The Sickle or the Cross (1949)

ジャンル : ドラマ, 戦争

上映時間 : 1時間 14分

演出 : Frank R. Strayer
脚本 : Jesse Lasky Jr.


Reverend John Burnside, American missionary in the Far East, prepares to return home after twenty years to take up the fight against Communism. The Reds imprison him and send in his place a spy who is his double, but who is instructed to come out for Communism. The spy is accepted in Burnside's home town, and he reports to local Communist headquarters, where James John, prominent local businessman but in reality a Red agent, has instructions to assist him in all details of his mission. He does a series of personal appearances and radio interviews and talk shows, using an anti-Communist approach.


Kent Taylor
Kent Taylor
Rev. John Burnside
Gloria Holden
Gloria Holden
Louise Cannon
Gene Lockhart
Gene Lockhart
James John
Emmett Vogan
Emmett Vogan
Walter Deems
David Bruce
David Bruce
George Hart
Kathleen Lockhart
Kathleen Lockhart
Martha Deems
Margaret Kerry
Margaret Kerry
Betty Deems
Arthur Stone
Arthur Stone
Tommy Deems
Dudley Dickerson
Dudley Dickerson
Adeline De Walt Reynolds
Adeline De Walt Reynolds
Mrs. Burnside
Robert Emmett Keane
Robert Emmett Keane
Dr. Soams
John Eldredge
John Eldredge
Rev. Dodge
Charles Halton
Charles Halton
Dr. Short
Ivan Triesault
Ivan Triesault
I.V. Morse
Gene Roth
Gene Roth
Gayne Whitman
Gayne Whitman
Tim Matthews
Diane Fauntelle
Diane Fauntelle
Bookstore Clerk
Philip Ahn
Philip Ahn
Chinese Official
Anne O'Neal
Anne O'Neal
Mrs. Borum
Jack Rice
Jack Rice
Radio Engineer
Victor Sen Yung
Victor Sen Yung
Joe Hinds
Joe Hinds
Mr. Willoughby
Nan Boardman
Nan Boardman
Mrs. Willoughby
Stephen Chase
Stephen Chase


Frank R. Strayer
Frank R. Strayer
Jesse Lasky Jr.
Jesse Lasky Jr.
Roland D. Reed
Roland D. Reed
Guy V. Thayer Jr.
Guy V. Thayer Jr.
Associate Producer
Alberto Colombo
Alberto Colombo
Walter Strenge
Walter Strenge
Director of Photography
S. Roy Luby
S. Roy Luby


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