
Beautiful Young Minds (2007)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Morgan Matthews


This BAFTA nominated documentary tells the story of some of the brightest mathematical brains of a generation. Each year, exceptionally gifted teenagers from over 90 countries compete for medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad. The film follows a group of brilliant teenagers as they battle it out to become the chosen six selected to represent the UK.



Morgan Matthews
Morgan Matthews


In 1999, Star Wars fanatics take a cross-country trip to George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch so their dying friend can see a screening of The Phantom Menace before its release.
My Name Is Khan
Rizwan Khan, a Muslim from the Borivali section of Mumbai, has Asperger's syndrome. He marries a Hindu single mother, Mandira, in San Francisco. After 9/11, Rizwan is detained by authorities at LAX who treat him as a terrorist because of his condition and his race.
Ringers: Lord of the Fans
'Ringers: Lord of the Fans' is a feature-length documentary that explores how "The Lord of the Rings" has influenced Western popular culture over the past 50 years.
常人離れした知能指数を持つが日常生活には順応できない男、マックス・コーエンは自作のスーパーコンピュータを用いて日々株式市場の予測を行っていた。「世界に存在する事象のすべてはそれぞれ一つの数式で理解できる」と信じる彼の前に、ある日コンピュータが巨大な数字の塊を吐き出した。216桁のその数字には、かつて円周率 (π) を研究していたマックスの師ソルも辿り着いていた。彼はその日を境に216桁の数字が持つ不可思議な魔力に取り付かれていく。
Mad Hot Ballroom
Eleven-year-old New York City public school kids journey into the world of ballroom dancing and reveal pieces of themselves and their world along the way. Told from their candid, sometimes hilarious perspectives, these kids are transformed, from reluctant participants to determined competitors, from typical urban kids to "ladies and gentlemen," on their way to try to compete in the final citywide.
A hilarious look at the universe's most fervent fans.
Raiders!: The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made
In 1982, three 11 year-olds in Mississippi set out to remake their favorite film: Raiders of the Lost Ark. It took seven turbulent years that tested the limits of their friendship and nearly burned down their mother's house. By the end, they had completed every scene except one... the explosive airplane scene. 30 years later, they attempt to finally realize their childhood dream by building a replica of the 75 foot "Flying Wing" plane from Raiders in a mud pit in the backwoods of Mississippi... and then blow it up! This is the story behind the making of what is known as "the greatest fan film ever made."
Done the Impossible
A documentary covering Firefly's birth, death and rebirth from the perspective of both the fans and the cast and crew of both productions.
Trekkies 2
Denise Crosby takes another look at the huge fans of "Star Trek" and how the series from around the world has affected and shaped their lives.
何種類も売り出されたシリーズが映画自体として「中毒」を招くだけでなく、関連商品購入も「中毒」になって生活も壊れた(それでも満足している)人々が出てくる。 特に、旧3部作に比べ新3部作への失望が、多くの出演者の共通の不満となっている。エピソード1を観ただけでその後の作品は観てないという人も多い。絶対的な悪役の不在が新シリーズの欠点で、その悪役がルーカスになってしまったという人も出てくる。 最大の非難は、唯一のフルCGキャラクターであるジャー・ジャー・ビンクスに向けられる。不満から私家版の『スターウォーズ』を作った多くの人々も取り上げられる。 最初の公式なスピンオフの一つだった「ホリディ・スペシャル」(Star Wars Holiday Special)もまた批判の的となる(映像はその後公開されていない)。これは チューバッカが故郷に帰る話だった。
This documentary follows 8 teens and pre-teens as they work their way toward the finals of the Scripps Howard national spelling bee championship in Washington D.C.
Fermat's Room
Four mathematicians who do not know each other are invited by a mysterious host on the pretext of resolving a great enigma. The room in which they find themselves turns out to be a shrinking room that will crush them if they do not discover in time what connects them all and why someone might wish to murder them.
Mozart and the Whale
A love story between two savants with Asperger's syndrome, a kind of autism, whose conditions sabotage their budding relationship.
The Short Game
Each year, the world’s best 7 year-old golfers descend on Pinehurst, North Carolina to compete in the World Championships of Junior Golf. The Short Game follows eight of these very young athletes on their quest to become the sport’s next phenom.


Goodbye Paradise
The plot centres on Queensland's Gold Coast in the early 1980s, when a disgraced former cop, Michael Stacey writes a book exposing police corruption, does an investigation resulting in 2 murders, exposes a religious cult and watches the army begin a military coup.
From Vegas to Macau II
Following his confrontation with the nefarious DOA organization, Ken (Chow Yun Fat) is looking forward to going back to enjoying his retirement. His rest is cut abruptly short when his protégé Vincent (Shawn Yue), who's now working for Interpol, asks for Ken's help in taking down the real mastermind behind DOA, Aoi. The two head to Thailand, where DOA's former chief accountant Mark (Nick Cheung) has escaped with his daughter.
Ola Bola
Set in the 1970s, a multicultural team of Malaysian football players struggle to overcome personal and collective hardships as a team. Together they create the most triumphant zero to hero story and gain a place at the Asian Games.
Little Big Master
The story of a hopeful headmaster who perseveres in running a kindergarten for underprivileged children in Yuen Long, despite many challenges and little reward. Based on true events.
The Enemies of Reason
Documentary written and presented by scientist Richard Dawkins, in which he seeks to expose "those areas of belief that exist without scientific proof, yet manage to hold the nation under their spell", including mediumship, psychokinesis, acupuncture, and other forms of alternative medicine.
Blackadder: Back & Forth
What was a cunning plan from Lord Edmund Blackadder V to fake a time machine on his gullibly incompetent friends, turns out to be the real thing and hurls him and his imbecile underling, Baldrick, through the course of human history.
Root of All Evil?
In this two-part Channel 4 series, Professor Richard Dawkins challenges what he describes as 'a process of non-thinking called faith'. He describes his astonishment that, at the start of the 21st century, religious faith is gaining ground in the face of rational, scientific truth. Science, based on scepticism, investigation and evidence, must continuously test its own concepts and claims. Faith, by definition, defies evidence: it is untested and unshakeable, and is therefore in direct contradiction with science. In addition, though religions preach morality, peace and hope, in fact, says Dawkins, they bring intolerance, violence and destruction. The growth of extreme fundamentalism in so many religions across the world not only endangers humanity but, he argues, is in conflict with the trend over thousands of years of history for humanity to progress to become more enlightened and more tolerant.
Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
A documentary that follows the former Tonight Show. Filmed during Conan’s ”Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television” comedy tour, after his departure from the Tonight Show, takes viewers into an intimate journey of O’Brien’s life.
In 1989, a breakthrough in "advanced parasitic research" on Cuttyhunk Island gave scientists a jump in human evolution. Initial tests proved promising, as subjects experienced heightened physical and mental strength and awareness. But - something in the experiment went horribly wrong, and the island mysteriously lost three quarters of its population.
The Unbelievers
Scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss travel the globe promoting a scientific worldview and the rational questioning of religious belief.
The Method
In Madrid seven candidates report for a job interview that uses "the Grönholm method" of selection, as protestors rise up in public protest in the street over the IMF-World Bank Summit attempting globalisation of workers' unions.
エンロン 巨大企業はいかにして崩壊したのか?
A documentary about the Enron corporation, its faulty and corrupt business practices, and how they led to its fall.
The relationship between a middle-aged man and the elderly woman, who has been the family's helper for sixty years.
Ye Xiang Lun is a music student majoring in piano who just transferred to Tamkang, a school famous for its musically talented students, especially those who play piano. On his first day of school, he hears a mysterious melody being played, and following it meets Lu Xiao Yu, another piano major. When he asks her about the song she was playing, she tells him that it is a secret that cannot be told. The two form a friendship that quickly evolves into a romantic relationship. However unbeknownst to Xiang Lun, there is more to Xiao Yu than initially meets the eye.
You Are the Apple of My Eye
A group of close friends who attend a private school all have a debilitating crush on the sunny star pupil, Shen Jiayi. The only member of the group who claims not to is Ke Jingteng, but he ends up loving her as well.
L: Change the WorLd
世界を震撼させたキラ事件が佳境を迎えていた頃、タイのとある村で新種のウイルスによるバイオテロが発生し、某国は事件の証拠隠滅のため爆撃によって村を焼き払った。そのウイルスはインフルエンザ並の流行性とエボラウイルス並の致死率を掛け合わせた恐るべきものだった。 自分の命とワタリの死という代償を負ってキラ事件に終止符を打ったLは残りの時間をかけて世界中の難事件をたった一人で解決していた。だがタイの事件の生き残った少年「BOY」と、ワタリに託されるはずだったウイルスを携えた少女・真希の来訪に端を発し、Lは「人類削減計画」を掲げる環境保護団体『ブルーシップ』が関わる事件の解決に動き出す。
主人公・田原美嘉は、身長が低いこと以外は普通の女子高生であった。ある日、ノゾムにPHSの番号を知られたことがきっかけで偶然ヒロ(桜井弘樹)と知り合ってつき合うことになる。 ヒロは美嘉との交際に始めは本気ではなかったが、次第に本気になっていく。アヤとノゾムのカップルとダブルデートをしたり、一緒に授業をサボったりして高校生活を楽しんでいた。 そんな中、美嘉はヒロとの子供を妊娠する。2人は子供を出産することを決めたが、ヒロの元彼女・咲に強く押されて転び、美嘉は流産してしまう。2人は大きなショックを受けるが、また強い絆で結ばれていく。