
Growing Pains (2014)

ジャンル : ホラー, アニメーション

上映時間 : 21分

演出 : Tor Fruergaard


Fabian is a shy, introverted teenager who lives with his bossy and prudish mother. Fabians world gets turned upside down when he meets the fun and cool Felicia and they fall in love. But there is one small problem. Whenever Fabian gets horny, he turns into a werewolf. A twisted coming of age short film about a young man who has to discover and accept who he really is.


Iben Hjejle
Iben Hjejle
Elliott Crosset Hove
Elliott Crosset Hove
Amalie Lindegård
Amalie Lindegård


Tor Fruergaard
Tor Fruergaard
Sissel Dalsgaard Thomsen
Sissel Dalsgaard Thomsen


After his brother's death, Larry Talbot returns home to his father and the family estate. Events soon take a turn for the worse when Larry is bitten by a werewolf.
Wealthy slacker college student Mark, his new girlfriend Sarah, and their friends are invited to a special showing at a mysterious wax museum which displays 18 of the most evil men of all time. After his ex-girlfriend and another friend disappear, Mark becomes suspicious.
アンダーワールド 覚醒
When passengers on a train are attacked by a creature, they must band together in order to survive until morning.
アメリカ人大学生のデビッドとジャックは三か月の休暇中イギリスでの気ままなヒッチハイクを楽しんでいた。ヒッチハイクで乗り込んだ車を、何もないど田舎の途中で降ろされて近場の町まで歩くことになってしまう。 日が落ち雨も降る中荒れ地を歩くうち闇夜に紛れてみたこともない恐ろしい大きな野獣に襲われジャックはかみ殺されデビッドもかみ殺される寸前で野獣は村人に射殺され命を救われる。 病院で目を覚まし療養していたデビッドだが、その夜からおかしな夢をみるようになりだんだんと不安にかられるようになってゆく。 そんな不安定なデビッドのまえに突然死んだはずのデビッドが、野獣にかみ殺されたままの無残な姿で現れこう警告する。 「俺たちを襲ったのは狼男だった。狼男に殺されると魂は呪われ永遠にさまよい続ける。お前は狼男の血を継いだ。呪いの系譜が立たれないと殺されたものは解放されない。お前は今すぐ死ぬべきだ」 警告を信じないで無視し続けるデビッドであったが、満月の夜、デビッドは耐え難い痛みとともに恐ろしい獣の姿に変貌し新たな狼男の犠牲者を作り始めるのだった。
Underworld: Endless War
Underworld: Endless War is a collection of three short, anime-style tie-in stories – whose creation was supervised by Len Wiseman, director of the first 2 Underworld movies and producer of Underworld 3 & 4 – each tell a different story, and at different periods of history to highlight new events of the Underworld mythology. These stories also tell of what happened before the events in Underworld: Awakening.
ウェス・クレイヴン's カースド
In Los Angeles, siblings Ellie and Jimmy come across an accident on Mulholland Drive. As they try to help the woman caught in the wreckage, a ferocious creature attacks them, devouring the woman and scratching the terrified siblings. They slowly discover that the creature was a werewolf and that they have fallen victim to a deadly curse.
The Curse of the Werewolf
A child conceived by a mute servant girl transforms from an innocent youth to a killer beast at night with uncontrollable urges.
スキンウォーカーズ エクリプス
Creatures, bound by the blood of the wolf, that can kill with curses and move at lightening speed, watching the night sky for the rise of the blood-red crescent moon. They are SKINWALKERS. They feed on our flesh and thirst for the taste of human blood. The red moon signals each pack, divided by principles, hell bent to survive an ancient prophecy.
Grave robbers open the grave of the wolf man and awaken him. He doesn't like the idea of being immortal and killing people when the moon is full so tries to find Dr. Frankenstein, in the hopes that the doctor can cure him. Dr. Frankenstein has died; however, his monster is found.
ウルフマン リターンズ
Set in 19th Century Canada, Brigette and her sister Ginger take refuge in a Traders' Fort which later becomes under siege by some savage werewolves. And an enigmatic Indian hunter decides to help the girls, but one of the girls has been bitten by a werewolf. Brigitte and Ginger may have no one to turn to but themselves.
Monster Family
The Wishbone family are far from happy. In an attempt to reconnect as a family, they plan a fun night out. However, the plan backfires when they are cursed and all turned into Monsters.
物語は、娘の雪が、母である花の半生を語るかたちで綴られる。 東京のはずれにある国立大学に通う、女子大生の花は、大学の教室でとある男と出会い、恋に落ちる。その男は自分がニホンオオカミの末裔、「おおかみおとこ」であることを告白するが、花はそれを受け入れ2人の子供を産む。産まれた姉「雪」と弟「雨」は狼に変身できる「おおかみこども」であった。しかし雨の出産直後、男は亡くなってしまう。花は2人の「おおかみこども」の育児に追われるが、都会ではたびたび狼に変身してしまう雪と雨を育てるのは難しく、山奥の古民家に移住する。 人の目を気にすることなく山奥で姉弟は育っていく。蛇や猪をも恐れない活発で狼になるのが好きな雪に対し、弟の雨は内向的であったが、やがて雪は小学校に通うようになり、狼にならないように気をつけ、人間として生きていく。一方で雨は小学校に馴染めず、山に入っては狼となって、一匹の狐を「先生」と呼び彼から山で生きる術を学んでいく。
Jonathan Harker, a real estate agent, goes to Transylvania to visit the mysterious Count Dracula and formalize the purchase of a property in Wismar. Once Jonathan is caught under his evil spell, Dracula travels to Wismar where he meets the beautiful Lucy, Jonathan's wife, while a plague spreads through the town, now ruled by death.