Ray of Sunshine (1933)

ジャンル : ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 27分

演出 : Pál Fejős


Hans, living in Vienna during the Great Depression, intends to drown himself in the river after losing his livelihood. While there he meets a girl named Anna after pulling her from the river.


Gustav Fröhlich
Gustav Fröhlich
Paul Otto
Paul Otto
Ein Polizeikommissär
Hans Marr
Hans Marr
A Priest
Annie Rosar
Annie Rosar
Eine Zimmervermieterin
Walter Brandt
Walter Brandt
Ein Geldeinnehmer
Jaro Fürth
Jaro Fürth
Ein Drogeriebesitzer
Karl Forest
Karl Forest
Norbert Rohringer
Norbert Rohringer
Ein Jung
Franz Schafheitlin
Franz Schafheitlin
Ein Arzt im Unfallkrankenhaus
Wilhelm Schich
Wilhelm Schich
Ein Wiener Hausbewohner
Irene Seidner
Irene Seidner


Pál Fejős
Pál Fejős
Pál Fejős
Pál Fejős
Adolf Lantz
Adolf Lantz


Hoping to bring his family closer together and to recreate his childhood vacation for his own kids, a grown up Rusty Griswold takes his wife and their two sons on a cross-country road trip to the coolest theme park in America, Walley World. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned.
Merry Christmas! ロンドンに奇跡を起こした男
作家のチャールズ・ディケンズは執筆した小説が売れずに 出版社から契約を打ち切られる。彼は自費出版で作家を続けようと決意し、クリスマス・イヴを舞台に過去・現在・未来を旅する奇想天外な小説「クリスマス・キャロル」の執筆にとりかかる。
In a social context deteriorated by a countrywide economic crisis, the life of several people will be turned upside down after they meet Cécile, a character who symbolizes desire.
『白蛇:縁起』は中国の四大民間説話の一つ『白蛇伝』の前世の話。 晩唐の時代、国師が民間人に蛇を大量に捕獲させていた。 白蛇の妖怪「白」(見た目は人間の美少女)が国師を刺殺しようとしたが失敗。 少女は逃亡の末、記憶をなくしてしまったが捕蛇村の少年「宣」に救われる。 「白」の記憶を取り戻すため二人は冒険の旅に出る。 その旅の中で二人は恋に落ちるが、少女が白蛇の妖怪ということも明らかになってしまう。 一方、国師と蛇族との間に激しい戦いが始まろうとしていた。二人の恋に大きな試練が待ち受ける。
アイ,トーニャ 史上最大のスキャンダル
After suffering a plane crash on a mysterious island, a young man embarks on an epic journey through forests, deserts and mountains trying to escape the shadow of a huge dark spirit.
Dangerous Minds
Former Marine Louanne Johnson lands a gig teaching in a pilot program for bright but underachieving teens at a notorious inner-city high school. After having a terrible first day, she decides she must throw decorum to the wind. When Johnson returns to the classroom, she does so armed with a no-nonsense attitude informed by her military training and a fearless determination to better the lives of her students -- no matter what the cost.
A young Los Angeles couple Tara and Sam fall head over heels into a new romance, entwining their lives—until their intimacy transforms into something terrifying.
Tom and Janet have been happily married for years. But a visit from a mysterious stranger leads to a dead body, a lot of questions, and a tense couples' trip with friends who may not actually be friends at all.


Song of Heroes
The building of blast furnaces Magnitogorsk and the Kubas Basin by Komsomol, the Communist Union of youth, as part of Stalin’s first five-year plan.
Indonesia Calling
Two weeks after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945, Indonesian Independence leaders proclaimed “Indonesia Merdeka!” ‘Freedom for Indonesia’ and an end to Dutch colonial rule over the Netherlands East Indies. Internationally renowned Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens, in Australia as Film Commissioner for the Netherlands East Indies government in exile, resigned his position in protest against Dutch policy, which sought to re-impose its colonial rule. In collaboration with Indonesian activists, Chinese, Indian and Australian trade unionists, and local artists and filmmakers, Ivens made Indonesia Calling, a film documenting the crucial role of Australian trade union support in the establishment of the new Republic of Indonesia. Ivens’ film was an activist documentary; it actively contributed to the events it depicted. All those who worked on it became ‘adversely known’ to the security services.
Movement Studies in Paris
A study of traffic movement in Paris.
A short story of the most important emotions of life, from birth to death, love and sexuality through pain and fear. It is a tribute to art and his disarming beauty.
Banner of Youth
A short film advertising the newspaper Sztandar Młodych (The Banner of Youth), noteworthy for its abstract elements painted directly onto film stock. An attempt at showing the complexity of the world in a capsule, the film reflects the new policy of the openness to the West during the Thaw of the late 1950s in Poland.
Swinging the Lambeth Walk
Lye edited together “swing” versions of the popular Lambeth Walk (including Django Reinhardt on guitar and Stephane Grapelli on violin), combining them with a particularly diverse range of direct film images, scratched as well as painted. He was particularly pleased with a final guitar solo (with a vibrating horizontal line) and double bass solo (with a stomping vertical line). For this film Lye did not have to include any advertising slogans; friends at the Tourist and Industrial Development Association, shocked to learn that Lye and his family had become destitute, arranged for TIDA to sponsor the film – to the horror of government bureaucrats who could not understand why a popular dance was being treated as a tourist attraction. - Harvard Film Archive
The film is an artistically spare depiction of the Greek myth of Sisyphus, sentenced to eternally roll a stone up a mountain. The story is presented in a single, unbroken shot, consisting of a dynamic line drawing of Sisyphus, the stone, and the mountainside.
The mechanism that propels the cycle of the sun and the moon has failed, and endless night falls. A nameless and silent hero must find his way through a dangerous labyrinth of traps, fierce creatures, and mysterious sentinels to restore the mechanism.
The film begins with an Earth space craft stumbling upon a movie floating in the vast nothingness. The film turns out to be from planet Zog and when people see it, they are shocked and angered by the Zogs (or is it 'Zogians' or 'Zogites'?). It seems that they have their genitals where our heads are and vice-versa. To make things really weird, they eat and drink with their genitals and defecate with their faces.
Words, Words, Words
In a cafe, people talk, their words become expresively-shaped balloons. An older waiter tries to connect with a young woman who's reading. She brushes him off, but gets into an animated and romantic conversation with a young man. A dog goes from table to table drinking beer and wine when people aren't looking. Older men talk about sexual conquests until one of their wives interrupts them. The young couple argues; he starts to leave, she pleads, he leaves anyway. The waiter tries to help. Old guys talk until they nod off. Women chat. Later, as the waiter cleans up, the finds the young woman's book. He sighs, the dog sleeps it off.
The fauna of the megalopolis, the jungle of the supermarket, the bedlam of brothels and bars, the effect of the bars in the fog, the swaying ears of corn, the swaying of men hanging from the gallows, the ripple of water – seen by the eye of the animator…
A visual and musical game which builds and destroys itself according to the vivacious rhythm of Serge Prokofiev’s Scherzo to Piano Concerto No. 2.
KoKo's Earth Control
Ko-Ko the Clown and his dog Fitz walk into a building where levers that control various aspects of the Earth are located. After Fitz presses a particular lever, the world goes topsy-turvy and out-of-control. Note that this cartoon contains strobe flashing.
Sikumi (On the Ice)
An Inuit hunter drives his dog team out on the frozen Arctic Ocean in search of seals, but instead, bears witness to murder. In the microscopic communities of Arctic Alaska there is no anonymity -- the hunter knows both the victim and the murderer. The murderer, claiming self-defense and desperate to avoid punishment, tries to persuade his friend to forget what he has seen, and help dispose of the body. The hunter is forced to navigate the uneasy morality of honoring the body and memory of one friend and destroying the life of another.
A short, avant-garde movie, starring twelve-year-old ballet student Gwen Thomas, Nymphlight is a lovely blend of fact and fiction, using Bryant Park at the New York Public Library as a stage set for the fantasy inclusion of a certain nymph. A meditation on an ephemeral day in the the life of a park shared by birds, the young and the old.
Twenty-Four Dollar Island
A visual celebration of Manhattan and its waterways on the 300th anniversary of purchase from the local Native Americans.
The Town Rat and the Country Rat
The Country Rat visits his friend the Town Rat, but finds that life in the great metropolis is rather too hectic (and dangerous - there's a live cat among all the puppet rodents!)
An animated short film from 1987 that deals with the incarceration of a man in a dark cell from where there is no escape.
Hyas and Stenorhynchus
In close-ups and extreme close-ups, we watch two small species of marine crustaceans, the slender long-legged stenorhynchus and the clumsy, short-legged hyas. To blend in, both cover themselves with found objects, such as algae and sponges. We watch them move, eat, greet each other, and fight. They have small mandibles and large claws. Near them are spirograph worms, 6 inches long, with a plume of branchiae that fan out like exploding fireworks. We see vibrating cilia, 0.001 mm long, on the branchiae, sending food toward the mouth at the plume's center. Chopin's music and an off-screen narrator suggest we're watching a ballet.
I Move, So I Am