厳寒の大自然に囲まれたアメリカ中西部ワイオミング州にあるネイティブアメリカンの保留地“ウインド・リバー”で見つかった少女の凍死体―。遺体の第一発見者であり地元のベテランハンターのコリー・ランバート(ジェレミー・レナー)は案内役として、単身派遣された新人FBI捜査官ジェーン・バナー(エリザベス・オルセン)の捜査に協力することに。 ジェーンは慣れない雪山の不安定な気候や隔離されたこの地で多くが未解決事件となる現状を思い知るも、 不審な死の糸口を掴んだコリーと共に捜査を続行する...。
Two teenage girls in suburban Connecticut rekindle their unlikely friendship after years of growing apart. In the process, they learn that neither is what she seems to be, and that a murder might solve both of their problems.
2002 年、カリフォルニア州サクラメント。閉塞感溢れる片田舎のカトリック系高校から、大都会ニューヨークへの大学進学を夢見るクリスティン(自称“レディ・バード”)は、高校生最後の 1 年、友達や彼氏や家族について、そして自分の将来について悩んでいた。
Picking up after the events of Never Back Down 2, former MMA champion Case Walker is on the comeback trail to become champion once again.
A group of wealthy boys in Los Angeles during the early 1980s establishes a get rich quick scam that turns deadly.
A young reporter and his niece discover a beautiful and enchanting creature they believe to be the real little mermaid.
ボストン警察の殺人課に所属する刑事トミーは、 「愛国者の日(パトリオット・デイ)」に毎年開催されるボストンマラソンの警備にあたっていた。50万人の観衆で会場が埋め尽くされる中、トミーの背後で突如として大規模な爆発が発生。トミーらボストン警察の面々は事態を把握できないまま、必死の救護活動を行なう。そんな中、現場に到着したFBI捜査官リックは、事件をテロと断定。捜査はFBIの管轄になるが、犯人に対し激しい怒りを抱えるトミーは、病院に収容された負傷者たちから丁寧に話を聞いてまわる。やがて、監視カメラに映っていた「黒い帽子の男」と「白い帽子の男」が容疑者として浮かび上がる。
To promote his restaurant located at the base of a hiking trail, its married owner joins a mountaineering club where he meets an attractive divorcée.
Unlike his expectations, Hyeong-min is always miserable because of his wife who who doesn't care about him. To recover a sex life with his wife, Hyeong-min tries every night but he's always coldly rejected and this is making him depressed. One day, he goes out for some air and meets Hye-jin. When their partners aren't at home, they spend time together at each others' house. However, soon, they get caught and they come to a decision after a long talk...
Seong Soo, a twenty years old boy, decided to move to Seoul after being accepted into Seoul University. However, he was a victim of real estate scam. He then moves into his mother's friend's house. Moreover, it turns out that his mother's friend is a sexy self-employed mother and Seong Soo is attracted to her.
Ha-yeong is a successful psychologist. One day she gets a secretive request from her sister Ha-joo. Apparently Ha-joo's husband Woo-seong is refusing to have sex. Ha-yeong agrees to be their couple therapist but finds out that her brother-in-law actually has sexual desires for her and not her sister...
20-year-old Kyeong-soo is a man who's full of assumptions. He learned about sex from Internet porn, but nothing about the real thing. He's only had crushes and has never even kissed before. He got embarrassed when he confessed his feelings to Ji-yeon, his crush. He comforted himself from the shame with Japanese girls in his room with his right hand. One day, he has a fight with his father and remembers his friend Baek-hyeon had invited him over to Gangwon-do. There he falls in love with his friends' mother. Written by lament