
The Fantasy of Deer Warrior (1961)

ジャンル : ファンタジー, 音楽, ファミリー

上映時間 : 1時間 27分

演出 : Chang Ying
脚本 : Chao Chih-Cheng


The happy lives of animals in the forest are stirred by the sudden attack of a pack of wolves. Uncle Deer comes to the rescue, and asks Birdy to notify his son, the Deer Warrior. Deer and his rival, Sika Deer fight for the love of Miss Deer while Foxy mingles with the leader of the wolves, desiring to be the prettiest in the land. A truly bizarre family (?) film from critic and pioneer Chang Ying.


Ling Yun
Ling Yun
Deer Warrior
Pai Hung
Pai Hung
Miss Deer
Lin Lin
Lin Lin
Erotic Fox
Li Min-Lang
Li Min-Lang
Chin-Shui Chen
Chin-Shui Chen
Wang Ge
Wang Ge
Hsu Yu
Hsu Yu
Goose Fairy


Chang Ying
Chang Ying
Chao Chih-Cheng
Chao Chih-Cheng
Lee Hing-Yee
Lee Hing-Yee
Director of Photography
Wang Chin-Chen
Wang Chin-Chen


The Fantasy of Deer Warrior
The happy lives of animals in the forest are stirred by the sudden attack of a pack of wolves. Uncle Deer comes to the rescue, and asks Birdy to notify his son, the Deer Warrior. Deer and his rival, Sika Deer fight for the love of Miss Deer while Foxy mingles with the leader of the wolves, desiring to be the prettiest in the land. A truly bizarre family (?) film from critic and pioneer Chang Ying.
Early Train From Taipei
Made as Taiwan’s economy took off in the 1960s, Early Train from Taipei is a classic country-to-city melodrama of development. To save her bankrupt rural family, Xiulan takes the train to Taipei to earn money. Boyfriend Huotu is horrified to find she has been tricked into becoming a dancer in a nightclub when he visits, and tries to persuade her to leave the next morning on the early train from Taipei. Tragedy piles upon tragedy in this cautionary tale, which touched a nerve with audiences and inspired a raft of sequels.
Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters
In the prelude to this martial arts film, bandits kill a former sheriff and his wife. A servant carries their three little daughters to safety, but they grow up apart. Fifteen years later, each girl sets out to seek revenge. Eldest sister Xiufeng disguises herself as a man, performing acts of chivalry as she seeks out the bandits. Along the way, she runs across her sisters, Qingfeng and Zhifeng. They are entranced by the handsome stranger. Will Qingfeng and Zhifeng figure out he is in fact their sister, Xiufeng? Will the three "feng" girls (phoenixes) find the bandits and avenge their parents?
Back to Anping Harbor
This romantic family melodrama reworks the Madame Butterfly story in Anping, the port attached to Tainan city in southern Taiwan. Xiuqin falls for a Dutch ship’s doctor called Daley, and becomes pregnant. When he has to leave, he promises to return, but never does. Xiuqin brings up her red-haired daughter, Kimby herself. Kim falls for a medical student from Taipei, Zhiqiang, who is about to go to the USA for his studies. Is destiny about to repeat itself?
文豪ストレイドッグス DEAD APPLE
ヨコハマの裏社会に血嵐吹き荒れた「龍頭抗争」から6年後──。不可解な「霧」のなか、異能力者が自らの力を用いて命を断つという事件が世界各国で発生し、500人を越える死者を生んでいた。 内務省異能特務課は、これを「異能力者連続自殺事件」と命名。武装探偵社に、関与が疑われる謎深き異能力者・澁澤龍彦の確保を依頼する。しかし、時を同じくして太宰が消息を絶つ 。 さらに、事件の背後には魔人・フョードルの影がゆらめき・・・。 異能力者たちに次々と襲い掛かる、かつてない強敵。街が大いなる悪夢に飲みこまれんとするなか、敦は鏡花と共に澁澤の居城へ走る。だが、そこに現れた芥川から思いもよらぬ真実を告げられ・・・。
I Can Only Imagine
10-year-old Bart Millard lives with his mother and abusive father Arthur in Texas. One day his mother drops him off at a Christian camp where he meets Shannon. Upon his return from camp, Bart finds his mother has left and movers are removing her belongings. He angrily confronts his father, who denies that his abusiveness was the reason she left. Years later, in high school, Bart and Shannon are dating. Bart plays football to please his father but is injured, breaking both ankles and ending his career. The only elective with openings is music class, so he reluctantly signs up.
16-year old Rhiannon falls in love with a mysterious spirit named “A” that inhabits a different body every day. Feeling an unmatched connection, Rhiannon and “A” work each day to find each other, not knowing what the next day will bring.
The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead
An evil Mermaid falls in love with Marina's fiancé Roman and aims to keep him away from Marina in her Kingdom of Death under water. The Mermaid is a young woman who drowned a few centuries ago. Marina only has one week to overcome her fear of the dark water, to remain human in the deathly fight with the monsters and not to become one herself.
トレマーズ コールドヘル
Monster Hunt 2
The sequel to Monster Hunt. Set in a world where monsters and humans co-exist, the franchise tells the story of Wuba, a baby monster born to be king. Wuba becomes the central figure in stopping an all-out monster civil war.
The Kid Who Would Be King
Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they become knights who join forces with the legendary wizard Merlin. Together, they must save mankind from the wicked enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors.
Beyond the Edge
Contemporary Moscow. A talented gambler gathers a team of people with supernatural powers to win big at a casino. But they find a much stronger mystical rival.
平和だった王国に最大の危機が迫る! ディズニーの世界的大ヒット ミュージカル、ついに完結! “善”と“悪”を現代の視点で描き、世界的大ヒットを記録した「ディセンダント」の3作目。マル、イヴィ、カルロス、ジェイはオラドン王国に招くヴィランズの子ども達を選抜するため再びロスト島を訪れる。ところが、島を覆っていたバリアが開いている間にヴィランが攻撃を仕掛ける事件が…。ウーマとハデスがオラドン王国に復讐することを恐れたマルは、バリアを閉ざし、自分の故郷・ロスト島を永遠に封印する決断をするが、得体の知れない闇が忍び寄っていた。
Be With You ~いま、会いにゆきます
日本でも竹内結子&中村獅童の主演で映画化されて大ヒットを記録した市川拓司のベストセラー小説「いま、会いにゆきます」を韓国で再映画化。「私の頭の中の消しゴム」「四月の雪」などの純愛映画で日本でも広く知られるソン・イェジンと、「王の運命(さだめ) 歴史を変えた八日間」「映画は映画だ」のソ・ジソブが主演を務めた。夫のウジンに「雨の降る日に、また戻ってくる」という約束を残してこの世を去った妻のスア。それから1年後の梅雨が始まったある日、ウジンの前に、この世を去る前と変わらない姿でスアが現れる。しかし、彼女は記憶を失っており、ウジンが誰なのかさえ覚えていない。それでもウジンは、スアがそばにいることに幸せを感じ、2人は再び恋に落ちるのだが……。
トムとジェリー 夢のチョコレート工場
ウィリー・ウォンカのチョコレートは、世界中のこどもたちに大人気!ライバル会社にそのおいしさの秘密を盗まれないように、ウォンカは工場を閉めてしまった。ウォンカの工場は謎につつまれていた。 ところがある日、ウォンカのチョコレートに5枚だけ入れられた“ゴールデン・チケット”をみつけた子には、秘密の工場にご招待!というお知らせがあったため、世界中のウォンカチョコレートはあっという間に売り切れ、出荷が追いつかないほど。貧しいけれど心やさしい少年チャーリーは、トムとジェリーの助けもあり、見事ラッキーな5人のうちの1人に選ばれた。トムとジェリーもチョコレート工場に潜入し、おいしいお菓子が作られる夢の世界への旅がはじまる。 でも本当の秘密はまだまだこれから・・・。
ちょっとぽっちゃりな白雪姫。ある日白雪姫は魔法の赤い靴を手に入れます。その靴は、履いた時だけ背が高くスレンダーな姿に、脱ぐと元の姿に戻ってしまうのです。赤い靴を履いた白雪姫のあまりの美しさに目を奪われた7人のこびとたち。実はこのこびとたち、元イケメンの王子たち。呪いによってこびとの姿に変えられてしまったのです。そしてその呪いを解く方法はただひとつ、世界で最も美しい娘のキスを受けること・・・。 本当はぽっちゃりだけど魔法の靴でスレンダーになった白雪姫と、本当は元イケメン王子だったけど魔法で姿を変えられた7人のこびとたち。わけありな白雪姫とこびと達が、悪い魔女に戦いを挑み、元の姿を取り戻す冒険へ!