
A Feather in Her Hat (1935)


ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 12分

演出 : Alfred Santell


After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.


Pauline Lord
Pauline Lord
Clarissa Phipps
Basil Rathbone
Basil Rathbone
Captain Randolph Courtney
Louis Hayward
Louis Hayward
Richard Orland
Billie Burke
Billie Burke
Julia Trent Anders
Wendy Barrie
Wendy Barrie
Pauline Anders
Nydia Westman
Nydia Westman
Emily Judson
Victor Varconi
Victor Varconi
Paul Anders
Thurston Hall
Thurston Hall
Sir Elroyd Joyce
Nana Bryant
Nana Bryant
Lady Drake
J. M. Kerrigan
J. M. Kerrigan
Lawrence Grant
Lawrence Grant
Dr. Phillips
Doris Lloyd
Doris Lloyd
Liz Vining
David Niven
David Niven
Leo Cartwright
John Rogers
John Rogers
Henry Vining
Lowden Adams
Lowden Adams
Man (uncredited)
Harry Allen
Harry Allen
Alf (uncredited)
Jimmy Aubrey
Jimmy Aubrey
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Ambrose Barker
Ambrose Barker
Cockney Man (uncredited)
Wilson Benge
Wilson Benge
Butcher (uncredited)
Frank Benson
Frank Benson
Man (uncredited)
George Bunny
George Bunny
Cockney Man (uncredited)
Alma Chester
Alma Chester
Mrs. Wheeler (uncredited)
Ivan Christy
Ivan Christy
Man (uncredited)
E. E. Clive
E. E. Clive
Higgins - Pub Proprietor (uncredited)
Phyllis Coghlan
Phyllis Coghlan
Woman (uncredited)
Joyce Colby
Joyce Colby
Woman (uncredited)
D'Arcy Corrigan
D'Arcy Corrigan
Cockney Man (uncredited)
Robert Cory
Robert Cory
Stage Manager (uncredited)
Carrie Daumery
Carrie Daumery
Dowager (uncredited)
J. Gunnis Davis
J. Gunnis Davis
Man (uncredited)
Kay Deslys
Kay Deslys
Barmaid (uncredited)
Larry Dods
Larry Dods
Ticket Seller (uncredited)
David Dunbar
David Dunbar
Truck Driver (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Bess Flowers
Theatergoer Backstage (uncredited)
Gladys Gale
Gladys Gale
Woman (uncredited)
Douglas Gordon
Douglas Gordon
Intern (uncredited)
Robert Hale
Robert Hale
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Mildred Hardy
Mildred Hardy
Woman (uncredited)
Herbert Heywood
Herbert Heywood
Fish Monger (uncredited)
Leyland Hodgson
Leyland Hodgson
Leading Man (uncredited)
Eleanor Huntley
Eleanor Huntley
Woman (uncredited)
Olaf Hytten
Olaf Hytten
Cab Driver (uncredited)
John Irwin
John Irwin
Bouncer (uncredited)
Lorimer Johnston
Lorimer Johnston
Man (uncredited)
Richard Lancaster
Richard Lancaster
Man (uncredited)
Connie Leon
Connie Leon
Woman (uncredited)
Lois Lindsay
Lois Lindsay
Woman (uncredited)
Gordie Mackay
Gordie Mackay
Messenger Boy (uncredited)
Dan Maxwell
Dan Maxwell
Driver (uncredited)
James May
James May
Butcher (uncredited)
John C. McCallum
John C. McCallum
Cockney Man (uncredited)
Harold Miller
Harold Miller
Party Guest / Theatregoer (uncredited)
Thomas R. Mills
Thomas R. Mills
Stage Manager (uncredited)
Edmund Mortimer
Edmund Mortimer
Theatergoer (uncredited)
Henry Mowbray
Henry Mowbray
Party Guest (uncredited)
Leonard Mudie
Leonard Mudie
Hyde Park Orator (uncredited)
Doreen Munroe
Doreen Munroe
Mrs. Pobjoy (uncredited)
Ottola Nesmith
Ottola Nesmith
Susan (uncredited)
Mrs. Wilfrid North
Mrs. Wilfrid North
Woman (uncredited)
Dennis O'Keefe
Dennis O'Keefe
Theatergoer (uncredited)
Vivien Patterson
Vivien Patterson
Nurse (uncredited)
Gil Perkins
Gil Perkins
Ticket Taker (uncredited)
Reba Phillips
Reba Phillips
Woman (uncredited)
Tempe Pigott
Tempe Pigott
Katy (uncredited)
John Power
John Power
Cockney Man (uncredited)
Elsie Prescott
Elsie Prescott
Mrs. Guernsey (uncredited)
Sonny Roe
Sonny Roe
Cockney Man (uncredited)
C. Montague Shaw
C. Montague Shaw
Man (uncredited)
Phillips Smalley
Phillips Smalley
Man (uncredited)
Nellie St. Clair
Nellie St. Clair
Scrub Woman (uncredited)
Agnes Steele
Agnes Steele
Mrs. Probert (uncredited)
Minnie Steele
Minnie Steele
Scrub Woman (uncredited)
John Van Eyck
John Van Eyck
Hospital Attendant (uncredited)
Fred Walton
Fred Walton
Heckler (uncredited)
Frank Ward
Frank Ward
Man (uncredited)
Corinne Williams
Corinne Williams
Nurse (uncredited)
Bruce Wyndham
Bruce Wyndham
Man (uncredited)
Peggy Wynne
Peggy Wynne
Cockney Woman (uncredited)


Alfred Santell
Alfred Santell
Lawrence Hazard
Lawrence Hazard
I.A.R. Wylie
I.A.R. Wylie
Everett Riskin
Everett Riskin
Phil Boutelje
Phil Boutelje
Original Music Composer
Joseph Walker
Joseph Walker
Director of Photography
Viola Lawrence
Viola Lawrence
Stephen Goosson
Stephen Goosson
Art Direction
Murray Mayer
Murray Mayer
Costume Design
Charles C. Coleman
Charles C. Coleman
Assistant Director
George Cooper
George Cooper
Louis Silvers
Louis Silvers
Music Director


Lulu is a young woman so beautiful and alluring that few can resist her siren charms. The men drawn into her web include respectable newspaper publisher Dr. Ludwig Schön, his musical producer son Alwa, circus performer Rodrigo Quast, and seedy old Schigolch. When Lulu's charms inevitably lead to tragedy, the downward spiral encompasses them all.
Jack & Sarah
Jack always lands on his feet. He lands on his feet when he marries the beautiful Sarah. He lands on his feet when he buys a luxurious new home. However, when Sarah goes into labour, he takes a tumble down the stairs and lands on his head. When he comes around he discovers he is the proud father of a baby girl, but deficient in the spouse department to the tune of 1.
Our Mother's House
Seven British children bury their mother and hide her death, until their long-lost father returns.
2人の対照的な女性の間で現実と幻想が交錯し、謎が二転三転していくさまを、幾重もの仕掛けを張り巡らせミステリアスかつ官能的に描いたサスペンス・ドラマ。監督は「8人の女たち」のフランソワ・オゾン。出演はいずれもオゾン作品に出演歴のある「まぼろし」のシャーロット・ランプリングと「焼け石に水」のリュディヴィーヌ・サニエ。  創作活動に行き詰まっていたイギリスの女流ミステリー作家サラはある夏の日、出版社社長ジョンの勧めで南仏の彼の別荘を訪れる。そこは明るく静かで、誰にも邪魔されずに執筆できる最適な場所だった。しかし、サラがいよいよ仕事に取り掛かろうとした矢先、社長の娘ジュリーが別荘にやって来る。裸でプールを泳ぎ、毎夜男を連れ込んでは嬌声をあげるジュリーに苛立ち筆が進まないサラ。だがやがてサラは、ジュリーの若さと妖艶な振る舞いに強い刺激を受け、いつしか彼女をモデルに物語を紡ぎ始めるのだった…。
Teheran '43
This story starts in 1980 in Paris as the memories of Andrei Borodin, a Soviet agent, take the action back to 1943 during the Teheran meetings of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. A high-ranking Nazi officer developed a plan to assassinate the three world leaders in order to undermine the Allied forces. He commissioned the German agent Max Richard to carry out his plan, but it failed miserably due to the quick action and thinking of Andrei. While in Teheran, Andrei met a French woman, Marie Louni, living in the city and they had a brief but intense affair. Nearly four decades later, the Nazi officer has been captured - but not for long. Freed by terrorists, the officer is hunting down the German agent who failed to carry out the planned assassinations. Max lives at Françoise, a young French woman, who hides him.
ある日、新進女優イヴ・ハリントンはアメリカ演劇界の栄えある賞に輝いた。だが、彼女がここまで上り詰めるには、一部の関係者たちしか知り得ない紆余曲折の経緯があった。8ヶ月前、田舎からニューヨークへ出てきたイヴは、ひょんなことから憧れの舞台女優マーゴの住み込み秘書となった。するとイヴはこれを皮切りに、劇作家や有名批評家に巧く取り入り、マーゴまでも踏み台にしてスター女優へのし上がっていく…。  監督マンキウィッツ自身による見事な脚本と、名優たちの火花散らす熱演とが融合し、その年のアカデミー賞をほぼ独占する形となった、バックステージものの最高作。田舎からニューヨークへ出、大女優(B・デイヴィス)の付き人となったのを皮切りに、有名批評家に取り入って大女優の代役から一躍、ブロードウェイの寵児にのし上がるヒロインを、A・バクスターがまさに一世一代の体当たり芝居で演じきる。批評家のG・サンダースも、いつになく繊細な役柄を的確に表現し、オスカー助演賞を得た。まだ無名の頃のモンローが顔を出している。
ソ連国内でアメリカ製の半導体チップを持ち出した003が雪原で遭難。遺体から半導体チップを回収したボンドはソ連軍に追われるが、スキー&スノーボードで振り切って任務を果たす。 003の死体から発見されたのはマイクロチップ。このチップは従来のものと違い、核爆発で発生する強力な磁気にも対抗できるものだった。製造元のゾリン産業が怪しいとにらんだ英国情報部はボンドにゾリンの内偵を命じる。そこでボンドはチップの製造元であるゾリン社を調査する。 社長のマックス・ゾリンが所有する常勝の競走馬を調査するうちに、その馬からはマイクロチップに制御されたステロイド供給装置が見つかる。ゾリンを追ってサンフランシスコに潜入したボンドは彼がシリコンバレーを壊滅させ、マイクロチップ市場を独占しようとしていることを知る。
00メンバーらによるジブラルタルでのNATOの演習訓練中、「スパイに死を」との標札とともに、004が殺害された。訓練に参加していた007ことボンドは暗殺者を追跡。死闘の末に暗殺者を倒す。 その後、ボンドはソ連が支配する東側のチェコスロバキアにいた。ソ連の重要人物コスコフ将軍から、ボンドを名指ししての亡命の協力依頼が英国情報部に入りその任務のために現地へ潜入していた。先に潜入していた同僚のソーンダースとともに、クラシック演奏会場から脱出したコスコフを援護する。
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Seance on a Wet Afternoon
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Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall
Jessie Wallace stars in this BBC drama based on the turbulent life and times of Marie Lloyd, known as the 'Queen of the Music Hall', who was famous at the turn of the 20th century not just for her performances on stage but also for her riotous behaviour off it. Lloyd's love life and outrageous conduct made her a target for the rising tabloid newspapers of the time. The film includes some of Lloyd's most famous songs, including 'My Old Man Said Follow the Van' and her theme song 'A Little of What You Fancy Does You Good'.