
Law of the Jungle (1942)

ジャンル : アドベンチャー, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 1分

演出 : Jean Yarbrough
脚本 : George Bricker


Nona Brooks, former member of a stranded theatrical troupe, earns a temporary living singing in a café in Duakwa, British Rhodesia, Africa. The café owner is secretly in league with two foreign agents with a goal of making the natives restless. American explorer Larry Mason leaves for the jungle with his servant, Jeff and a safari. Nona escapes the café into the jungle but is followed by the agents as, unknowing to her, she is carrying a report of the agent's activities. She joins the safari just as all hands are captured by a tribe of natives


Arline Judge
Arline Judge
Nona Brooks
John 'Dusty' King
John 'Dusty' King
Larry Mason
Mantan Moreland
Mantan Moreland
Jefferson "Jeff" Jones
Arthur O'Connell
Arthur O'Connell
C. Montague Shaw
C. Montague Shaw
Sgt. Burke
Guy Kingsford
Guy Kingsford
Constable Whiteside


Jean Yarbrough
Jean Yarbrough
George Bricker
George Bricker
Lindsley Parsons
Lindsley Parsons


グレイストーク -類人猿の王者- ターザンの伝説
Key Largo
A hurricane swells outside, but it's nothing compared to the storm within the hotel at Key Largo. There, sadistic mobster Johnny Rocco holes up - and holds at gunpoint hotel owner James Temple, his widowed daughter-in-law Nora, and ex-GI Frank McCloud.
Those supersucking desert creatures are back --- and this time they're south of the border. As the creatures worm their way through the oil fields of Mexico, the only people who can wrangle them are veteran Earl Bassett and survivalist Burt Gummer. Add to that team a young punk out for cash and a fearless scientist, and the critters don't stand a chance.
When the popular, restless Landon Carter is forced to participate in the school drama production he falls in love with Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town's minister. Jamie has a "to-do" list for her life and also a very big secret she must keep from Landon.
Lord of the Flies 蝿の王
未来の大戦中、疎開地へ向かう飛行機が墜落し、乗員である少年たちは南太平洋の無人島に置き去りにされる。当初はラーフとピギーの二人を中心に規則を作り、烽火をあげ続けることで救援を待とうとする。 最初こそ協力し合っていた彼らであったが、元々ラーフと仲の悪かった少年・ジャックは、ラーフが中心である事を気に入らず、また食べ物等にも不自由しない島で自由に生きる事を望んでいた為に、独自に狩猟隊を結成するのだった。ジャックは狩猟隊のメンバーと共に毎日を好き勝手に漫遊し、豚を狩る事で上等なご馳走を得ており、やがてはラーフの一派の少年達もその魅力に引かれ始める。 そんな中、せっかく船が島の沖を通りかかったにも拘らず、その日の当番が烽火を怠ったのが原因で、自分達の存在に気付かないまま船は過ぎ去ってしまい、ラーフの一派では対立が巻き起こってしまう。その隙を突く様に、ジャックはラーフの仲間達を引き込んでいくまでのカリスマ性まで発揮していくも、次第に狩猟隊の少年達は、内面の獣性が目覚めていき、泥絵の具を顔に塗りたくった蛮族の様な姿となって、ついには仲間の一人であったサイモンを集団で手にかけるまでに至ってしまう。 仲間の殆どをジャックに奪われてしまったラーフは、唯一自分の味方でいてくれたピギーも、ジャックの取り巻きであるロジャーに岩を頭上に落とされ殺されてしまい、完全に孤立。その翌日、ジャックは自らが王でいられる楽園を脅かしうる一番目障りな存在であったラーフを排除すべく、狩猟隊に木の枝を槍の様に尖らせて、ラーフの殺害を指示する。ラーフは孤立してしまった恐怖や悲しみに苦しみながらも、森に火を放ったジャック達狩猟隊から、島中を逃げ回る事になる…。
The Gamblers
Don Camillo
In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.
レジェンド / 光と闇の伝説
Stephen, an international trader, tracks down his ex-wife Patricia in some Amazonian backwater. He needs her consent to a divorce so that he can marry Charlotte. Unfortunately, he discovers a son he didn’t know he had – Mimi-Siku. The young jungle boy yearns to see Paris so Stephen reluctantly agrees to take him back home with him for a few days. How will Mimi-Siku react to life in the great metropolis?
Dead Again
In 1949, composer Roman Strauss is executed for the murder of his wife. In 1990s Los Angeles, a detective comes across a mute amnesiac woman who is somehow linked to the Strauss murder.
A Harvard anthropologist is sent to Haiti to retrieve a strange powder that is said to have the power to bring human beings back from the dead. In his quest to find the miracle drug, the cynical scientist enters the rarely seen netherworld of walking zombies, blood rites and ancient curses. Based on the true life experiences of Wade Davis and filmed on location in Haiti, it's a frightening excursion into black magic and the supernatural.
The Emerald Forest
For ten years, engineer Bill Markham has searched tirelessly for his son Tommy who disappeared from the edge of the Brazilian rainforest. Miraculously, he finds the boy living among the reclusive Amazon tribe who adopted him. And that's when Bill's adventure truly begins. For his son is now a grown tribesman who moves skillfully through this beautiful-but-dangerous terrain, fearful only of those who would exploit it. And as Bill attempts to "rescue" him from the savagery of the untamed jungle, Tommy challenges Bill's idea of true civilization and his notions about who needs rescuing.
科学的な探検隊が、ボルネオ島の深いジャングルに咲く珍しい黒蘭を探して、強力な製薬会社のグループに加わります。 この花への関心は、永遠の若さ、さらには不滅の秘密を保持する強力な物質を含んでいるという事実によるものです。 しかし、彼らはすぐに蘭がそのサイズと活力を高めるために巨大なヘビによって使用されることを発見します。
ジャングルに住むゾウのホートンの耳に、風で飛んできたホコリから、助けを求める小さな声が聞こえてきた。ジャングルの仲間達からバカにされながらも、ホコリに何度も話しかけるホートン。あきらめかけたその時、小さな声で返事が返ってきたのだ! それは、ホコリみたいに小さな“ダレダーレの国”の市長の声だった。陽気で明るく平和を愛するダレダーレ達が楽しく暮らすその国は、どうやら突風に飛ばされてしまったらしい。外の世界を知らない小さなダレダーレ達は、突然の大地震に国中が大混乱。ホートンは彼らを安全で平和に暮らせる場所へと届ける旅に出ることに。一方ジャングルでは、ホートンを目の敵にする母親カンガルーが、ダレダーレの国を“ただのホコリ”と言い切り、取り上げるために作戦を練っていた——。数々の困難が待ち受ける中、ホートンとダレダーレ達は果たして危機を乗り越えることができるのか——。
The United States of Leland
A withdrawn young man, Leland Fitzgerald is imprisoned for the murder of a mentally disabled boy, who also happened to be the brother of his girlfriend, Becky. As the community struggles to deal with the killing, Pearl Madison, a teacher at the prison, decides to write about Leland's case. Meanwhile, others affected by the murder, including Becky and her sister, Julie, must contend with their own problems.