴンらを蘇らせる。さらにゴーカイジャーとゴセイジャーが激突している途中、ギガントホースで攻撃し、ゴーカイジャーからレンジャーキーが入った宝箱を奪い取る。そしてゴーカイジャーとゴセイジャーは3人の強敵によって分断され、別々の異空間へと飛ばされてしまった。
Robin Hood and the Pirates
On his way to (or from) the Crusades, Robin Hood is shipwrecked but saved by pirates who plan to return him home in order to ransom him to his father.
The Rover
A former counterrevolutionary pirate befriends a mentally ill young woman and this in turn leads to tragedy when she falls in love with a French naval officer.
In 1805, the United States battles the pirates of Tripoli as the Marines fight to raise the American flag.
The Pirates of Penzance
This Pirates of Penzance is primarily a historical document, part of the Broadway Theater Archive television series. It presents, with some inevitable, tiny technical shortcomings, a live 1980 performance in Central Park, not the 1983 movie of the same name that also starred Linda Ronstadt and Kevin Kline. Those who remember that film, which had the benefit of retakes and editing, a lavish production budget, and the spaciousness of a Hollywood studio, may find this video less polished. On its own terms, it is nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable.
The Golden Hawk
A 17th-century French pirate (Sterling Hayden) sides with an English noblewoman (Rhonda Fleming) who's posing as a pirate.
The Little Savage
The most fearsome pirate in epic deeds and fierce battles. Betrayed and abandoned on an island, discover a fabulous treasure and fight to the death to save a child from the dangers and wild beasts.
Hero's Island
A family shipwrecked on an island must deal with escaped convicts and pirates.
Frenchman's Creek
Seeking to escape the stifling London court society, the beautiful headstrong Lady Dona St. Columb flees to her family estate on the Cornish coast. Her new freedom swiftly brings her into contact with the dashingly handsome French privateer Jean Aubrey who sweeps her off her feet and into a world of adventure on the high seas very different from her dull and boring life at court with her husband Sir Harry. Together with Jean Aubrey and her enigmatic servant William, Lady Dona conceives a daring plan to steal a ship right from under the noses of the English authorities. The theft enrages the authorities who make every effort to trap the French Pirate. However, as the noose begins to tighten around the lovers, Lady Dona is faced with the dilemma of duty and children with Sir Harry or freedom and excitement with Jean Aubrey
The Island of the Crab
A pirate ship called Cain. A treasure hidden inside a stone head in the middle of the ocean. A sea full of sharks. A crab shaped island whose only access is an immense cliff. A pagoda shaped bar. A parrot next door, hanging off the cliff and an immense castle on the rocks. It's Karramarro, Karramarro Island.