
アパートの鍵貸します (1960)

これは紐育の屋根の下でーそして貴方の屋根の下でも? 毎晩起る物語!

ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 2時間 5分

演出 : Billy Wilder
脚本 : Billy Wilder, I. A. L. Diamond


1959年、12月。従業員31,259名を擁するニューヨークの保険会社。19階の大部屋に勤める C. C. バクスター(ジャック・レモン)。勤続3年10カ月、礼儀正しく、数字に強く、押しに弱い"バド"の週給は94ドル70セント。 セントラルパーク近くの家賃月額85ドルの (くつろげて、独身向き) アパートに暮らすバドは、なし崩し的に続いている「バドの部屋のまた貸し」を当てにし私生活に割り込んでくる課長ら上司の、色恋の絡む、あってないような空き予約をなかなか断り切れずにいた。


Jack Lemmon
Jack Lemmon
C.C. Baxter
Shirley MacLaine
Shirley MacLaine
Fran Kubelik
Fred MacMurray
Fred MacMurray
Jeff D. Sheldrake
Ray Walston
Ray Walston
Joe Dobisch
Jack Kruschen
Jack Kruschen
Dr. Dreyfuss
David Lewis
David Lewis
Al Kirkeby
Hope Holiday
Hope Holiday
Mrs. Margie MacDougall
Joan Shawlee
Joan Shawlee
Naomi Stevens
Naomi Stevens
Mrs. Mildred Dreyfuss
Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
Karl Matuschka
Joyce Jameson
Joyce Jameson
The Blonde
Willard Waterman
Willard Waterman
Mr. Vanderhoff
David White
David White
Mr. Eichelberger
Edie Adams
Edie Adams
Miss Olsen
Dorothy Abbott
Dorothy Abbott
Office Worker (uncredited)
Ralph Moratz
Ralph Moratz
Office Worker (uncredited)
Joe Palma
Joe Palma
Office Maintenance Man (uncredited)
Bill Baldwin
Bill Baldwin
TV Movie Host (uncredited)
Benny Burt
Benny Burt
Charlie - Bartender (uncredited)
Lynn Cartwright
Lynn Cartwright
Elevator Supervisor with Clicker (uncredited)
Mason Curry
Mason Curry
Bit Part (uncredited)
David Macklin
David Macklin
Messenger (uncredited)
Hal Smith
Hal Smith
Man in Santa Claus Suit (uncredited)
Paul Bradley
Paul Bradley
Office Worker (uncredited)
Steve Carruthers
Steve Carruthers
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Dick Cherney
Dick Cherney
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum
Franklyn Farnum
Office Worker (uncredited)
Herschel Graham
Herschel Graham
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Lars Hensen
Lars Hensen
Office Worker (uncredited)
Eugene Jackson
Eugene Jackson
Office Worker (uncredited)
Frances Weintraub Lax
Frances Weintraub Lax
Mrs. Lieberman (uncredited)
William Meader
William Meader
Executive (uncredited)
Monty O'Grady
Monty O'Grady
Office Worker (uncredited)
Paul Power
Paul Power
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Tony Regan
Tony Regan
Executive (uncredited)
Clark Ross
Clark Ross
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Norman Stevans
Norman Stevans
Office Worker (uncredited)
Sid Troy
Sid Troy
Williams (uncredited)


Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder
Adolph Deutsch
Adolph Deutsch
Original Music Composer
Joseph LaShelle
Joseph LaShelle
Director of Photography
Daniel Mandell
Daniel Mandell
Alexandre Trauner
Alexandre Trauner
Art Direction
Edward G. Boyle
Edward G. Boyle
Set Decoration
Harry Ray
Harry Ray
Makeup Artist
Allen K. Wood
Allen K. Wood
Production Manager
Milt Rice
Milt Rice
Special Effects
Don Stott
Don Stott
Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder
Alice Monte
Alice Monte
Hal W. Polaire
Hal W. Polaire
Assistant Director
David Salven
David Salven
Assistant Director
Del Harris
Del Harris
Sound Effects Editor
Robert Martin
Robert Martin
Boom Operator
William Schurr
William Schurr
Camera Operator
Sid Sidney
Sid Sidney
Music Editor
John Williams
John Williams
Joe Palma
Joe Palma
Stand In
Doane Harrison
Doane Harrison
Associate Producer
May Wale Brown
May Wale Brown
Script Supervisor
Tom Plews
Tom Plews
Property Master
I. A. L. Diamond
I. A. L. Diamond
Associate Producer
Fred Lau
Fred Lau
Sound Designer
Gordon Sawyer
Gordon Sawyer
Sound Designer
Forrest T. Butler
Forrest T. Butler
Costume Designer
Miriam Nelson
Miriam Nelson
Billy Wilder
Billy Wilder
I. A. L. Diamond
I. A. L. Diamond
Alexandre Trauner
Alexandre Trauner
Production Design




A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.
Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary
Documentarians Andre Heller and Othmar Schmiderer turn their camera on 81-year-old Traudl Junge, who served as Adolf Hitler's secretary from 1942 to 1945, and allow her to speak about her experiences. Junge sheds light on life in the Third Reich and the days leading up to Hitler's death in the famed bunker, where Junge recorded Hitler's last will and testament. Her gripping account is nothing short of mesmerizing.
Home for the Holidays
After losing her job, making out with her soon-to-be former boss, and finding out that her daughter plans to spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, Claudia Larson faces spending the holiday with her unhinged family.
Ghang-gheng, the ancient winner-take-all competition in which the deadliest fighters from around the world employ the most spectacular feats of martial arts skills ever displayed in order to win the prized Golden Dragon. But fighting prowess alone will not be enough for Chris to triumph over such daunting foes.
不況の嵐吹くシェフィールド。 失業に喘ぐ男たちをよそに、女たちは熱狂の渦の中にあった。その日、巡業でやって来た男性ストリップ集団「チッペンデール」のショーが行なわれているのだ。その事を知ったガズも、一人息子を抱えて失業中の身であった。女たちの過熱ぶりを見たガズは、「これしかない!」と決意する。そして始まった仲間集めの為のオーディション。そこへ集まったのは、やはりそれぞれに事情を抱える男たちだった。
Grocery store clerk Simon occasionally sells drugs from his cash register at work, so when soap opera actors Adam and Zack come looking for Ecstasy on a quiet Christmas Eve, they are surprised to find Ronna covering his shift. Desperate for money, Ronna decides to become an impromptu drug dealer, unaware that Adam and Zack are secretly working for obsessed narcotics officer Burke.
Der Campus
In this adaptation of the best-selling roman à clef about Bill Clinton's 1992 run for the White House, the young and gifted Henry Burton is tapped to oversee the presidential campaign of Governor Jack Stanton. Burton is pulled into the politician's colorful world and looks on as Stanton -- who has a wandering eye that could be his downfall -- contends with his ambitious wife, Susan, and an outspoken adviser, Richard Jemmons.
Jungle 2 Jungle
Uptight New York City executive, Michael Cromwell, pursues his soon-to-be ex-wife to South America and returns home with the son he never knew he had—a boy raised in a tribal village in Brazil. Armed with only his blowgun, the 13-year-old Mimi-Siku discovers that the world outside his jungle home is indeed a strange place.
“FEAR AND DESIRE”(52)に続くスタンリー・キューブリックの長編第2作で、商業映画としてはデビュー作にあたる。うらぶれたボクサーが、向かいのアパートに住む女を情夫の手から救い出そうとするというだけの物語だが、低予算の中で凝りまくった映像と、しがない男女のふれあいが切なく描かれている小品である。
The Wedding Banquet
A Taiwanese-American man is happily settled in New York with his American boyfriend. He plans a marriage of convenience to a Chinese woman in order to keep his parents off his back and to get the woman a green card. Chaos follows when his parents arrive in New York for the wedding.
Howard Langston, a salesman for a mattress company, is constantly kept busy at his job, disappointing his son. After he misses his son's karate exposition, Howard vows to make it up to him by buying an action figure of his son's favorite television hero for Christmas. Unfortunately for Howard, it is Christmas Eve, and every store is sold out of Turbo Man. Now, Howard must travel all over town and compete with everybody else to find a Turbo Man action figure.
Two brothers who hate themselves are going to spend Christmas with their mother. She tries to get them together.
Ben is a young editor for a famous german music magazine in the mid 90's. His life is falling apart after his girlfriend breaks up with him. From now on he decides to go solo...


A hack screenwriter writes a screenplay for a former silent film star who has faded into Hollywood obscurity.
ある日、新進女優イヴ・ハリントンはアメリカ演劇界の栄えある賞に輝いた。だが、彼女がここまで上り詰めるには、一部の関係者たちしか知り得ない紆余曲折の経緯があった。8ヶ月前、田舎からニューヨークへ出てきたイヴは、ひょんなことから憧れの舞台女優マーゴの住み込み秘書となった。するとイヴはこれを皮切りに、劇作家や有名批評家に巧く取り入り、マーゴまでも踏み台にしてスター女優へのし上がっていく…。  監督マンキウィッツ自身による見事な脚本と、名優たちの火花散らす熱演とが融合し、その年のアカデミー賞をほぼ独占する形となった、バックステージものの最高作。田舎からニューヨークへ出、大女優(B・デイヴィス)の付き人となったのを皮切りに、有名批評家に取り入って大女優の代役から一躍、ブロードウェイの寵児にのし上がるヒロインを、A・バクスターがまさに一世一代の体当たり芝居で演じきる。批評家のG・サンダースも、いつになく繊細な役柄を的確に表現し、オスカー助演賞を得た。まだ無名の頃のモンローが顔を出している。
Nester Patou, a naive police officer, is transferred to the red light district in Paris and organizes a raid on a dodgy hotel running as a brothel. In doing so he inadvertently disrupts the corrupt system of the police and the pimps union, and even nets his station superior. Fired from his job, Nester goes to the local bar for a drink and befriends a pretty young lady named Irma la Douce. Upon realizing she is a prostitute, Nester invents a crazy scheme to keep her from seeing other men.
One, Two, Three
C.R. MacNamara will do anything to get a promotion within the Coca-Cola company, including looking after boss W.P. Hazeltine's rebellious teenage daughter, Scarlett. When Scarlett visits Berlin, where C.R. is stationed, she reveals that she is married to a communist named Otto Piffl -- and C.R. recognizes that Otto's anti-establishment stance will clash with his boss's own political views, possibly jeopardizing his promotion.
映画史に燦然と輝く名作として知られるキャロル・リード監督の傑作サスペンス。第2次大戦後のウィーンを舞台に、謎の死を遂げた友人の真相究明に奔走する男の姿を描く。 第2次大戦後のウィーンに、アメリカから友人ハリーを訪ねてやってきた作家ホリーは到着早々、ハリーが事故で死んだと知らされる。不審に思ったホリーは、事件の真相究明を決意。事故現場にいた3人のうち、身元の確認がとれない“第三の男”とは…。 イギリスの作家グレアム・グリーンの原作・脚本を、名匠キャロル・リード監督が光と影を効果的に使った映像美で描いた不滅の名作。アカデミー撮影賞、カンヌ映画祭グランプリ受賞。
Blow Up My Town
A young girl shuts herself away in her apartment and goes about her business in a strange way, as she wastes the night in the kitchen – humming all along.
テリーは元ボクサーだが、落ちぶれた今は波止場で荷役をする日雇い労働者であった。テリーがボクサーをやめることになったのは、ギャングの一味である兄のチャーリーの指示で八百長をやってしまったからだったのである。 不幸にも、八百長試合の相手のウィルソンはタイトル戦に挑戦するまでのボクサーになった。 テリーはある日、地元のギャングであるジョニーの命令で、古い友人を呼び出し、結果的に殺害に関与してしまう。
サスペンスの巨匠アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督の最高傑作のひとつ。美女の自殺の裏に隠された巧妙なトリックを、謎めいたロマンスとともに描いたミステリー。 とある悲惨な事件をきっかけに、高所恐怖症となり、警察を退職したジョンのもとに、旧友から情緒不安定な自分の妻マデリンを尾行してほしいとの依頼が入った。断り切れなかったジョンは、その日の夜から尾行を開始。やがてマデリンを愛するようになってしまったジョンの目の前で彼女は身を投げた…。失意に暮れるジョンは、町をさまよううちにマデリンそっくりの女性と出会う。
1925年のメキシコ。黄金探しに夢をかける老人ハワードと出会い、金鉱掘りに乗り出したアメリカ人のドブズとカーティン。運良く砂金を発見する3人だが、いつしか強欲な本性を現したドブズが仲間の裏切りを疑い始める。 黄金をめぐる男たちの欲望と葛藤をジョン・ヒューストン監督が骨太に描いた力作。アカデミー監督賞、脚色賞を受賞したほか、ハワードを演じた、名優で監督の父・ウォルターが助演男優賞に輝いた。
The British Army, retreating ahead of victorious Rommel, leaves a lone survivor on the Egyptian border who finds refuge at a remote desert hotel. He is helped by the hotel's owner, despite protest from the French chambermaid, afraid of the imminent arrival of Rommel and the Germans. John assumes the identity of the recently deceased waiter to survive.
In 1947, four German judges who served on the bench during the Nazi regime face a military tribunal to answer charges of crimes against humanity. Chief Justice Haywood hears evidence and testimony not only from lead defendant Ernst Janning and his defense attorney Hans Rolfe, but also from the widow of a Nazi general, an idealistic U.S. Army captain and reluctant witness Irene Wallner.