The Saber (2007)

Just a secret. Done in secret. Nobody sees. Nobody knows.

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 3分

演出 : Barbara Sundstrom


Cadet Cameron O'Connor, class leader and computer whiz-kid, succumbs to the lure of Internet pornography, losing what he deems most precious - his relationship with Allison and his future at the Military Academy. A crisis of faith leads to his only hope.


Zac Klammer
Zac Klammer
Cadet Cameron O'Connor
Chris Wessner
Chris Wessner
Cadet Jacob Jordan
Chandler Roberts
Chandler Roberts
Allison Tinsley
Mary Bolden
Mary Bolden
Cadet Sandrea Jordan
Shelton Jolivette
Shelton Jolivette
Squad Leader Williams
Kurt Bauer
Kurt Bauer
Major Hampton
Joe Grisaffi
Joe Grisaffi
The Stalker
Denise Marek-Plumb
Denise Marek-Plumb
EMS Technician (as Denise Plumb)
Jill Kirk
Jill Kirk
Shadow Dancer / Waitress


Barbara Sundstrom
Barbara Sundstrom
Barbara Sundstrom
Barbara Sundstrom
Barbara Sundstrom
Barbara Sundstrom
John Snavely
John Snavely
Tom Hickman
Tom Hickman


From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, join Peter, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and a multitude of others as they journey alongside the most famous person ever to walk the earth. Witness the most miraculous events in history as Jesus sets sail with fishermen, challenges the Pharisees, befriends the outcasts, and heals the hurting. The lives he touches will never be the same. Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound's spectacular original production has been experienced by over one million people live on stage.
God's Not Dead 2
When a high school teacher is asked a question in class about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in deep trouble and could expel God from the public square once and for all.
消防士として日々体を張って勇敢に炎に立ち向かい、仲間の窮地も救ってきたケイレブ。そんな消防士のかがみと言える彼も、プライベートでは妻キャサリンとの冷え切った夫婦関係に悩まされ、深い溝を埋められないまま離婚の危機を迎えていた。これまで、あまり妻のことに意を介さず、金銭面など自分のことしか考えてこなかったケイレブ。するとある日、彼は父から“The Love Dare”という日記のような物を受け取る。そこには40日間に渡って相手に示す様々な愛の表現が記されていた。
Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?
It's 2006, YouTube is in its infancy, and internet porn is still behind a paywall. Taking the stage name Brent Corrigan, a fresh-faced, wannabe adult video performer is molded into a star by Stephen, a closeted gay porn mogul who runs the skin flick empire Cobra Video from his seemingly ordinary suburban home. But as Brent's rise and demands for more money put him at odds with his boss, he also attracts the attention of a rival producer and his unstable lover who will stop at nothing to squash Cobra Video and steal its number one star.
King of Kings
Who is Jesus, and why does he impact all he meets? He is respected and reviled, emulated and accused, beloved, betrayed, and finally crucified. Yet that terrible fate would not be the end of the story.
Young Hunter
Ezequiel, a sixteen-year-old gay teenager in his sexual awakening, meets a boy of twenty-one. They quickly start a relationship and the situation unravels unexpectedly.
鍛えられた身体に甘いルックスのパーフェクト男ジョン。夜毎違う美女を“お持ち帰り”するがイマイチ満足できず、日課のポルノ鑑賞がやめられない。ある日、ジョンはクラブで超ゴージャスなセクシー美人バーバラに一目惚れする。しかし見た目とは裏腹に彼女は家庭的で堅実、恋に恋するタイプでジョンとは真逆の女性。ジョンは「この世で一番美しい女性」とのセックス達成のために奮闘するが……。 ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィットが初の監督を務め、第63回ベルリン国際映画祭をはじめ多方面から高く評価されたラブコメディー。
パウロ 愛と赦しの物語
Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell. Haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds, Paul wonders if he's been forgotten as he awaits his grisly execution. Before Paul's death, Luke resolves to write another book that details the birth of what will come to be known as the church.
私たちの時代の33年。 ローマのユダヤ州では、ナザレのイエスという名の神秘的な大工が「神の王国」の到来を告げ始め、謙虚な漁師のグループ、使徒たちに囲まれています。 何世紀もの間、ユダヤ人はメシアの到来を待っていました。メシアは、神聖な故郷を解放し、正義に基づいて新しい秩序を確立する摂理的な人物です。 イエスの教えは、彼がメシアであると認識する多くの信者を引き付けます。 状況に驚いたサンヘドリンは、十二使徒の一人であるイスカリオテのユダの助けを借りて、イエスを逮捕しました。 ローマに対する反逆罪で告発されたキリストはポンティウス・ピラトに引き渡されます。
SHAME ─シェイム─
アメイジング・ジャーニー 神の小屋より
I'm a Porn Star: Gay 4 Pay
Welcome to the curious, surprising and always outspoken world of straight men who go Gay4Pay. Curiously, there is a disproportionate percentage of men working in gay porn who identify as straight. Why would a straight man do gay porn? What motivates him to try this or make a career of it? Why is there such keen interest and debate into the sexuality and personal lives of these men? And what does it say about us, the viewer that so much of gay porn is dominated by images of straight men?
将来政治家になりたいという高校時代の野心的な青年、マシューは、夢の少女、隣の美しい若い隣人と恋に落ちます。 二人は牧歌的なロマンスを始めますが、驚くべき発見が彼らの関係をテストします。彼女は有名なポルノ女優です。
The young Jeremiah grows up in a priest's family in the village of Anathoth, near Jerusalem. God appears to Jeremiah in different human guises on several occasions, and makes it clear to him that he has been selected to announce God's message to the people of Jerusalem
Rocco Siffredi is to pornography what Mike Tyson is to boxing or Mick Jagger is to rock’n’roll: a living legend. His mother wanted him to be a priest; with her blessing he became a hardcore performer, devoting his life to one God only: Desire. Rocco Siffredi reveals all, even if it sometimes means busting his own myth: his true story, beginnings, career, wife and children… and the ultimate revelation that will change his life forever.