
America Is Hard to See (1970)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Emile de Antonio


The tumultuous year of 1968 and the candidacy of Eugene McCarthy for the U.S. Presidency, culminating in the Democratic convention in Chicago.



Emile de Antonio
Emile de Antonio


Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
In Hillary's America, bestselling author and influential filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary Clinton and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.
President Trump: Can He Really Win?
Donald Trump has emerged as the clear front runner for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Matt Frei investigates whether "The Donald" could make it all the way to the White House.
On the Trail: Inside the 2020 Primaries
CNN's team of female journalists and embeds pack up and leave their families to fan out across the country and report on the president and his would-be rivals as the candidates launch campaigns and contend for voters.
537 Votes
Documentary chronicling the political machinations that led to the unprecedented, contested outcome of the 2000 presidential election, including the chaotic voter recount in Florida that ended with George W. Bush winning by a razor-thin margin.
American Chaos
A documentary focused on the 2016 United States presidential election and then-candidate Donald Trump's supporters.
In Delusion: Trump and the American Catastrophe
In 2020, the USA experienced a multiple catastrophe: No other country in the world was hit so badly by the coronavirus pandemic, the economic slump was dramatic, and so was the rise in unemployment. A rift ran through society. In the streets there were protests of both camps with violent riots, authoritarian traits were evident in the actions of the leader of the nation. And all of this in the middle of the election year, when the self-centered president fought vehemently for his re-election. From the start of his presidency, Donald Trump had divided American society, incited individual sections of the population against one another, fueled racism, hatred, xenophobia and prejudice, insulted competitors and denigrated critical journalists as enemies of the people. The documentary shows how this could happen and what role the targeted disinformation of certain sections of the population through manipulative media played.
In this adaptation of the best-selling roman à clef about Bill Clinton's 1992 run for the White House, the young and gifted Henry Burton is tapped to oversee the presidential campaign of Governor Jack Stanton. Burton is pulled into the politician's colorful world and looks on as Stanton -- who has a wandering eye that could be his downfall -- contends with his ambitious wife, Susan, and an outspoken adviser, Richard Jemmons.
Active Measures
Russian president Vladimir Putin attacks the 2016 American Presidential Election in collaboration with The Trump Campaign.
In 2000, the election of the U.S. Presidential boiled down to a few precious votes in the state of Florida — and a recount that would add "hanging chad" to every American's vocabulary.
「ウォーターゲート事件」の全容と事件を内部告発したFBI副長官の姿を、リーアム・ニーソン主演で実話をもとに映画化したサスペンスドラマ。アメリカ合衆国史上初めて任期半ばで辞任に追い込まれたリチャード・ニクソン大統領。その引き金となったウォーターゲート事件の捜査の指揮にあたったFBI副長官マーク・フェルトは、なかなか進展しない捜査の裏にホワイトハウスが捜査妨害をしていることを察知し、事件自体がホワイトハウスの陰謀によるものであることを悟る。大統領に忠実なL・パトリック・グレイFBI長官に捜査協力が期待できない中、フェルトは事件の真相を明るみにするため、大胆な決断をする。フェルト役を「96時間」「シンドラーのリスト」のニーソン、妻オードリー役を「トスカーナの休日」のダイアン・レインが演じる。監督は「コンカッション」「パークランド ケネディ暗殺、真実の4日間」のピーター・ランデスマン。「オデッセイ」「ブレードランナー」のリドリー・スコットが製作。
続·ボラット 栄光ナル国家だったカザフスタンのためのアメリカ貢ぎ物計画
14 years after making a film about his journey across the USA, Borat risks life and limb when he returns to the United States with his young daughter, and reveals more about the culture, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the political elections.
ロング・ショット 僕と彼女のありえない恋
Journalist Fred Flarsky reunites with his childhood crush, Charlotte Field, now one of the most influential women in the world. As she prepares to make a run for the Presidency, Charlotte hires Fred as her speechwriter — much to the dismay of her trusted advisers.
原作はルイス・R・フォスター(Lewis R. Foster)の『ミネソタから来た紳士』。 主人公スミスは田舎のボーイスカウトのリーダーだったが、死亡した上院議員の代わりに、政界に担ぎ出される。スミスはそこで政治の腐敗と単身対決することになる。
Man of the Year
The irreverent host of a political satire talk show decides to run for president and expose corruption in Washington. His stunt goes further than he expects when he actually wins the election, but a software engineer suspects that a computer glitch is responsible for his surprising victory.
The Making of Trump
As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people described as "close to The Donald" weigh in, including former US Senator Al D'Amato (R-N.Y.), former Atlantic City mayor Jim Whelen, boxer Mike Tyson, and notorious "Apprentice" contestant Omarosa.
スーパー・チューズデー 〜正義を売った日〜
Head of State
When a presidential candidate dies unexpectedly in the middle of the campaign, the Democratic party unexpectedly picks a Washington, D.C. alderman as his replacement.