
Casa Grande (2014)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 57分

演出 : Fellipe Barbosa


As a privileged teenager living in an affluent suburb of Rio de Janeiro, Jean has little to worry about beyond games, grades and girls. But as his overbearing father drags the family into debt, Jean is forced into a change of lifestyle which opens his eyes to the world beyond his 'casa grande' - not least that of the feisty, mixed-race firecracker Luiza. Cultures, classes and generations collide in this engrossing coming-of-age drama from Brazil.


Thales Cavalcanti
Thales Cavalcanti
Marcello Novaes
Marcello Novaes
Suzana Pires
Suzana Pires
Clarissa Pinheiro
Clarissa Pinheiro
Bruna Amaya
Bruna Amaya
Alice Melo
Alice Melo
Georgiana Góes
Georgiana Góes
Sandro Rocha
Sandro Rocha
Lucélia Santos
Lucélia Santos
Gentil Cordeiro
Gentil Cordeiro
Marília Coelho
Marília Coelho


Fellipe Barbosa
Fellipe Barbosa
Fellipe Barbosa
Fellipe Barbosa
Karen Sztajnberg
Karen Sztajnberg


Sex and Zen
A recently married scholar goes on a quest for knowledge of other people's wives, based on his philosophical differences with the Sack Monk. He encounters the Flying Thief, who agrees to help him find women, but only if he attains a penis as big as a horse's. The scholar has a surgeon attach said unit, and he's off and running on his mission, only to find that there are obstacles to his new lifestyle, such as jealous husbands and treacherous females.
A young country girl comes to town and works in a brothel in order to help her fiance get the money to start his own business. "Paprika" is the name given to her by the madam.
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロードのトム・ハーディ主演によるアクションドラマ。名選手として知られた父をトレーナーにし、格闘大会に挑むトミー。彼は、家族を守るために格闘家として復帰した生き別れの兄・ブレンダンとリングで再会する。
Story of two young people who belong to different worlds. It is the chronicle of a love improbable, almost impossible but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discover the first great love. Babi is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in goodness and innocence . Hache is a rebellious boy, impulsive, unconscious, has a appetite for risk and danger embodied in endless fights and illegal motorbike races, the limit of common sense
A Change of Seasons
Marriage takes a sour turn when a middle-aged husband falls for a young and sexy woman. Things get even more complicated when his wife starts a hot affair with a younger lover of her own.
Death Note: デスノート
This loosely plotted coming-of-age tale follows the life of 15-year-old Laurent Chevalier as he stumbles his way over the burgeoning swell of adolescence in 1950s France. After having his first sexual experience with a prostitute and dodging the lips of a priest, Chevalier contracts a case of scarlet fever. When the fever leaves him with a heart murmur, Chevalier is placed in a sanatorium, along with his over-attentive and adulterous mother.
Megan Is Missing
Fourteen-year–old Megan and her best friend Amy spend a lot of time on the internet, posting videos of themselves and chatting with guys online. One night Megan chats with a guy named Josh who convinces her to meet him for a date. The next day, Megan is missing—forever. Based on actual cases of child abduction.
スリーピング ビューティー 禁断の悦び
A haunting erotic fairytale about Lucy, a young University student drawn into a mysterious hidden world of beauty and desire.
L.A. screenwriter David Sumner relocates with his wife, Amy, to her hometown in the deep South. There, while tensions build between them, a brewing conflict with locals becomes a threat to them both.
After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.
ウーマン・イン・ブラック 亡霊の館
The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As he works alone in the client’s isolated house, Kipps begins to uncover tragic secrets, his unease growing when he glimpses a mysterious woman dressed only in black. Receiving only silence from the locals, Kipps is forced to uncover the true identity of the Woman in Black on his own, leading to a desperate race against time when he discovers her true identity.


ヘルプ 〜心がつなぐストーリー〜
ロサンジェルスで保険の調査員をしていたレナード。ある日、何者かが家に侵入し、妻がレイプされたうえ殺害されてしまう。その光景を目撃してしまったレナードはショックで前向性健忘となってしまう。彼は記憶を消さないためポラロイドにメモを書き、体にタトゥーを刻みながら犯人の手掛かりを追っていく……。 前向性健忘(発症以前の記憶はあるものの、それ以降は数分前の出来事さえ忘れてしまう症状)という記憶障害に見舞われた男が、最愛の妻を殺した犯人を追う異色サスペンス。
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード
資源が底を突き荒廃した世界、愛する者も生きる望みも失い荒野をさまようマックスは、砂漠を牛耳る敵であるイモータン・ジョーの一団に捕らわれ、深い傷を負ってしまう。そんな彼の前に、ジョーの配下の女戦士フュリオサ、全身白塗りの謎の男、そしてジョーと敵対関係にあるグループが出現。マックスは彼らと手を組み、強大なジョーの勢力に戦いを挑む。〈荒廃した近未来を舞台に妻子を暴走族に殺された男の壮絶な復讐劇を描き、主演のメル・ギブソンの出世作となった『マッドマックス』シリーズ第4弾。同シリーズの生みの親であるジョージ・ミラーが再びメガホンを取り、主役を『ダークナイト ライジング』などのトム・ハーディが受け継ぐ。共演にはオスカー女優シャーリーズ・セロン、『ウォーム・ボディーズ』などのニコラス・ホルト、1作目で暴走族のボスを演じたヒュー・キース・バーン〉
シャッター アイランド
精神を病んだ犯罪者の収容施設がある孤島、シャッター アイランド。厳重に管理された施設から、一人の女性患者が謎のメッセージを残して姿を消す。孤島で起きた不可解な失踪事件の担当になった連邦保安官のテディ・ダニエルズは、この孤島の怪しさに気付き始める……。<不可解な事件が起きた孤島を舞台に、謎解きを展開する本格ミステリー大作。原作は『ミスティック・リバー』のデニス・ルヘインの同名小説。主演のディカプリオが島を捜査する連邦保安官を演じ、『帰らない日々』のマーク・ラファロ、『ガンジー』のベン・キングズレーが共演。>