
The Way He Looks (2014)

Not every love happens at first sight

ジャンル : ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 36分

演出 : Daniel Ribeiro
脚本 : Daniel Ribeiro


Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans.


Ghilherme Lobo
Ghilherme Lobo
Fábio Audi
Fábio Audi
Tess Amorim
Tess Amorim
Lúcia Romano
Lúcia Romano
Eucir de Souza
Eucir de Souza
Selma Egrei
Selma Egrei
Avó Maria
Isabela Guasco
Isabela Guasco
Victor Filgueiras
Victor Filgueiras
Pedro Carvalho
Pedro Carvalho
Guga Auricchio
Guga Auricchio
Bárbara Pereira
Bárbara Pereira
Matheus Abreu
Matheus Abreu
Naruna Costa
Naruna Costa
Professora Ana
Júlio Machado
Júlio Machado
Professor Rubens
Renata Novaes
Renata Novaes


Daniel Ribeiro
Daniel Ribeiro
Diana Almeida
Diana Almeida
Daniel Ribeiro
Daniel Ribeiro
Pierre de Kerchove
Pierre de Kerchove
Director of Photography
Cristian Chinen
Cristian Chinen
Luciano Baldan
Luciano Baldan
Olivia Helena
Olivia Helena
Production Design
Production Design
Carla Boregas
Carla Boregas
Costume Design
Flavia Lhacer
Flavia Lhacer
Costume Design
Cristina Alves
Cristina Alves
Production Manager
Daniel Ribeiro
Daniel Ribeiro
Arvo Pärt
Arvo Pärt
Additional Soundtrack


On the Same Team
En El Mismo Equipo (On The Same Team, in English) is about the mixed feelings of a young rugby player. He tries to keep in the secret that he is gay, due to conformity mostly, but he struggles with it almost everyday. He longs to be free, but what exactly is freedom to the young man? He isn’t so sure himself.
Thirty-Six Hours
Last summer model-turned-director duo Kristell Chenut and Vincent Lacrocq traveled to the Canary Island haven Lanzarote to shoot Thirty-Six Hours with a team consisting of only themselves and their male-model protagonists, Clément Chabernaud and Jon Kortajarena. Arguably the two biggest names in the male model world—you’ll recognise Kortajarena as the young hustler from Tom Ford’s stylish feature A Single Man, and both from countless campaigns for the likes of H&M, Gucci and Prada—the narrative short sees the pair share a surreal day and night amid a crystalline island landscape.
On the outside, Stu and Chris appear to be the perfect couple. It isn't until the eve of their wedding that past indiscretions are revealed causing unforgivable actions that both will forever regret.
By Day's End
A lesbian couple's efforts to mend their deteriorating relationship are put on hold when a pandemic disease that causes insatiable hunger ravages the world around them.
In Seventh Heaven
Sofiane lives in a high-rise block at the edges of Paris. A violent young man, he tries to be like his gang of friends. However, Sofiane is attracted to guys. Through his contradictions, he embodies the confusion of today's idle young people who have lost their bearings and live withdrawn into themselves.
Metropolitan Crush
Taylor, a successful professional, is suffocating under the loneliness of being around millions of people. But a ray of light comes from encountering a stranger.
Performative and expository documentary, which highlights the contrast of experience among transgender men in Brazil. The short film brings five characters - Kenai, Caetano, Augusto, Pietro and Daniel -, each one reflecting a different reality.
With A Kiss I Die
When Juliet Capulet (of Shakespearean fame) is plucked from death and turned into a vampire, she is forced to live all eternity without her sweet Romeo. Now, 800 years later, Juliet meets a young woman who captures her heart again and teaches her that love and loss are all a part of life, and that a life without love is no life at all.
Margaritas en otoño
An elderly woman finds out by the rumors of her friends that a teenager in her neighborhood has been kicked out of her home for being a lesbian. This triggers a traumatic memory that will reunite her with whom she really is, even if it means loosing her friends.
Robot Dreams
During an ill-fated day-trip to Long Island, friends Dog & Robot get separated. After Robot goes for a swim, he rusts up and is unable to move: Dog is forced to leave him behind on the beach. Back in the city, he tries to fill the emotional gap left by the absence of his friend, while Robot awaits rescue, finding comfort in vivid dreams and happy memories of time spent with Dog.
Two teenage boys are looking to lose their virginity and visit a pair of prostitutes. But will the experience be anything like they expect?
The Man Who Loves
A man is broken hearted at the loss of his lover, then later visits the same pain on the next woman with whom he becomes involved.
ミレニアム2 火と戯れる女
Borstal Boy
Based on Irish poet Brendan Behan's experiences in a reform school in 1942. A 16 year-old Irish republican terrorist arrives on the ferry at Liverpool and is arrested for possession of explosives. He is imprisoned in a Borstal in East Anglia, where he is forced to live with his would-be enemies, an experience that profoundly changes his life.
Leanne is Gone
A gay recovering addict is released from rehab immediately after his sister's suicide, setting the stage for conflict with his distraught brother-in-law.
Tehran: City of Love
Three lonely people, each looking for love in their own ways. This is hard enough in any big city – never mind in Tehran, where individual freedoms can’t be taken for granted. In a sexy voice on the telephone, an overweight receptionist seduces men who wouldn’t look twice at her real ‘me’. A former bodybuilding champion now earns a living as a personal trainer. When he gets a promising young sportsman as a client, he drops everything else; even a very promising acting job for a well-known French director. A singer at religious funerals is dumped by his fiancée. He tries to find new purpose in life by retraining as a singer at weddings and parties. That’s a lot more attractive to women, his friend assures him.
A promising young filmmaker is thrown into emotional disarray over the impending release of his second feature, when he is introduced to a magnetic French musician called Noah.
One Night in Oslo
One Night in Oslo follows a group of young people in Oslo’s Eastern parts on the night before Norway’s National Day, and reflects their expectations and emotions ahead of the celebration.
In this short film the audience is confronted by one young man and his reaction to text messages received from other guys on different gay dating apps. It explores communication between gay men today and the use of dating apps.


I Don't Want to Go Back Alone
The arrival of a new student in school changes Leonardo's life. This 15 year-old blind teenager has to deal with the jealousy of his friend Giovana while figuring out the new feelings he's having towards his new friend, Gabriel.
Free Fall
A promising career with the police, a baby on the way... Marc's life seems to be right on track. Then he meets fellow policeman Kay and during their regular jogs Marc experiences a never-before-felt sense of ease and effortlessness -- and what it means to fall in love with another man.
The Second Mother
After leaving her daughter Jessica in a small town in Pernambuco to be raised by relatives, Val spends the next 13 years working as a nanny to Fabinho in São Paulo. She has financial stability but has to live with the guilt of having not raised Jessica herself. As Fabinho’s university entrance exams approach, Jessica reappears in her life and seems to want to give her mother a second chance. However, Jessica has not been raised to be a servant and her very existence will turn Val’s routine on its head. With precision and humour, the subtle and powerful forces that keep rigid class structures in place and how the youth may just be the ones to shake it all up.
Love, サイモン 17歳の告白
Set in the beautiful high Pyrenees in south-west France, Damien lives with his mother Marianne, a doctor, while his father, a pilot, is on a tour of duty abroad with the French military. At school, Damien is bullied by Thomas, who lives in the farming community up in the mountains. The boys find themselves living together when Marianne invites Thomas to come and stay with them while his mother is ill in hospital. Damien must learn to live with the boy who terrorised him.
スポットライト 世紀のスクープ
2002年、ウォルターやマイクたちのチームは、「The Boston Globe」で連載コーナーを担当していた。ある日、彼らはこれまでうやむやにされてきた、神父による児童への性的虐待の真相について調査を開始する。カトリック教徒が多いボストンでは彼らの行為はタブーだった。
「トレインスポッティング」「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のダニー・ボイル監督と「ラブ・アクチュアリー」の脚本家リチャード・カーティスがタッグを組み、「ザ・ビートルズ」の名曲の数々に乗せて描くコメディドラマ。イギリスの小さな海辺の町で暮らすシンガーソングライターのジャックは、幼なじみの親友エリーから献身的に支えられているものの全く売れず、音楽で有名になる夢を諦めかけていた。そんなある日、世界規模の瞬間的な停電が発生し、ジャックは交通事故で昏睡状態に陥ってしまう。目を覚ますとそこは、史上最も有名なはずのバンド「ザ・ビートルズ」が存在しない世界になっていた。彼らの名曲を覚えているのは世界でただひとり、ジャックだけで……。イギリスの人気テレビドラマ「イーストエンダーズ」のヒメーシュ・パテルが主演を務め、「マンマ・ミーア! ヒア・ウィ・ゴー」のリリー・ジェームズ、「ゴーストバスターズ」のケイト・マッキノンが共演。シンガーソングライターのエド・シーランが本人役で出演する。