
1 by Two (2014)

ジャンル : スリラー

上映時間 : 2時間 29分

演出 : Arun Kumar Aravind
脚本 : Jeyamohan


Hari and Ravi are identical twins who share a very delicate and special emotional bond. When Hari dies in an accident, Ravi goes into a strange state of psychosis. Yousuf, a cop tries to uncover the mystery involved in the case.


Murali Gopy
Murali Gopy
Hari Narayan and Ravi Narayan
Fahadh Faasil
Fahadh Faasil
Yusuf Marikkar
Honey Rose
Honey Rose
Dr. Prema
Dr. Cheriyan
N. Azhagamperumal
N. Azhagamperumal
Narayanan Pillai
Sonu Gowda
Sonu Gowda
Ashwin Mathew
Ashwin Mathew
Dr. Balakrishnan


Arun Kumar Aravind
Arun Kumar Aravind
Rakesh Bahuleyan
Rakesh Bahuleyan
Prejish Prakash
Prejish Prakash
Arun S Mani
Arun S Mani
Sound Designer
Anand Ramachandran Menon
Anand Ramachandran Menon
Visual Effects Supervisor
Sabareesh Balasubramanian
Sabareesh Balasubramanian
Jomon Thomas
Jomon Thomas
Director of Photography
Gopi Sundar
Gopi Sundar
Original Music Composer


スノーマン 雪闇の殺人鬼
Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous looking snowman.
Neelakasham Pachakadal Chuvanna Bhoomi
Kasi and Suni are close friends who studied together in an engineering college. Assi, who comes to Kerala to study engineering under the North East quota falls in love with Kasi. Certain incidents that follow set Kasi and Suni on a road trip to Nagaland on two motorcycles. The incidents that happen during this road adventure forms the film.
シン・シティ 復讐の女神
Jill Conway is trying to rebuild her life after surviving a terrifying kidnapping attempt. Though she is having a difficult time, she takes small steps toward normalcy by starting a new job and inviting her sister, Molly, to move in with her. Returning home from work one morning, Jill discovers that Molly has vanished, and she is certain that the same man who previously abducted her has returned for revenge.
ザ・エッグ 〜ロマノフの秘宝を狙え〜
職を失ったレイチェル・ワトソンはあてもなく電車に乗り続ける日々を送っていた。レイチェルは電車の窓から別れた元夫、トムの新しい生活や近所のヒップウェル夫妻の暮らしぶりをのぞき見ていた。レイチェルにとって、ヒップウェル夫妻は理想の夫婦に見えた。 トムと結婚生活を営んでいた頃、なかなか妊娠できないことへの焦りから、レイチェルは酒浸りになってしまった。過度のアルコールを摂取し続けた結果、レイチェルは自覚のないままに暴れるようになってしまった。さらに酷いことに、レイチェルはトムの上司の家で大暴れしてしまい、トムが解雇されるに至った。 ある日、電車から覗き見を続けるレイチェルは、メガンの不倫現場を目撃した。「ヒップウェル夫妻は完璧な結婚生活を営んでいる」という幻想を打ち砕かれたレイチェルは、メガンに対して並々ならぬ怒りを感じた。酒を浴びるように飲んだ後、レイチェルはメガンを叱責しに向かったが、途中で意識を失ってしまった。数時間後に意識を取り戻したとき、レイチェルは自宅にいた。しかも、身に覚えのない傷を負っていた。そんなレイチェルの元に、ライリー刑事が訪ねてきた。メガンが失踪したのだという。刑事は近所での聞き込み調査から、レイチェルが事件に関与していると疑っていた。一方、レイチェルは電車に乗っていたスーツ姿の男が犯人なのではないかと思い始める。実際、意識を失っている間に彼を見たような記憶が残っていたのだが、レイチェルは全てを思い出すことが出来なかった。
レジェンド 狂気の美学
1960年代のロンドンイーストエンド。一卵性双生児のレジナルドとロナルド・クレイの兄弟は、ギャングのリーダーとして頭角を現した。 経営の才能を併せ持つ兄のレジナルドは、部下の妹であるフランシスと恋仲になる。ギャングに否定的なフランシスのために足を洗うと約束したレジナルドだったが、暴れ者の弟ロナルドはそれを快く思わず、兄弟の間には次第に不協和音が生まれる。
After the harrowing death of his partner, detective and best-selling author Alex Cross has retreated to the peace of retirement. But when a brilliant criminal kidnaps a senator's young daughter, Alex is lured back into action. Teamed with the Secret Service agent assigned to protect the missing girl, Alex follows a serpentine trail of clues that leads him to a stunning discovery - the kidnapper wants more than just ransom.
I Know Who Killed Me
An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising young woman, is abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer. When she manages to escape, the traumatized girl who regains consciousness in the hospital insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger.
Passport to Paris
Sent to Paris to visit their grandfather, the twins fall in love with France, not to mention two French boys.
Our Lips Are Sealed
Mary-Kate and Ashley star in this Down Under adventure filled with nonstop Aussie intrigue, laughs and romance. After running afoul of a notorious gangster, Mary-Kate and Ashley take refuge in the FBI Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately, the girls are uncontrollable blabbermouths and they blow their cover in town after town until there's only one hiding place left - Australia.
Four friends find themselves trapped in their small hometown after they discover their friends and neighbors going quickly and horrifically insane.
サンフランシスコのとある街、失業した俳優、ダニエル・ヒラードは、3人の子どもが自分の全てというほどの、子煩悩な父親。しかし収入のない夫に代わって一家の家計を担っているやり手デザイナーの妻ミランダは、自分が連日疲れきって帰宅しても家事に全く協力せず子供達との遊びにかまけている夫や、自分だけが仕事に家事にと追われている事に強いストレスを感じていた。 長男クリスの誕生日、ミランダの留守中に自宅でパーティを開き、大騒ぎを起こしたダニエルは、堪忍袋の緒が切れたミランダからとうとう離婚の意思を告げられる。生活能力のないダニエルは養育権を奪われ、週一度限られた時間にしか子どもたちに会えなくなった。やがてミランダが仕事の忙しさで家政婦を募集していることを知ったダニエルは一計を案じ、メイクアップアーティストの兄の手を借りて、イギリスの老婦人ミセス・ダウトファイアにすっかり変身する。持ち前の演技力と女装で見事にミランダを騙し、家政婦として最愛の子供たちのそばにいられることになるが、それは同時にこれまで家事全般を省みた事のないダニエルの、抱腹絶倒の奮闘記の幕開けであった。
ある日、カナダで暮らす双子の姉弟ジャンヌ(メリッサ・デゾルモー=プーラン)とシモン(マキシム・ゴーデット)の母親ナワル(ルブナ・アザバル)が永眠する。後日、長年彼女を秘書として雇っていた公証人(レミー・ジラール)により、母の遺言が読み上げられる。その内容は、所在がわからない自分たちの父と兄に手紙を渡してほしいというもので……。 『渦』のドゥニ・ヴィルヌーヴが監督と脚本を務め、レバノン出身の劇作家ワジ・ムアワッドの原作を映画化した珠玉の人間ドラマ。中東からカナダに移り住んだある女性の壮絶な人生を、過去と現代を行きつ戻りつしながら映し出す。『パラダイス・ナウ』のルブナ・アザバルが陰のある母親を演じ、その娘を、カナダのテレビで活躍するメリッサ・デゾルモー=プーランが演じている。過酷な生涯を生きた女性の胸に秘められた思いに涙する。


Money Ratnam
The movie revolves around the incidents that happen within a time span of 24 hours. Neil John Samuel (Fahadh Faasil) is the sales manager of Benz showroom. He gets a bag of money, while he returns home after the New Year party. The bag and the money originally belongs to a wealthy businessman Issac Aanakkadan (Renji Panicker), who intends to buy some precious diamonds from a group of people. Issac begin the mission to get back his lost money. At the same time, notorious goon Makudi Das (Joju George) and his group follows Neil to steal the money from him. Neil, who realizes that somebody is following him and the money in his hands, elopes to a remote village of Tamil Nadu in a truck. Rest forms the crux of the story.
The lives of Angel and her two aunts Annie and Mercy are transformed, when Aby walks in, as their tenant. After a bout of initial resistance from Angel, romance strikes, and the two fall in sincere love.
Natholi Oru Cheriya Meenalla
Preman (Fahad fazil)is the caretaker of a flat at Cochin. Everyone in the flat calls him 'Natholi'. He faces some unfortunate events in the flat and begins to write a story with the same characters in his real life and plays with their lives in his story. The film revolves around the story of the conflict between Preman and the character he creates. He has lost his control over the character he creates and the movie plots ahead with the interaction between them.
Ajay (Asif Ali) is a student at National Defense Academy, Pune. His ambition is to become a soldier. Ajay’s father Sidharth Sankar is a well known lawyer in Kochi. When Ajay reaches Kochi, his father is dealing with a lawsuit and he needs the support of Ajay. Meanwhile, Saral (Malavika Mohanan) enters the life of Ajay. The resulting intriguing events are plotted in ‘Nirnayakam’.
I Love Me
Ram Mohan, an eminent businessman in Bangkok, has discovered that his business empire and personal life are in danger. To save himself, he hires two small-time crooks from India to murder a person.
The film is about seven young men, passionate about football – sevens football to be precise – and how they inadvertently get involved in a crime. Sevens is a kind of football played in North malabar, especially in Kozhikode, Malappuram and Kannur. It is played by seven players on each side, instead of the traditional 11. The name Sevenes ascribed to the movie refers to the gang of seven friends and not as such to sevens football.
Hi I'm Tony
"Hi, I am Tony" is a psycho thriller based on happenings in a day in Bangalore.Sameer (Asif Ali)and Tina (Mia) elopes to Bangalore after their days of love.They live in a flat owned by Achayan (Biju Menon). Tony (Lal)comes to their flat after he had an encounter with them.
Kaiyethum Doorath
Kaiyethum Doorath movie tells a flashback when Sachin (Shanu) is on his way to attend his lover's Sushma (Nikitha) marriage as he tells his past to the co-passengers on a ferryboat who gets hooked on to his love story. What happens at the marriage forms the interesting twist in this love story.
Mariyam Mukku
Felix, a thug, grows under the care of Marian Asan, who is the don of the place. Felix's life takes a turn when he falls in love with his childhood friend Salomi.
Apoorvaragam is the story of three youngsters Roopesh (Nishan), Nancy (Nithya) and Tommy (Asif Ali). Roopesh has always been in love with Nancy, but has never had the nerve to express it. For Nancy, love is something that is beyond words. Tommy is the perfect Cupid, who would make things happen for these two. After a lot of unexpected happenings and dramatic twists, it is proven that only true love can endure.
Kavi Uddheshichathu..?
Kavalam Jimmy and Vattathil Bosco are rivals from their school days and Minnal Simon always tries to benefit from this situation.Three of them have their own intentions and they back stab each other to attain their own aims.
Harikrishnan who is a single parent shares a very special relationship with his daughter Meera. Things, however, take an ugly turn when she goes missing.
Honey Bee 2: Celebrations
Sebastian and Angela are all set to get married until their difference of opinions and cultural conflicts between the families threaten their union.
Aamayum Muyalum
The film is set in a fictitious poverty-ridden village of Gowlipady, which is virtually ruled by the ruthless zamindari Bhandaravathi (Sukanya). Kashi (Nedumudi Venu) is a lottery salesman. He is the only literate person of his village. Once, a lottery sold by him happens to win the first prize of 5 Crore Indian Rupee. Greedy Kashi tries to get back the lottery ticket but doesn't know to whom he has sold the ticket to.
Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal
Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal (English: Swordfishes of Big Tides), a Malayalam Adventure movie directed by Ajith Pillai. Asif Ali (Alex) is the scion of a large and rich Christian family, whose male members take pride in flaunting their virility. Due to his wayward life he lands up in prison. He makes attempts to flee from prison but in vain. A savior appears before him in the form of Sunny Wayne. He is from Lakshadweep, and circumstances make Asif Ali to follow him to the beautiful picturesque sea side town where he learns to amend his selfish ways. The narration forms the rest of the story.
Annan Thambi
Annan Thambi is the story of twin brothers, Appu and Achu. Their father Ravunni, a ballet artist, separates them due to sibling rivalry, and Appu is sent to live with relatives in Pollachi. He grows up to be a lovable thug who falls for Thenmozhy, while Achu marries Lakshmi. But soon major misunderstandings created by their enemies crop up and the brothers are baying for each other's blood. Just before the climax, they come to the realization that others were behind their enmity, so they patch up their differences and take on their foes.
Best of Luck
Surya is Vinayaka Naickar's stepbrother. Vinayakan is very rich; Surya is struggling to make a living. Vinayakan sends some amount every month to Surya and that's how he survives. Manu is Surya's friend who dreams about becoming a filmmaker.
Honey Bee
The movie revolves around two friends (Sebastian and Angel) who suddenly discover their love for each other. They elope on the eve of the girl's marriage, much to the chagrin of her brothers. The film essays the lovers' struggle for survival.
Bachelor Party
Bachelor Party is a 2012 Malayalam–language Indian action film directed, co-produced and filmed by Amal Neerad. The film stars Asif Ali, Indrajith, Rahman, Kalabhavan Mani, Vinayakan and Nithya Menen in the lead roles while Prithviraj makes a guest appearance, and Padmapriya and Remya Nambeesan appear in musical item numbers. The film's screenplay is by noted authors Unni. R and Santhosh Echikkanam while the critically acclaimed original music and background score are composed by Rahul Raj. The film released on June 15, 2012, to negative reviews.Its plot is loosely based on Johnnie To's Exiled, a 2006 Hong Kong action film and has been given thanks in the opening credits. This film was released with high expectations and was declared as hit in box office
Dr Vijay Nambiar (Suresh Gopi) is a famous neurosurgeon. His wife Dr Nalini Nambiar (Abhirami) is a gynecologist in the same hospital. They lead a contented and busy family life. 'Appothikkiri' plots the intriguing issues that affect their life.