
Ulladakkam (1991)

ジャンル : スリラー, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 59分

演出 : Kamal
脚本 : P Balachandran


Reshma is a patient of psychiatrist Dr Sunny. She gets romantically obsessed with him even though this is not reciprocated by the doctor. The arrival of the doctor's fiancee Annie causes a lot of conflict in the mind of Reshma.


Dr. Sunny
Amala Akkineni
Amala Akkineni
M G Soman
M G Soman
Mental Patient
Kaviyoor Ponnamma
Kaviyoor Ponnamma
Sunny's Mother
Hospital Attandant
Jagathy Sreekumar
Jagathy Sreekumar
Burning Desire - Mental Patient
Krishnan Kutty Nair
Krishnan Kutty Nair
Mental Patient


Suresh Balaje
Suresh Balaje
P Balachandran
P Balachandran
P Balachandran
P Balachandran
K. Rajagopal
K. Rajagopal
Saloo George
Saloo George
Director of Photography
Cheriyan Kalpakavadi
Cheriyan Kalpakavadi
Lal Jose
Lal Jose
Assistant Director
Assistant Director


テキサスチェーンソー ビギニング
1939年8月、一人の赤ん坊が食肉処理工場の血まみれの床で生まれた。その子は生まれながらの奇形児で、生肉の包装紙に包まれ、すぐにゴミ箱に捨てられた。たまたまゴミを漁っていた女に拾われた赤ん坊はトーマスと名付けられ、女の家族ヒューイット家で育てられる。 トーマスは6歳のとき、自傷性の変性顔面異常症と診断されるが、その頃から動物を殺して解体するなど異常性が際立っていた。 やがて9歳から食肉処理工場で働き始めた彼は、30歳のとき食肉処理工場が閉鎖されたショックから工場長をハンマーで殴り殺してしまう。住む土地に異常な執着を持つヒューイット家は、逮捕に来た地元の保安官を殺害し、その人肉を食卓に並べた。かくしてヒューイット一家の殺戮が始まった。 ある男女4人が交通事故に合い、内3名が保安官の格好をしたホイト・ヒューイットのパトカーに拘束されヒューイット家の自宅に連れて行かれてしまう。そこには冷酷な殺人鬼と変貌しつつあるレザーフェイス(トーマス)が待ち構えていた。
エルム街の悪夢 ザ・ファイナルナイトメア
Just when you thought it was safe to sleep, Freddy Krueger returns in this sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, as psychologist Maggie Burroughs, tormented by recurring nightmares, meets a patient with the same horrific dreams. Their quest for answers leads to a certain house on Elm Street -- where the nightmares become reality.
The Hills Run Red
A group of young horror fans go searching for a film that mysteriously vanished years ago but instead find that the demented killer from the movie is real, and he's thrilled to meet fans who will die gruesomely for his art.
エルム街の悪夢4 ザ・ドリームマスター 最後の反撃
13日の金曜日 PART6/ジェイソンは生きていた!
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that Jason Voorhees isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
13日の金曜日 PART8/ジェイソンN.Y.へ
Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which is soon transformed into the ultimate voyage of the damned.
13日の金曜日 PART2
Five years after the horrible bloodbath at Camp Crystal Lake, a new group of counselors roam the area, not sensing an ominous lurking presence that proves the grisly legend is real.
デビルズ・リジェクト マーダー・ライド・ショー2
The sequel to House of 1000 Corpses – the Firefly family are ambushed at their isolated home by Sheriff Wydell and a squad of armed men guns blazing – yet only Otis and his sister, Baby, manage to escape the barrage of bullets unharmed. Hiding out in a backwater motel, the wanted siblings wait to rendezvous with their errant father, Captain Spaulding, killing whoever happens to stand in their way.
エルム街の悪夢5 ザ・ドリームチャイルド
Alice, having survived the previous installment of the Nightmare series, finds the deadly dreams of Freddy Krueger starting once again. This time, the taunting murderer is striking through the sleeping mind of Alice's unborn child. His intention is to be "born again" into the real world. The only one who can stop Freddy is his dead mother, but can Alice free her spirit in time to save her own son?
フレディ・クルーガーは人々が帰還することを恐れる必要があるので、彼は恐ろしいジェイソンを復活させることにしました。 しかし、「13日の金曜日」の主人公は彼を手放す準備ができていません。 2つの神話のセルロイドキャラクターを互いに戦わせるこの形式は、映画では目新しいものではありません。フランケンシュタインはすでに1943年に狼男に直面し、28年後にドラキュラと戦うために復活しました。 また、20世紀を通じて、巨大なゴジラが到着し、キングコングと日本にパニックをまくような一連のミュータントで終わる準備が整いました。 今回は、1980年代の映画の古い殺人犯の2人が参加しました。 その結果、予想されていたのは、死、四肢切断、そして軽装の女の子です。
13日の金曜日 PART3
An idyllic summer turns into a nightmare of unspeakable terror for yet another group of naive counselors. Ignoring Camp Crystal Lake's bloody legacy, one by one they fall victim to the maniacal Jason, who stalks them at every turn...
Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.
Jason Voorhees, the living, breathing essence of evil, is back for one fierce, final fling! Tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, everyone now assumes that he's finally dead. But everybody assumes wrong. Jason has been reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches. The terrifying truth is that he could be anywhere, or anybody. In this shocking, blood-soaked finale to Jason's carnage-ridden reign of terror, the horrible secret of his unstoppable killing instinct is finally revealed. And once you know the chilling facts, you'll see him in your nightmares! And he'll see you in hell!
Cherry Falls is a quiet little town - until the night that a serial killer begins preying on its youth. After a third teen is found slain, the killer's modus operandi emerges: the victims were all virgins. Sheriff Marken is concerned for the safety of the teens in general and in particular his own daughter Jody, who is still a virgin...
A reporter and a blind, retired journalist try to solve a series of murders. The crimes are connected to experiments by a pharmaceutical company in secret research. The two end up becoming targets of the killer.
エルム街の悪夢3 惨劇の館
It's been many years since Freddy Krueger's first victim, Nancy, came face-to-face with Freddy and his sadistic, evil ways. Now, Nancy's all grown up; she's put her frightening nightmares behind her and is helping teens cope with their dreams. Too bad Freddy's decided to herald his return by invading the kids' dreams and scaring them into committing suicide.
When Ann, husband George, and son Georgie arrive at their holiday home they are visited by a pair of polite and seemingly pleasant young men. Armed with deceptively sweet smiles and some golf clubs, they proceed to terrorize and torture the tight-knit clan, giving them until the next day to survive.
Open 24 Hours
After setting her serial killer boyfriend on fire, a paranoid delusional woman gets a job at an all-night gas station. The isolation triggers her anxiety and hallucinations, with devastatingly gory results.


3 Char Sau Bees
Selvan (Govindankutty), Rahul and Zulfi are three engineering students who lead a double life and are involved in robbing ATMs when not in college. They trick a millionaire (Salim Kumar) into installing webcams in his house under the premise of surveillance. However they use the webcams themselves to monitor the house to plan for a robbery. When they finally reach the house to rob money, they are met with an unpleasant surprise.
s Akbar, a merchant from Arabia who helps out the people of Dharmapuri fight their enemies.
C.I. Mahadevan 5 Adi 4 Inch
Cochin Hanifa plays the title role of CI Mahadevan, who goes to a village where a bomb blast in a school bus has created terror in the hearts of the villagers. He is being assisted by a bunch of policemen working in the local police station. These policemen are more concerned about their personal matters than the problems faced by the public. How Mahadevan unravels the mystery behind the blast with the help of these policemen is the crux of the story.
Sukhamo Devi
Nandan (Shankar) an introverted singer from a poor background falls in love with Devi (Urvashi). Their friends Sunny (Mohanlal) and his girlfriend Thara (Geetha) are quite the opposite and are extremely outgoing. When Devi's parents do not approve of her relationship with Nandan, they try to force her into an arranged marriage. Sunny and their other friends decide to help the couple elope. However things go awry when Sunny & Vinod (Jagathy) meet with a horrific accident.
The tale is about two friends, Roy (Vineeth Sreenivasan) and Sanju (Vinu Mohan), struggling to make both ends meet with their low salaries, working respectively as a cashier in a private finance company and as a salesman in an electronics goods shop.
Raghunandan (Mohanlal) is a TV show host and a budding novelist. He is a loner and a compulsive alcoholic, the latter of which resulted in his divorce from Meera (Kaniha). Despite this Meera and her husband Alexy (Shankar Ramakrishnan) are his best friends. His alcoholism however starts taking a huge toll on his life and things take a turn for the worst. At this point he meets Maniyan (Nandu) a plumber who is a bigger alcoholic than he is which makes Raghu re-evaluate his relationship with alcohol.
Maheshinte Prathikaaram
Mahesh, a studio photographer and owner of the studio. As the story moves on, Mahesh encounters an anonymous fight ending up with taking revenge that leads to certain realizations in his life.
First Bell
Jayaram acts as a mental patient to help out a girl in distress. Plans go awry when the doctors treat him like a real patient.
Chakkikotha Chankaran
Raghavan Thampi (Thilakan) and his wife Subhadra (Sukumari) have two sons, Prabhakaran (Nedumudi) and Pradeep (Jayaram). Prabhakaran wants to become a mridungam maestro against the wishes of his parents who want him to get married. When Prabhakaran refuses, Subhadra emotionally blackmails him and gets him married off to Shailaja (Geetha). Meanwhile Pradeep falls in love with Roshni (Urvashi) and they get married secretly without their parents' knowledge.
Ayyappan, a tabla player of a touring drama group, goes missing. Later on, Sub-Inspector Jacob Eeraly is assigned to investigate the case and finds out disturbing truths.
A young couple, Ganga and Nakulan, arrives at the ancestral home called Madampalli of the latter. Hailing from a family that follows tradition and superstitions, Nakulan's uncle Thampi objects to the couple's idea of moving into the allegedly haunted mansion, which Nakulan ignores. The couple moves in anyway following which seemingly supernatural events begin to happen.
イントゥ・ザ・スカイ 気球で未来を変えたふたり
Oru Kaidhiyin Diary
Though David is loyal to Suryaprakash, a politician, he rapes and kills David's wife and sends him to jail. David comes back from jail, after serving life imprisonment, to exact his revenge
Inspired by a true event, Bebaak is the story of Fatin, an economically vulnerable young woman, who gets chastised by a religious authority with blatant misogyny during a scholarship interview.
Maniyarayile Ashokan
When his unlucky horoscope doesn't bode well for his future wife, an earnest bachelor goes to surprising lengths to get the family he's always wanted. Will the stars align?
フライト・キャプテン 高度1万メートル、奇跡の実話
Based on the true story of a pilot who had to ensure the safety of 128 passengers and crew members on the plane when its windshield became damaged mid-flight. The incident is regarded as one of the miracles in aviation history.
When terrorists try to seize control of a Berlin-Paris flight, a soft-spoken young American co-pilot struggles to save the lives of the passengers and crew while forging a surprising connection with one of the hijackers.
Days of Autumn
An elderly couple lives a mundane life in a remote village in Assam.An atmosphere of absence pervades their household. One morning, a young boy comes to sell winter clothes and talks about his home which is three states away. A pleasant breeze signals the subtle change of season and hints towards a solitary time packed with memories of youth.
Class of '83
A hero policeman shunted to a punishment posting as the Dean of the police academy decides to punish the corrupt bureaucracy and its criminal allies in return by training five lethal assassin policemen.
Black Sheep
After the high-profile killing of Damilola Taylor, Cornelius' family move out of London. But when they discover their new town is run by racists, Cornelius takes a drastic step to survive.