Mortal Sins (1989)
ジャンル : 犯罪, 謎
上映時間 : 1時間 23分
演出 : Yuri Sivo
A PI hired to find a killer is led to a corrupt televangelist.
Private eye Rafe Guttman is hired by repressed, born-again Katherine to find her missing bad-boy brother. The trail leads him to a whorehouse run by a thousand-year-old vampire and secretly backed by Katherine's boss, televangelist Jimmy Current.
Fletch is a fish out of water in small-town Louisiana, where he's checking out a tumbledown mansion he's inherited. When a woman he flirts with turns up dead, he becomes a suspect and must find the killer and clear his name.
On their road trip through the southwestern desert, Alex and his girlfriend Scarlett arrive in a town in the middle of nowhere and take a room in a mysterious hotel so that Scarlett, who is feeling increasingly ill, can get some rest.
After a stripper tricks him into filming a sex tape, Scott Edwards (Olympic Gold Medalist Mitch Gaylord), a Miami rickshaw runner, becomes embroiled in the murder of a televangelist's son when he inadvertently takes the wrong videotape. With the help of the stripper and an Asian witch, Edwards sets out to clear his name while avoiding the assassin dead-set on retrieving the tape.
A documentary about the 1992 U.S. presidential election based on pirated satellite feeds.
In a nightmarish near-future Los Angeles where human blood is a hot commodity, a former criminal sets out on a mission of vengeance against the corrupt evangelist who nearly took everything from her.
A newly ordained minister accepts a summer job with a dynamic TV evangelist only to find deep conflicts between the latter's conventional activities servicing his community's spiritual needs and his power wielded as a TV celebrity.
A PI hired to find a killer is led to a corrupt televangelist.
Televangelist Bobby Paradise "saw God" in some space debris when he was returning to Earth as an astronaut. Or at least he was convinced he did by his wife, a Cape Canaveral groupie at the time Bobby was with NASA. Now they have built up an extensive TV empire. When their proposal to merge with a somewhat tarnished mogul is investigated by the government, skeletons in the Paradise closet come to light and the family either rallies behind or disparages the enterprise.
A documentary that examines whether a charity organized by Pat Robertson to aid Rwandan genocide refugees was a front for diamond mining.
This is the endless story about an old couple lost at the end of their last days. The Oldman seems a baby who just eats, sleeps and watches television. The Oldlady seems a mum who cooks, cleans and speaks to him. This old couple could live anywhere in the world. Their country is death. Their only world is a long wait. The Oldlady has taken control of both lives because she is in much better mental and physical conditions than him. Day after day the Oldlady plans and organizes different ways to kill themselves. But for the moment she is not shooting well. Days will keep following until a small mistake or the correct shoot end the sadness of this harsh wait.
In the unsettling, absurdist SIMONLAND, a grotesque, televangelist-style demagogue leads his studio audience and isolated viewers through a psychotic game of Simon Says with twisted results.
While struggling with their son’s serious illness, a young couple experiences conflict when her husband does not understand the wife’s acceptance of Christ. THE HEART IS A REBEL features the beloved Ethel Waters, and is set against Billy Graham’s historic 1957 New York City Crusade, with color scenes of the Crusade at Madison Square Garden.
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that Jason Voorhees isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
マリーとアレックスは女友達同士。 勉強に専念するために、二人はアレックスの両親のいる田舎の一軒家に行く事にした。 それは周囲をトウモロコシ畑が取り囲む孤立した一軒家だった。 到着後アレックスの家族に挨拶したあと、自分にあてがわれた部屋にマリーはいた。 家の前にトラックがやってきて、車中から降り立った一人の男性が、ドアベルを鳴らし出した。
前作から5年。再び.44マグナム・S&W M29を手に、ハリーはサンフランシスコで、自らも”駒”になった、死亡予想ゲーム“デッドプール”を元に展開する連続殺人事件に挑む。サンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン(クリント・イーストウッド)刑事は賭博王ジャネロを強引な手口で逮捕した。テレビ中継でその模様を報道されたハリーは有名人となるが、その中継をテレビで秘かに見つめる人物が「死亡予想」と書かれたリストにハリーの名を書く。一方、市警はテレビ中継の一件以来、人気者になった彼の身を案じ、護衛も兼ねた相棒に中国人の刑事クワン(エヴァン・キム)を配置させる。やがてホラー映画に出演中のロックシンガーのジョニー(ジム・キャリー)が強力な合成ヘロインを口に押し込まれ殺害される事件が起こる。現場に駆けつけたハリーは、発見者である映画監督のピーター(リーアム・ニーソン)に出会うが捜査に結びつく情報は得られない。そしてチャイナタウンのレストランで強盗事件にハリーが遭遇した際、犯人の流れ弾に当たりジョニーが出演する映画の経理を担当していた男が死亡し、その胸ポケットから「死亡予想」と書かれたリストが見つかる。リストにはジョニーや他の有名人と共にハリー自身の名前も書かれていた…。
Dr. Daniel Challis and Ellie Grimbridge stumble onto a gruesome murder scheme when Ellie's novelty-salesman father, Harry, is killed while in possession of a halloween mask made by the Silver Shamrock mask company. The company's owner, Conal Cochran, wants to return Halloween to its darker roots using his masks -- and his unspeakable scheme would unleash death and destruction across the country.