
About Love (2006)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 37分

演出 : Darezhan Omirbayev


Kairat, a teacher of mathematics, accidentally meets Aslar, along with whom he studied in university. Askar invites him to his home, where Kairat becomes acquainted with Togzhan, the wife of Askar. And he falls in love with her. Though this love was mutual, they couldn't step over the obstacles already made by their lives. Their emotions delayed. The script is based on the novel by Chekhov's About Love, Gooseberry.


Ainur Turgambayeva
Ainur Turgambayeva
Kairat Machmetov
Kairat Machmetov
Kanat Kuantay
Kanat Kuantay


Darezhan Omirbayev
Darezhan Omirbayev
Darezhan Omirbayev
Darezhan Omirbayev
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
Irina Kostevich
Irina Kostevich
Boris Troshev
Boris Troshev
Nariman Turebayev
Nariman Turebayev


The Promised Land
The Polish film based on the book of the same name by Wladyslaw Reymont. Taking place in the nineteenth century town of Łódź, Poland, three friends want to make a lot of money by building and investing in a textile factory. An exceptional portrait of rapid industrial expansion shown through the eyes of one Polish town.
The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.
The Cuckoo
September of 1944, a few days before Finland went out of the Second World War. A chained to a rock Finnish sniper-kamikadze Veikko managed to set himself free. Ivan, a captain of the Soviet Army, arrested by the Front Secret Police 'Smersh', has a narrow escape. They are soldiers of the two enemy armies. A Lapp woman Anni gives a shelter to both of them at her farm. For Anni they are not enemies, but just men.
病室の清潔な白いベッドの上で、アリシアは事故で昏睡状態となり深い眠りの中にいた。だが、彼女はひとりではない。看護士のベニグノが、4年間、眠り続ける彼女の髪や爪の手入れをし、体を拭き、クリームを塗り、服を替える。彼女に日々の出来事や感動的な舞台や映画について語りかけるベニグノは、他人からは解らなくとも、2人の間に確かなコミュニケーションの存在を感じている。  一方、女闘牛士であるリディアもまた、競技中の事故によって昏睡状態で入院していた。彼女の恋人であるアルゼンチン人のマルコは、突然の事故に困惑し、彼女の傍らで泣き、ふさぎこんでいた。  互いの境遇を語り合ったベニグノとマルコの間には、いつしか厚い友情が生まれていった。 ベニグノの盲目的とも言える揺ぎない愛は、誰も予想だにしなかった悲劇と奇跡を招き、それぞれの運命を大きく変えてゆく・・・。
Grill Point
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ロサンゼルスのダウンタウンに立つ古びたホテル。そこには奇妙な人々が社会から隔絶されたかのようにひっそりと暮らしていた。ところが、トムトムの親友イジーが屋根から飛び降りるという事件が起きた。FBIの捜査官がやってきて捜査を開始する。イジーがメディア王の息子だったことから、住人たちはイジーの同室だったジェロニモのタールで描いた絵をイジーの絵として売ろうとする。 一方、トムトムはエロイーズに恋をして追いかけ始める。はじめは逃げていたエロイーズだったが、次第にトムトムの純粋さに心を開き始めるが…。
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Popular Music
Matti and Niila, growing up in the mid-sixties in the harsh and conservative environment of a Finnish-speaking part of Tornedalen in Swedish Laponia, close to the Finnish border. Their big dream is to become rock stars. In the present the now grown-up Matti feels guilt for the death of his drug-addicted rock star friend Niila.
Nina, an end-of-teenage orphan with mental problems, starts a new job as a garden cleaner when she meets Toni. They fell in love with each other, but soon Toni starts betraying Nina. In the meantime, Francoise is picked up at a psychic department of a Berlin hospital by her husband, Pierre. After seeing Nina, Francoise believes that she has found her kidnapped daughter Marie, but neither Toni nor Pierre believe her. Nina is unsure about what to think...