
闇動画6 (2013)

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 6分

演出 : Kazuto Kodama
脚本 : Kazuto Kodama


「死は誰も経験したことがない」 映像提供者の地元には1本の不思議な木がある。その木ではなぜか首つり自殺が異常に多く、皆その木を選ぶようにして死んでいくのだという…。 「通行者」 とある企業の保養施設で休暇を楽しむ家族の傍らに不可解な何者かが現れた。そこにはかつて結核の療養所がたっていたというのだが…。 「場を乱す者」 スピリチュアル・ブームの最中、ヒーリング・セミナーの様子を記録したドキュメンタリー映像。予想だにしなかった惨劇が会場を襲う! 「老少女」 友人の結婚式の会場で撮影されたという映像に奇妙な人物がうつっていた。その場違いに見える人物は顔と体のバランスが異様であるというのだが…。 「呪縛地帯」 心霊スポットの廃墟を訪ねた若者たち。そこではあることをすると霊が姿を現わすと言われており、やってみた。それが悲劇の始まりだった!



Kazuto Kodama
Kazuto Kodama
Kazuto Kodama
Kazuto Kodama


闇動画6 予告編




A documentary maker, a team of researchers in dead languages ​​and rites, a priest and a cameraman enter a factory that has been abandoned since 2001, when an employee murdered 16 work colleagues and subsequently, in the face of police persecution, killed himself. The police concealed evidence and closed the case as mass murder, but several testimonies, forensic photographs and other studies showed that the killer had practiced Enochian magic.
The Life and Hard Times of Guy Terrifico
A faux documentary about the rise and fall of fictional country singer Guy Terrifico, featuring some legendary real-life performers.
Deckname Dennis
Dennis, an American private eye, is sent to Germany to find out as much as possible about typical Germans and typically German behaviour. Disguised as a TV reporter he sets sail for Germany where we follow him interviewing a wide variety of people, from politicians and intellectuals to policemen, demonstrants and ordinary people in the street. All this, however, is not what the film is really about, for "Deckname Dennis" is actually a satirical documentary about all those extremely odd people, groups and societies whose attitudes and behaviour are far too outrageous for anybody to take seriously. Therefore ALL the documentary bits are real, i.e. the people really thought they were being interviewed by an American reporter, and so they gladly presented an insight into their beliefs, ideas and goals.
Dark Side of the Moon
A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick.
Land Without Bread
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extremadura, Spain, as it was in 1932. Insalubrity, misery and lack of opportunities provoke the emigration of young people and the solitude of those who remain in the desolation of one of the poorest and least developed Spanish regions at that time. (Silent short, voiced in 1937 and 1996.)
Man of the Year
First-time director Dirk Shafer also penned this raucous "mockumentary," a blend of fact and fiction that re-creates his 1992 reign as Playgirl magazine's Centerfold of the Year. When Shafer chooses to keep the fact that he's gay a secret from the magazine's editors, he finds himself living the ultimate lie -- and incapable of giving female readers what they really want. Will he succumb to his lover's pressures to come out of the closet?
Fear of a Black Hat
Chronicling the controversial career of bad boys N.W.H. (Niggaz With Hats), this uproarious 'mockumentary' lampoons all of hardcore rap's hot-button issues. This underground laugh riot recounts the rise, fall and resurrection of a clueless bunch of would-be rappers, Ice Cold, Tone-Def & Tasty Taste performing as N.W.H.
1982年、南アフリカ共和国のヨハネスブルク上空に突如宇宙船が出現した。しかし、上空で静止した巨大な宇宙船からは応答や乗員が降りる様子はなく、人類は宇宙船に乗船しての調査を行うことを決定。知的生命体との接触に世界中の期待が集まる中行われた調査であったが、船内に侵入した調査隊が発見したのは、支配層の死亡と宇宙船の故障により難民となった大量のエイリアンであった。 乗船していたエイリアンたちは地上に移り、隔離地区である「第9地区」で難民として、MNU (英:Multi-National United) と呼ばれる超国家機関による管理・監視のもとで生活することになったが、文化や外見の違いから人間とエイリアン達との間では小競り合いが頻発する。人間達のエイリアンへの反発や差別は強まり、やがて彼等に対しては「エビ」(外見がエビ[=PRAWN]に似ているため)という蔑称が定着するようになった。 そして宇宙船出現から28年後、ついにエビ達を新たに用意された彼ら専用の居住区域である第10地区に移住させることが決定し、MNUの職員であるヴィカスは、立ち退き要請の同意を得るため第9地区を訪れるが、エイリアンの家で見つけた謎の液体を不注意により浴びてしまう。
This Is Spinal Tap
"This Is Spinal Tap" shines a light on the self-contained universe of a metal band struggling to get back on the charts, including everything from its complicated history of ups and downs, gold albums, name changes and undersold concert dates, along with the full host of requisite groupies, promoters, hangers-on and historians, sessions, release events and those special behind-the-scenes moments that keep it all real.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo, all the while deconstructing the conventions and archetypes of the horror genre for them.
Faces of Death III
The third installment of the infamous "is it real or fake?" mondo series sets its sights primarily on serial killers, with lengthy reenactments of police investigations of bodies being found in dumpsters, and a staged courtroom sequence.
The Magician
Following the dealings of Melbourne-based hitman Ray as seen through the eyes of his ex-neighbour and friend Max, an Italian film student. Max and his camera witness Ray's work life as it unfolds from day to day, giving an insight into a world we rarely see, and at the same time developing an unusual friendship with his subject.
Flamboyantly gay Austrian television reporter Bruno stirs up trouble with unsuspecting guests and large crowds through brutally frank interviews and painfully hilarious public displays of homosexuality.
The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash
The story of the rise and fall of the Pre-Fab Four.
The Eylandt Investigation
The New York lawyer Willam Singer receives three letters, that his father's cousin from Germany wrote to him over the last 5 decades, describing, that she hosted three people in her cellar for more than 60 years. Singer tries to find out, if she wrote the truth.
Waiting for Guffman
Aspiring director Corky St. Clair and the marginally talented amateur cast of his hokey small-town musical production go overboard when they learn that Broadway theater agent Mort Guffman will be in attendance.
The Left-Hand Side of the Fridge
Christophe agrees to be filmed by his roommate Stéphane, while he is searching for a meaningful engineering job. Since he voluntarily resigned his job when he was to be moved to quality control, he does not get unemployment benefits, and goes to classes on how to contest the decision.
I'm Still Here
I'm Still Here is a portrayal of a tumultuous year in the life of actor Joaquin Phoenix. With remarkable access, the film follows the Oscar-nominee as he announces his retirement from a successful film career in the fall of 2008 and sets off to reinvent himself as a hip-hop musician. The film is a portrait of an artist at a crossroads and explores notions of courage and creative reinvention, as well as the ramifications of a life spent in the public eye.