
Killer Bean Forever (2008)

If you want to take him down, you better bring backup.

ジャンル : アニメーション, アクション, アドベンチャー, コメディ, ファミリー, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Jeff Lew


When things go bad in Beantown, top assassin Killer Bean is called to clean-up the mess. Detective Cromwell finds himself in the middle between Killer Bean and mob boss Cappuccino.


Vegas E. Trip
Vegas E. Trip
Killer Bean (voice)
Bryan Session
Bryan Session
Detective Cromwell (voice)
Matthew Tyler
Matthew Tyler
Cappuccino (voice)
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jet Bean (voice)
David Guilmette
David Guilmette
The Voice / Harry / Mercenary Leader / Bartender (voice)


Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Sound Designer
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Jeff Lew
Justin R. Durban
Justin R. Durban
Von C. Caberte
Von C. Caberte
Lead Character Designer


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Werner is a private investigator. One day, the rich and attractive Stella Hvidsteen visits him in his weary office. She says that her sister Evy has disappeared, asks him to find her, and adds that her sister has red hair.
The Frightened City
A London accountant (Herbert Lom) forms six gangs into a syndicate which he tries to control with a killer (Sean Connery).
The Black Raven
One dark and stormy night, an escaped convict, an embezzler, a runaway daughter, her intended and her father, and a gangster take refuge in a remote inn called "The Black Raven" after the nickname of a second gangster who owns it; and murder ensues.
A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.
I, Mobster
The rise and fall of gang lord Joe Sante. A crime boss appears before a Senate subcommittee. A flashbacks tell his story.
Gang Bullets
A Capone-like racketeer named Anderson, who after being chased out of one town by the authorities immediately sets up shop in another. Unable to get any tangible evidence against Anderson, DA Wayne orders his assistant Carter to dig up some dirt on the gangster boss. To do this, Carter pretends to turned crooked, joining Anderson's gang in order to accumulate evidence. Alas, Carter's girl friend Patricia knows nothing of her boyfriend's subterfuge, and she suspects the worst.
Baby Face Morgan
When crime boss Big Mike Morgan is killed, his lieutenant, "Doc" Rogers, learns that Morgan has a son named Edward living in the country with his mother. Rogers has naïve Edward brought to the city and installs him as the head of Acme Protective Agency. Good-hearted Eddy assumes his company provides insurance, rather than extortion-- But don't be too hard on the guy, he still doesn't know he's Baby Face Morgan, the most feared gangster in the city!
Set in post Second World War Britain, Noose is the story of black market racketeers who face attempts to bring them to justice by an American fashion journalist, her ex-army fiancée and a gang of honest toughs from a local gym. When a corpse turns up at black market front The Blue Moon Club, Yank reporter Carole Landis starts snooping, much to gang boss Joseph Calleia’s annoyance. And soon there’s a hit man on the way...
Organized crime boss Meyer Lansky remembers his life as he is moving about the world looking for some country that will take him in since the USA have put out an extradition order for him.
In the outskirts of the city, where crime is a way of life, the paths of four desperate people collide. Jordan Coleman, a local drug dealer, finds himself at a crossroads when his friend and mentor gets in too deep with a ruthless gangster and club owner. Chelsea Hammond, an exotic dancer, finds herself being pushed into the dark world of adult entertainment as she fights to regain control of her life. Narcotics detective Sam Riley struggles with an online addiction he has tried to keep hidden from his wife. Reformed street thug Harrison Green goes back to his old neighborhood to try and connect with a street brother he left behind. These four will face their ultimate test at the hands of Copernicus Jones, a ruthless gangster who will let nothing stand in his way.
Angel's Dance
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L.A. ギャング ストーリー
El señor fotógrafo
Cantinflas, a traveling photographer, is captured by some gangsters while trying to get some flowers for his girlfriend. The gangsters have confused him with the assistant of Dr. Penongo, a scientist who has discovered the formula of a new atomic bomb. Meanwhile, Penongo has suffered a car accident and has lost his memory ...
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Gangster World
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A biker is forced to deliver a ticking time bomb by a mysterious caller who has put an explosive helmet on his ex-girlfriend.
Bad Company
A psychotic and sadistic mob boss is infatuated with the young wife of his newlywed attorney, and he plots to get him out of the way so he can have her to himself.
After seeing his mother dead, a young boy runs away and is later recruited by a gangster. After becoming the right hand man of his employer, he makes serious enemies and everyone starts targeting him.
Jack Early is a photographer who will stop at nothing to climb his way to the very top of the success ladder. On the strength of his sheer tenacity, he gets a job with a major newspaper, and it's not long before he's made a name for himself by charming a notorious crime boss, Nick Palmer, into allowing himself to be photographed. Palmer takes him under his wing, but Early decides to bite the hand that feeds him and sets Palmer and another crime boss, Colton, against one another.


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Pull back the curtain on the remarkable history of six decades of James Bond music, from Sean Connery’s Dr No through to Daniel Craig’s final outing in No Time to Die.
Battle in Heaven
Set in Mexico City, Carlos Reygadas's sexually explicit drama centers on a man in turmoil over his past actions. Chauffer Marcos feels compelled to reveal a dark secret to his boss's daughter, Ana, a wealthy woman who works as a prostitute just for the thrill of it. Marcos confesses that he and his wife committed a crime that ended in horrible tragedy. Haunted by his past, Marcos searches for redemption.
グースバンプス 呪われたハロウィーン
全米初登場No.1&全世界興収1億ドルを突破した大ヒット映画 『グースバンプス』シリーズ、待望の第2弾! 封印された本を巡る痛快ファンタジー・アドベンチャー! ハロウィーンシーズン真っ只中、ソニーとサムはある屋敷で一冊の本と腹話術人形を見つける。ホラー作家R.L.スタインによって書かれたその本を開くと、中に書かれていた小説が現実になってしまうのであった。スタインの描いたモンスターが街中に溢れ大混乱!そんな中、悪魔の腹話術人形スラッピーに捕らわれた母を救うため、ソニーとサム、そしてソニーの姉サラはハロウィーン・モンスター達に立ち向かう。果たして彼らはモンスター達を無事本の世界に戻すことが出来るのか…!?
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に
第25話「Air」 全ての使徒を倒したNERVに対し、サードインパクト発動を目論むゼーレが戦略自衛隊を使った武力占拠を開始する。施設が次々と破壊・占拠されていく中、シンジは戦自隊員に発見され殺されそうになるが、生きる意思を失くしていたシンジは抵抗すらしなかった。それをミサトが寸前で救出するが、移動中に銃撃に遭って負傷し、シンジにEVAで戦うよう言い残して命を落とす。 第26話 「まごころを、君に」シンジを乗せたEVA初号機を依代としてサードインパクトが始まる。これによって人類は個体の生命体としての姿を保てなくなり液化して崩れていき、その魂は「黒き月」に集められる。初号機はレイやカヲルの姿をとる巨人(第2使徒リリス)に取り込まれ、シンジはレイとカヲルに再会する。そこでシンジは人類が単体の生命となることを望まず、それぞれの個人がいる従来の世界を望みリリスは首から血を噴き出しながら倒れ崩れ落ちていく。
アナベル 死霊博物館
たまたま出会ったノリで結成された銀河一の“落ちこぼれ”チーム<ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー>。小遣い稼ぎに請けた仕事をきっかけに、“黄金の惑星”の艦隊から総攻撃を受けることに。 間一髪、彼らを救ったのは“ピーターの父親”と名乗る謎の男エゴと、触れただけで感情を読み取れるマンティスだった。ピーターの出生に隠された衝撃の真実とは? さらに銀河全体を脅かす恐るべき陰謀が交錯していき、彼らがなぜか銀河滅亡を阻止する最後の希望に。 その運命の鍵を握るのは、小さくてキュートな最終兵“木”グルートだった…。