
Dampfnudelblues (2013)

ジャンル : コメディ, 犯罪

上映時間 : 1時間 27分

演出 : Ed Herzog
脚本 : Christian Zübert


After the forcible transfer to his Bavarian home village, an ex-criminal cop investigates the death of a school principal who he thinks had lots to hide.


Sebastian Bezzel
Sebastian Bezzel
Franz Eberhofer
Simon Schwarz
Simon Schwarz
Rudi Birkenberger
Eisi Gulp
Eisi Gulp
Papa Eberhofer
Ilse Neubauer
Ilse Neubauer
Oma Eberhofer
Lisa Maria Potthoff
Lisa Maria Potthoff
Gerhard Wittmann
Gerhard Wittmann
Leopold Eberhofer
Chi Le
Chi Le
Stephan Zinner
Stephan Zinner
Ferdinand Hofer
Ferdinand Hofer
Max Simmerl
Daniel Christensen
Daniel Christensen
Ignaz Flötzinger
Max Schmidt
Max Schmidt
Wirt Wolfi
Sigi Zimmerschied
Sigi Zimmerschied
Thomas Kügel
Thomas Kügel
Robert Palfrader
Robert Palfrader
Rektor Höpfl
Nina Proll
Nina Proll
Sophie Höpfl
Ernst Hannawald
Ernst Hannawald
Nadeshda Brennicke
Nadeshda Brennicke
Castro Dokyi Affum
Castro Dokyi Affum
Frederic Linkemann
Frederic Linkemann
Maria Hofstätter
Maria Hofstätter
Frau Beischl
Stefan Betz
Stefan Betz
Moritz Katzmair
Moritz Katzmair
Alexander Liegl
Alexander Liegl
Mann mit Wetterstation
Gerd Lohmeyer
Gerd Lohmeyer
Monika Manz
Monika Manz
Michael Ostrowski
Michael Ostrowski
Eli Wasserscheid
Eli Wasserscheid


Ed Herzog
Ed Herzog
Kerstin Schmidbauer
Kerstin Schmidbauer
Steffen Günther
Steffen Günther
Production Manager
Walter Schwarzmeier
Walter Schwarzmeier
Costume Design
Christian Zübert
Christian Zübert
Rita Falk
Rita Falk
Martin Moszkowicz
Martin Moszkowicz
Stefan Essl
Stefan Essl
Benjamin Hembus
Benjamin Hembus
Martin Probst
Martin Probst
Original Music Composer
Sebastian Edschmid
Sebastian Edschmid
Director of Photography
Bernd Schuller
Bernd Schuller
Still Photographer
Franziska Aigner-Kuhn
Franziska Aigner-Kuhn
Christian Götz
Christian Götz
Production Sound Mixer
Katja Kirchen
Katja Kirchen
Brigitte Dettling
Brigitte Dettling
Makeup Artist
Sören Blüthgen
Sören Blüthgen
Foley Artist
Sören Blüthgen
Sören Blüthgen
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sören Blüthgen
Sören Blüthgen
Supervising Sound Editor
Tschangis Chahrokh
Tschangis Chahrokh
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Benjamin Wolf
Benjamin Wolf
Dialogue Editor
Benjamin Wolf
Benjamin Wolf
Foley Editor
Benjamin Wolf
Benjamin Wolf
Sound Effects Editor


In the morning after a wild marriage between two police officers Franz Eberhofer finds himself woken from heavy-armed special forces, who arrest him because of suspected murder. His boss, inspector Barschl, was found dead, killed by Franz' knife in his back - furthermore he and Franz were known in the whole village as archrivals. Franz is lucky that his father can testify an alibi for him, so that he is released again. Together with his friend and colleague Rudi Birkenberger they try to prove his innocence and to find the true murderer. However, there are more Problems to be solved: like Paul, his grandma's young love, or his girlfriend Susi, who pushes for marriage.
While dealing with a burnt-down house, smelly diapers and brutal lack of sleep, a Lower Bavarian police officer faces his worst adversary: cholesterol.
When a hilariously dull policeman moves in with his best buddy in Munich, he has to deal with scandals, a corpse — and potential marriage.
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
A policeman suspects that several bizarre deaths in the same family were murders and that the killer is a mysterious woman who just moved to the village.
Schweinskopf al dente
Province policeman Franz Eberhofer is in a real trouble. Susi, love of his life has fled to Italy because Franz has crossed the line. And while Grandma and Papa are planning a trip to Italy to liberate Susi from the clutches of her Italian lover, Franz has other problems. His boss has found a bloody pig head in his bed and Franz gets promoted to full time bodyguard.


Schweinskopf al dente
Province policeman Franz Eberhofer is in a real trouble. Susi, love of his life has fled to Italy because Franz has crossed the line. And while Grandma and Papa are planning a trip to Italy to liberate Susi from the clutches of her Italian lover, Franz has other problems. His boss has found a bloody pig head in his bed and Franz gets promoted to full time bodyguard.
A policeman suspects that several bizarre deaths in the same family were murders and that the killer is a mysterious woman who just moved to the village.
In the morning after a wild marriage between two police officers Franz Eberhofer finds himself woken from heavy-armed special forces, who arrest him because of suspected murder. His boss, inspector Barschl, was found dead, killed by Franz' knife in his back - furthermore he and Franz were known in the whole village as archrivals. Franz is lucky that his father can testify an alibi for him, so that he is released again. Together with his friend and colleague Rudi Birkenberger they try to prove his innocence and to find the true murderer. However, there are more Problems to be solved: like Paul, his grandma's young love, or his girlfriend Susi, who pushes for marriage.
When a hilariously dull policeman moves in with his best buddy in Munich, he has to deal with scandals, a corpse — and potential marriage.
While dealing with a burnt-down house, smelly diapers and brutal lack of sleep, a Lower Bavarian police officer faces his worst adversary: cholesterol.
I Am Heath Ledger
The life and career of an actor, artist, and icon. His own journey through his own camera.
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
Bavaria's most relaxed village policeman has to face an organized crime syndicate coming after his grandmother's cakes.
The Mockingjay Lives: The Making of the Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
Documentary film about the making of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. An impressively in depth assortment of seven featurettes that look at a variety of subjects, from casting to visual effects. - Hope and Rebellion: Continuing the Saga - Designing Dystopia: Visual Aesthetic - Rebels and Warriors: The Cast - Fusing Form and Function: Costume, Make-Up and Hair - Fighting the System: Shooting on Location - D13: Rebellion Tactics: Stunts and Special Effects - Perfecting Panem: The Post-Production Process
Welcome to the Hartmanns
The Hartmann family is turned upside down when mother Angelika decides to take in the refugee Diallo, against her husband's will. Amidst the typical chaos of our time, hope remains that the family finds its stability, confidence and peace again - just like the whole country.
The Most Beautiful Day
The overambitious pianist Andi and the more laid back Benno have one thing in common: They will both die soon. So the two of them decide to have the most awesome day before its too late.
好きなモノに囲まれ、自由気ままな独身生活を謳歌するプログラマーのパウル。5年前に開発した人工知能搭載アプリ「NANA」との甘い生活に心は満たされ、パウルにとってNANAは大切な存在になっていた。幼い頃からの親友で共同経営者のトニーは、デジタルに依存しているパウルを心配しつつも、自身の外見を磨くことに余念がない。 NANAをアメリカのIT実業家に売り込むプレゼンで、人を幸せにするために作ったと説明するパウルに対し、トニーは金儲けが真の目的であると主張する。結果400万ユーロ(約4.9億円)で買い取ってもらえることになり、従業員と共に祝杯をあげるトニー。しかしNANAで金儲けをしようとしていたことが許せないパウルは、トニーにある勝負を持ちかける。それは、持ち物すべてを倉庫に預け、裸一貫で所持金ゼロの状態から1日1つずつ必要なモノを取り戻し100日間生活する、とんでもない勝負だった。 パウルとトニーの100日間のバトル初日。2人は極寒のベルリンの街を裸で駆け抜け、全所持品が預けられた倉庫に向かう。たどり着いた倉庫で悩み抜いた末に、パウルはコート、トニーは寝袋を一番に選ぶ。あくる日、再び倉庫に来た2人の前に現れたのは、ゴージャスな衣装を着こなす魅力的な女性・ルーシー。パウルが彼女に目を奪われている中、トニーは彼女を我先にとデートに誘う。 身勝手過ぎるトニーに対し、次第に不信感が募り始めるパウル。トニーの策略によりNANAの買収金額が大幅にプラスされるも、相談なしに話を進められたことでさらに不信感が増していく。そしてある日、祖母の見舞いのために病院を訪れたパウルは、偶然ルーシーに出会い、彼女のある秘密を知ってしまう。そのことが原因で忽然と姿を消したルーシー。しかし、パウルの嫉妬によりルーシーを失ったと考えたトニーはパウルを殴り、ついに2人は仲違いをしてしまうのだった。 果たして、パウルとトニーは関係を取り戻すことができるのか。そして100日目を迎えた彼らが選んだ、本当に大切なモノとは…?
ミズーリ州南部オザーク山脈の村に住む少女リーは17歳にして一家の大黒柱として、心の病んだ母親の代わりに幼い弟と妹の世話をし、その日暮らしの生活を何とか切り盛りしていた。ある日、地元の保安官から衝撃的な事実を突きつけられる。 とうの昔に家を出て逮捕されていた父親が、自宅と土地を保釈金の担保にして失踪。もしこのまま裁判に出廷しなかったら、リーたちの 家は没収されるのだという。 やむなくリーは、たった一人で父親探しに乗り出すが、ならず者だらけの親族は全く協力してくれず、露骨な妨害工作さえ仕掛けてくる。 “非情な掟”に縛られた村で真実を探り当てることは不可能に近い。果たしてリーは父親を見つけ出し、家族を守ることができるのだろうかー。
17歳の女子高生エリッサは母サラとともにシカゴから郊外の一軒家に引っ越して来る。その家は、4年前に隣家でキャリー・アンという少女が両親を惨殺した事件が起きたため、安く借りることができたのだ。問題の隣家には、今はキャリー・アンの兄で幼い頃から伯母に育てられていたライアンが1人で暮らしているが、ライアンは周囲から変人と見られ、孤立していた。 ある夜、ふとしたことからエリッサはライアンと知り合う。もの静かで音楽の趣味の合うライアンに惹かれたエリッサは、母サラの反対を無視して、ライアンと付き合うようになる。しかし、ライアンには秘密があった。実は4年前の事件後、失踪したことになっているキャリー・アンを密かに地下室に閉じ込め、面倒を見ていたのだ。キャリー・アンは幼い頃、ブランコから落ちて頭を打ったことから精神に異常を来すようになったのだが、その事故の原因が自分にあると思っているライアンは罪悪感からキャリー・アンを匿っていたのだ。ところがある夜、キャリー・アンが地下室から逃げ出す。ライアンは必死にキャリー・アンを取り押さえるが、はずみで彼女を死なせてしまう。ライアンはキャリー・アンの遺体を始末する。
ディス・イズ・ジ・エンド 俺たちハリウッドスターの最凶最期の日
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。