
The Day Kennedy Died (2013)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 31分

演出 : Leslie Woodhead


The doctor who tried to save him. The Secret Service agent who was seconds too late. The man wrongly accused of his murder. And the woman who unwittingly sheltered an assassin. The death of JFK has inspired thousands of books and debates over the last 50 years, but the stories of the people there on that day have gone largely untold...until now. Experience November 22, 1963 as it has never been presented before, in this minute-by-minute account of that day, narrated by Academy Award-winner Kevin Spacey, and brought to life through rarely seen footage and rarely heard testimonies.



Leslie Woodhead
Leslie Woodhead


ニューオーリンズの地方検事であるジム・ギャリソンは、昼食中に大統領暗殺の第一報を受けた。しかし、直後に逮捕されるリー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドという人物に、彼は大多数のアメリカ人とは別のショックを受ける。ニューオーリンズの法曹関係者の間ではオズワルドという男は有名人であったからである。 オズワルドは不思議な過去を持ち、奇行を繰り返し、キューバ人の団体とトラブルを起こしていた人物だった。彼はすぐにこの人物の調査を始めるも、大統領暗殺事件の二日後にさらに事件が起こった。マスコミや大勢の警官がいるさなか、オズワルドが警察署の中でジャック・ルビーという男に射殺されたのだ。
ジャッキー/ファーストレディ 最後の使命
パークランド ケネディ暗殺、真実の4日間
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass
Thirty years after his film JFK, filmmaker Oliver Stone takes viewers on a journey though recently declassified evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy - the most consequential American murder mystery of the twentieth century. Joined by Oscar-winning narrators Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland, as well as a distinguished team of forensics, medical and ballistics experts, historians, and witnesses, Stone presents compelling evidence that in the Kennedy case “conspiracy theory” is now “conspiracy fact.”
1963 Military Industrialist Arthur Blackmark must race against the clock to stop an international incident which threatens to end the world.
Bubba Ho-tep
Bubba Ho-tep tells the "true" story of what really did become of Elvis Presley. We find Elvis as an elderly resident in an East Texas rest home, who switched identities with an Elvis impersonator years before his "death," then missed his chance to switch back. He must team up with JFK and fight an ancient Egyptian mummy for the souls of their fellow residents.
The House of Yes
Jackie-O is anxiously awaiting the visit of her brother home for Thanksgiving, but isn't expecting him to bring a friend — and she's even more shocked to learn that this friend is his fiance. It soon becomes clear that her obsession with Jackie Kennedy is nothing compared to her obsession with her brother, and she isn't the only member of the family with problems.
PT 109
Dramatization of President John F. Kennedy's war time experiences during which he captained a PT boat, took it to battle and had it sunk by a Japanese destroyer. He and the survivors had to make their way to an island, find food and shelter and signal the Navy for rescue.
The Day Kennedy Died
The doctor who tried to save him. The Secret Service agent who was seconds too late. The man wrongly accused of his murder. And the woman who unwittingly sheltered an assassin. The death of JFK has inspired thousands of books and debates over the last 50 years, but the stories of the people there on that day have gone largely untold...until now. Experience November 22, 1963 as it has never been presented before, in this minute-by-minute account of that day, narrated by Academy Award-winner Kevin Spacey, and brought to life through rarely seen footage and rarely heard testimonies.
ルパン三世 アルカトラズコネクション
Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald
The story of the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of shooting President Kennedy. Via flashbacks, the story traces the woman's life from her days in Russia, the turmoil following the assassination, raising her family, and coming to grips with the fact that she too may have been a pawn in a grand conspiracy.
The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
The bizarre story behind the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy and what might have happened had he been brought to trial.
JFK Remembered: 50 Years Later
A look back at the 1000 days of the John F. Kennedy presidency.
The Kennedy Detail
Based on the book by Gerald S. Blaine With Lisa McCubbin "The Kennedy Detail", this documentary interviews the men who served on President JFK's Secret Service Detail and their memories of the man, president, and perceptions of Camelot. Some of these men were there on the fateful day when life changed on the streets of Dallas, TX in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963.
Confessions From the Grassy Knoll: The Shocking Truth
The Grassy Knoll: FBI Agents re-examine the JFK Assassination presents an investigation into the story of a man who confessed to firing the fatal shot from the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza; Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. His story becomes one more compelling piece of evidence for what most Americans have long suspected: that their government covered up critical facts about the CIA's collaboration with Organized Crime to assassinate the President of the United States.
Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy
A documentary destined to calmly explain and analyze the facts, myths and rumours about John Kennedy's assassination and the overwhelming use of information in Oliver Stone's epic "JFK" (1991), at the same time it presents a behind the scenes documentary on the controversial film. Features interviews with the cast and director, and the personalities who lived and remember the facts concerning the November 22, 1963, like reporters, eyewitnesses and others, and some of the real characters from the movie, like Jim Garrison, Numa Bertel, Lou Ivon and Perry Russo.
Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment
During a two-day period before and after the University of Alabama integration crisis, the film uses five camera crews to follow President John F. Kennedy, attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, Alabama governor George Wallace, deputy attorney general Nicholas Katzenbach and the students Vivian Malone and James Hood. As Wallace has promised to personally block the two black students from enrolling in the university, the JFK administration discusses the best way to react to it, without rousing the crowd or making Wallace a martyr for the segregationist cause.