
大砂塵 (1954)

Gun-Queen of the Arizona Frontier! And her kind of men!

ジャンル : ドラマ, 西洋, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 50分

演出 : Nicholas Ray
脚本 : Philip Yordan


On the outskirts of town, the hard-nosed Vienna owns a saloon frequented by the undesirables of the region, including Dancin' Kid and his gang. Another patron of Vienna's establishment is Johnny Guitar, a former gunslinger and her lover. When a heist is pulled in town that results in a man's death, Emma Small, Vienna's rival, rallies the townsfolk to take revenge on Vienna's saloon – even without proof of her wrongdoing.


Joan Crawford
Joan Crawford
Mercedes McCambridge
Mercedes McCambridge
Emma Small
Sterling Hayden
Sterling Hayden
Johnny 'Guitar' Logan
Ernest Borgnine
Ernest Borgnine
Bart Lonergan
John Carradine
John Carradine
Old Tom
Scott Brady
Scott Brady
Dancin' Kid
Ward Bond
Ward Bond
John McIvers
Royal Dano
Royal Dano
Frank Ferguson
Frank Ferguson
Marshal Williams
Paul Fix
Paul Fix
Rhys Williams
Rhys Williams
Mr. Andrews
Ian MacDonald
Ian MacDonald
Ben Cooper
Ben Cooper
Turkey Ralston
Denver Pyle
Denver Pyle
Posseman (uncredited)
Will Wright
Will Wright
Ned - Bank Teller (uncredited)


Nicholas Ray
Nicholas Ray
Roy Chanslor
Roy Chanslor
Philip Yordan
Philip Yordan
Nicholas Ray
Nicholas Ray
Ben Maddow
Ben Maddow
Nicholas Ray
Nicholas Ray
Harry Stradling Sr.
Harry Stradling Sr.
Director of Photography
Richard L. Van Enger
Richard L. Van Enger
James W. Sullivan
James W. Sullivan
Art Direction
Victor Young
Victor Young
Original Music Composer
Edward G. Boyle
Edward G. Boyle
Set Decoration
John McCarthy Jr.
John McCarthy Jr.
Set Decoration
Sheila O'Brien
Sheila O'Brien
Costume Design
Bob Mark
Bob Mark
Makeup Artist
T.A. Carman
T.A. Carman
Howard Wilson
Howard Wilson


Tall Man Riding
Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings.
砂漠の真ん中で首に縄を結ばれ身動きが取れない姿勢で枯れ木に吊るされた男が死を待っていた。男はどうして自分がこんな目に遭ったかを回想する。 男の名はブレット・マーヴェリック。ブレットは数日後に開かれるポーカー大会に出場するため、その資金稼ぎに躍起になっていた。そして、酒場でガンマン相手の掛けポーカーに勝ち抜いて何とかまとまった資金を得るが、それを同席していた美貌の女ギャンブラーのアナベルに掠め取られてしまう。怒ったマーヴェリックはアナベルを追い掛けるが、そこに謎の保安官クーパーも同行することに。かくして不思議な因縁で出会った3人の珍道中が始まった。
The simple story has the pair coming to the rescue of peace-loving Mormons when land-hungry Major Harriman sends his bullies to harass them into giving up their fertile valley. Trinity and Bambino manage to save the Mormons and send the bad guys packing with slapstick humor instead of excessive violence, saving the day.
An outlaw named Guerrero Hernandez is shot in the back and killed whilst attempting to free his half-brother from a small-town prison. Making a deal with the devil, Hernandez returns from the dead to take his revenge.
Dawn at Socorro
Brett Wade, gambler, gunslinger, and classical pianist, is wounded in a gunfight with the Ferris clan; the doctor finds signs of tuberculosis. En route to Colorado for his health, Brett stops in Socorro, New Mexico along with Ferris gunfighter Jimmy Rapp. Sheriff Couthen fears another shootout, but what Brett has in mind is saving waif-with-a-past Rannah Hayes from a life as one of Dick Braden's saloon girls.
West of Hot Dog
Stan travels to the small town of Hot Dog to collect an inheritance. He learns his late uncle left him everything - but in the event of Stan's death it all goes to his two outlaw cousins.
Aces and Eights
A card sharp steps in when a Mexican family's ranch is threatened by swindlers and cheats.
Showdown at Abilene
Jim Trask, former sheriff of Abilene, returns to the town after fighting for the Confederacy to find everyone thought he was dead. His old friend Dave Mosely is now engaged to Trask's former sweetheart and is one of the cattlemen increasingly feuding with the original farmers. Trask is persuaded to take up as sheriff again but there is something about the death of Mosely's brother in the Civil War that is haunting him.
Welcome to Hard Times
A sociopathic stranger all but destroys a small hardscrabble town but the 'mayor' convinces its survivors to stay and rebuild.
Forbidden Trails
Two ex-cons plan to kill the range rider marshal who sent them to prison and, when their plan fails, join forces with their former boss, a crooked saloon owner who has the same idea.
Outlaw Queen
Christina, the daughter of a Greek-immigrant family who does not share their belief that a woman's place is with her husband at the fireside, is a trick-shot artist. With her Uncle Jim, a strolling troubadour, and his sidekick Andy, a mandolin player, heads west to make her fortune.
The Gentleman from Texas
In one of his better Monogram Westerns, Johnny Mack Brown goes up against a crooked saloon owner with more than one murder on his conscience. Steve Corbin (Tristram Coffin) and his gang of cutthroats are terrorizing the townspeople of Rimrock, who in self-defense hire Johnny Macklin (Mack Brown) as new town marshal.
White Fang
A woman and her weakling brother inherit a mine. When the brother commits suicide the guide is accused of murder.
A Visit from the Incubus
Lucy, a young Victorian woman in the Old West, is being tormented by nightly visits from an incubus. Her friend Madeleine tries to console her, but is unable to help. A fallen woman, Lucy gets a job singing at the local saloon. However, the Incubus has followed her there; and things take an unexpected turn as Lucy and the Incubus, amidst the rowdy cowboys and saucy can-can girls, have their final showdown.
Shootout at Big Sag
A man has his eyes set on controlling the Big Sag territory in Montana and hopes to achieve his goal by forcing a newly-arrived family from Texas from their land. Hoping to convince the local saloonkeeper to help him, the man sends his daughter into town with instructions for his potential partner. A storm waylays the daughter during her trip to town and she is forced to stay at the home of her father's intended victims, leading to an interesting turn or two.
Just as Nevada wins $7000 in yellowback bills, Ben Ide takes his $7000 and heads out to buy mining equipment. Burridge has his man Powell kill Ide and retrieve the money and Nevada finds Ide just as the posse arrives. Found with the money Nevada is arrested and Burridge now gets Powell to incite the local citizens to lynch Nevada.
California Passage
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
The Avenger
Goss, Mason, and Kelly force Joaquin Murieta to watch as they hang his brother Juan for a crime he did not commit. To exact his revenge on the three, Joaquin becomes the notorious Black Shadow.


J・ウェイン、D・マーティン共演、町の実力者の弟を逮捕した保安官チャンスが、わずかな手勢で一味の勢力に立ち向かう、ハワード・ホークス監督の傑作娯楽ウエスタン。 メキシコ国境の町リオ・ブラボー。保安官チャンスは、酒場のゴタゴタから人を殺したジョーという男を逮捕した。ジョーの兄ネイサンは手下を集め、釈放を求めてチャンスを脅迫する。チャンスはわずかな手勢で、ネイサン一派を迎え撃つが……。
A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.
Semi-retired Michigan lawyer Paul Biegler takes the case of Army Lt. Manion, who murdered a local innkeeper after his wife claimed that he raped her. Over the course of an extensive trial, Biegler parries with District Attorney Lodwick and out-of-town prosecutor Claude Dancer to set his client free, but his case rests on the victim's mysterious business partner, who's hiding a dark secret.
雪深い山に金鉱を捜し求めてきた一人の金鉱探し・チャーリー。猛吹雪に難渋した上、転がり込んだ小屋にはお尋ね者のブラック・ラーセンがいた。やがて、同じく猛吹雪で転がり込んできた金鉱探しのビッグ・ジム・マッケイと避難生活を送ることとなる。寒さと飢えがピークに達し、ビッグ・ジムはチャーリーがニワトリに見える始末。やがて靴を食べる生活まで始めた。 ビッグ・ジムと別れ、麓に出来た新興の街にやってきたチャーリーは酒場で出会ったジョージアに一目ぼれ。最初はチャーリーの単なる片思いであったが、ジョージアも粗暴なジャックに愛想を尽かし、チャーリーに少しずつ思いを寄せるようになる。 酒場で偶然再会したビッグ・ジムと艱難辛苦の上、ついに金鉱を探し当て百万長者になったチャーリー。帰りの船上でジョージアと再会。めでたく結ばれる。
A hack screenwriter writes a screenplay for a former silent film star who has faded into Hollywood obscurity.
第二次世界大戦後のイタリア、ローマ。 2年間職に就けなかったアントニオ・リッチは、職業安定所の紹介で役所のポスター貼りの仕事を得る。仕事に就くためには自転車が必要だと言われるが、生活の厳しいアントニオは自転車を質に入れていた。妻のマリアが家のベッドのシーツを質に入れ、その金で自転車を取り戻す。新しい職に浮かれるアントニオを見て、6歳になる息子のブルーノも心を躍らせる。 ブルーノを自転車に乗せ、意気揚々と出勤するアントニオ。しかし仕事の初日、ポスターを貼っている最中に自転車を盗まれてしまう。警察に届けるも「自分で探せ」と言われる始末。自転車がなければ職を失う。新しい自転車を買う金もない。アントニオは自力で自転車を探し始める。
アイズ ワイド シャット
一人暮らしのゼペットじぃさんは、木でつくった人形に【ピノキオ】と名づけ、星に「自分の子どもになりますように…」と願いをかける。するとブルーフェアリーが現れ、魔法でピノキオに命を授け「勇気を持って生き、正直で優しければいつか本当の人間になれる」と言い残して去って行く。 学校へ通うようになったピノキオだが、いろいろな誘惑に惑わされてしまい…。
サスペンスの巨匠アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督の最高傑作のひとつ。美女の自殺の裏に隠された巧妙なトリックを、謎めいたロマンスとともに描いたミステリー。 とある悲惨な事件をきっかけに、高所恐怖症となり、警察を退職したジョンのもとに、旧友から情緒不安定な自分の妻マデリンを尾行してほしいとの依頼が入った。断り切れなかったジョンは、その日の夜から尾行を開始。やがてマデリンを愛するようになってしまったジョンの目の前で彼女は身を投げた…。失意に暮れるジョンは、町をさまよううちにマデリンそっくりの女性と出会う。