
Annapolis Salute (1937)

The flag-flying story of a plebe who made the grade in the greatest naval-training school on earth!

ジャンル : ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 5分

演出 : Christy Cabanne
脚本 : John Twist


The adventures of three disparate cadets at the US Naval Academy--one the son of a Navy enlisted man, the other the scion of a wealthy family, the third decent but somewhat slow-witted--and their struggles with the rigors of the academy, women, and each other.


James Ellison
James Ellison
William J. "Bill" Martin
Van Heflin
Van Heflin
Clay V. Parker
Arthur Lake
Arthur Lake
Cuthbert "Tex" Clemens
Harry Carey
Harry Carey
Chief Martin
Marsha Hunt
Marsha Hunt
Julia Clemens
Ann Hovey
Ann Hovey
Bunny Oliver
Dick Hogan
Dick Hogan
Robert D. "Bob" Wilson


Christy Cabanne
Christy Cabanne
John Twist
John Twist
Christy Cabanne
Christy Cabanne
Robert Sisk
Robert Sisk
Ted Cheesman
Ted Cheesman
Van Nest Polglase
Van Nest Polglase
Art Direction
Costume Design
Vernon L. Walker
Vernon L. Walker
Special Effects
Russell Metty
Russell Metty
Director of Photography


Hyperactive teenager Kelly is enrolled into a military school when her new stepfather becomes the Commandant. At first she has problems fitting in and taking orders until she tries out for the drill team.
Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.
アップ・ザ・クリーク 激流スーパーアドベンチャー
Bob McGraw is in his 12th year of college, goofing his way through life. Bob, Irwing, Gonzer and Max are the four losers forced and bribed to represent their university in an intercollegiate raft race. Forced and bribed into this role, they make some friends, the lovely Heather Merriweather, but mostly enemies, among others a whole team of marines, and preppy IVY-leaguers determined to win.
Combat Academy
"Police Academy"-style comedy set in a military school. Two errant high-school students are ordered by a judge to spend a year at a prestigious military academy, where one of the cadets finds out who is responsible for a spate of midnight thefts. Written by Mark Lennon
The Strange One
A military school student develops a destructive power over his fellow cadets.
The Winslow Boy
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Two movie actors are conscripted; at the regiments spies are trying to get hold of secret documents.
On Dress Parade
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
The Lottery Lover
A crew of young military-school cadets are enjoying their first weekend in Paris. Frank Harrington, a girl-shy cadet, wins the lottery which "They" have organized, an Frank wins the right to woo the star of the Folies Bergere, Gaby Aimee, with her garter serving as proof of conquest. Meanwhile Frank has found the one girl-of-his-heart, Patty, and this serves to complicate matters.
The Silence
A cadet at West Point is subjected to "internal exile," which means that other students refuse to talk to him or acknowledge his existence, after he is accused of violating the school's code of honor.
Annapolis Salute
The adventures of three disparate cadets at the US Naval Academy--one the son of a Navy enlisted man, the other the scion of a wealthy family, the third decent but somewhat slow-witted--and their struggles with the rigors of the academy, women, and each other.
Square Shoulders
Tad's dream is to attend a military academy so he can grow up to be a great soldier and a war hero, like his father. What he doesn't know is that his father, Slag, is actually a thief and a derelict. Slag robs a factory in order to get the money to send Tad to military school, then gets a job at the academy's horse stables to be close to his son, who doesn't know he's alive.
ヒトラー ~最期の12日間~
医学の研究に生涯を捧げ、その長年の功績を認められ名誉学位を受けることになった老教授イサク。その授与式は栄光に満ちた日になるはずだったが、前夜に自身の死を暗示する悪夢を見たためか、彼の心は晴れない。イサクは授与式当日に当初の予定を変更して、現在の住まいであるストックホルムから式の行われるルンドまで車で向かおうとする。そんな彼に、義理の娘であるマリアンヌも同行を願い出る。 半日程度の小旅行はイサクにとって、これまでの自分の人生を顧みるまたとない機会となった。青年時代に婚約者を弟に奪われたこと、妻がイサクの無関心に耐えられず不貞を働いたことなどを思い出し煩悶するイサク。そしてマリアンヌに、イサクの息子エヴァルドと彼女の間に子供が居ないのは、イサクを見て育ったエヴァルドが家庭というものに絶望しているからだと告げられる。研究者としての輝かしい名声とは裏腹に、イサクの人生は空虚なものだった。 また、イサクはルンドへ向かう途中様々な人物に出会う。奔放なヒッチハイカーの少女とその二人のボーイフレンド、不毛な夫婦喧嘩を繰り返す男女、引越していったイサクを今でも慕うガソリンスタンドの店主とその妻、そしてイサクの老いた母親。彼らとの出会いと過去への後悔が、徐々にイサクを変えていく。 無事に授与式を終えたイサクはその夜、エヴァルドと家族のことについて誠実に話し合う。寝室の外では昼間に出会ったヒッチハイカーたちが、イサクの栄誉を心から祝福していた。満ち足りた気持ちで眠りにつくイサク。彼が見る夢は前夜の悪夢と違い、不思議な充足感を伴うものだった。
私たちの時代の33年。 ローマのユダヤ州では、ナザレのイエスという名の神秘的な大工が「神の王国」の到来を告げ始め、謙虚な漁師のグループ、使徒たちに囲まれています。 何世紀もの間、ユダヤ人はメシアの到来を待っていました。メシアは、神聖な故郷を解放し、正義に基づいて新しい秩序を確立する摂理的な人物です。 イエスの教えは、彼がメシアであると認識する多くの信者を引き付けます。 状況に驚いたサンヘドリンは、十二使徒の一人であるイスカリオテのユダの助けを借りて、イエスを逮捕しました。 ローマに対する反逆罪で告発されたキリストはポンティウス・ピラトに引き渡されます。
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