
Let's Not Live Like Slaves (2013)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー, ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 29分

演出 : Yannis Youlountas
脚本 : Maud Youlountas




Yannis Youlountas
Yannis Youlountas
Yannis Youlountas
Yannis Youlountas
Scenario Writer
Maud Youlountas
Maud Youlountas
Maud Youlountas
Maud Youlountas


ロスト・マネー 偽りの報酬
Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
In Hillary's America, bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.
When an Egyptian terrorism suspect "disappears" on a flight from Africa to Washington DC, his American wife and a CIA analyst find themselves caught up in a struggle to secure his release from a secret detention facility somewhere outside the US.
Best of Enemies
A documentary about the legendary series of nationally televised debates in 1968 between two great public intellectuals, the liberal Gore Vidal and the conservative William F. Buckley Jr. Intended as commentary on the issues of their day, these vitriolic and explosive encounters came to define the modern era of public discourse in the media, marking the big bang moment of our contemporary media landscape when spectacle trumped content and argument replaced substance. Best of Enemies delves into the entangled biographies of these two great thinkers, and luxuriates in the language and the theater of their debates, begging the question, "What has television done to the way we discuss politics in our democracy today?"
Nick Naylor is a charismatic spin-doctor for Big Tobacco who'll fight to protect America's right to smoke -- even if it kills him -- while still remaining a role model for his 12-year old son. When he incurs the wrath of a senator bent on snuffing out cigarettes, Nick's powers of "filtering the truth" will be put to the test.
The Corporation
Since the late 18th century American legal decision that the business corporation organizational model is legally a person, it has become a dominant economic, political and social force around the globe. This film takes an in-depth psychological examination of the organization model through various case studies. What the study illustrates is that in the its behaviour, this type of "person" typically acts like a dangerously destructive psychopath without conscience. Furthermore, we see the profound threat this psychopath has for our world and our future, but also how the people with courage, intelligence and determination can do to stop it.
South of the Border
A road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media's misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents.
In 2000, the election of the U.S. Presidential boiled down to a few precious votes in the state of Florida — and a recount that would add "hanging chad" to every American's vocabulary.
俺たちスーパー・ポリティシャン めざせ下院議員!
Two rival politicians compete to win an election to represent their small North Carolina congressional district in the United States House of Representatives.
Amidst a heated political climate, the opposition leader is killed in what appears to be a traffic accident. When a magistrate finds evidence of a government cover-up, witnesses start to get targeted. A thinly-fictionalized account of the events surrounding the assassination of Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963, Z captures the outrage about the military junta that ruled Greece at the time.
オール・ザ・ウェイ JFKを継いだ男
リンドン・ジョンソンがJFK暗殺の直後に大統領に昇格してから、翌年の大統領選で当選するまでの347日を描いた実話ドラマ。 当時副大統領だったリンドン・ジョンソンが、JFK暗殺によりエアフォース・ワンで大統領就任宣誓を行ってから、翌年大統領選で当選するまでを描いた実話ドラマ。ブロードウェイで上演されトニー賞を受賞した舞台をスティーヴン・スピルバーグの製作総指揮で映画化。舞台でも主演し、トニー賞主演男優賞を受賞したブライアン・クランストンが、『トランボ ハリウッドで最も嫌われた男』のジェイ・ローチ監督と再タッグを組んだ。
Despite the Falling Snow
New York, 1961. Alexander Ivanov, a high-ranked Soviet bureaucrat, reluctantly defects to the West while is part of a diplomatic mission, feeling the grief of being unable to know the fate of his wife Katya, whom he has had to leave behind in Moscow. Only many years later, in 1991, he will finally find out the truth when his niece Lauren travels to Moscow to participate in a painting exhibition.
Waking the Dead
A congressional candidate questions his sanity after seeing the love of his life, presumed dead, suddenly emerge.
Surviving Progress
Humanity’s ascent is often measured by the speed of progress. But what if progress is actually spiraling us downwards, towards collapse? Ronald Wright, whose best-seller, “A Short History Of Progress” inspired “Surviving Progress”, shows how past civilizations were destroyed by “progress traps”—alluring technologies and belief systems that serve immediate needs, but ransom the future. As pressure on the world’s resources accelerates and financial elites bankrupt nations, can our globally-entwined civilization escape a final, catastrophic progress trap? With potent images and illuminating insights from thinkers who have probed our genes, our brains, and our social behaviour, this requiem to progress-as-usual also poses a challenge: to prove that making apes smarter isn’t an evolutionary dead-end.