
The Third Visitor (1950)

ジャンル : スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Maurice Elvey
脚本 : Gerald Anstruther


Suave supercilious Carling (Karel Stepanek) receives several callers to his isolated house, all of whom hold a grudge against him. Next morning a corpse is found, and later identified as his by one of the visitors.


Sonia Dresdel
Sonia Dresdel
Steffy Millington
Guy Middleton
Guy Middleton
Inspector Mallory
Hubert Gregg
Hubert Gregg
Jack Kurton
Colin Gordon
Colin Gordon
Bill Millington
Karl Stepanek
Karl Stepanek
Richard Carling
Eleanor Summerfield
Eleanor Summerfield
Vera Kurton
John Slater
John Slater
James C. Oliver
Michael Martin Harvey
Michael Martin Harvey
Hewson (as Michael Martin-Harvey)
Cyril Smith
Cyril Smith
Detective Horton


Maurice Elvey
Maurice Elvey
Gerald Anstruther
Gerald Anstruther
Gerald Anstruther
Gerald Anstruther
Theatre Play
David Evans
David Evans


ジンジャー スナップス
The story of two outcast sisters, Ginger and Brigitte, in the mindless suburban town of Bailey Downs. On the night of Ginger's first period, she is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger's wounds miraculously heal but something is not quite right. Now Brigitte must save her sister and save herself.
Exactly one year after young rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally killed by a ruthless gang of criminals, Draven—watched over by a hypnotic crow—returns from the grave to exact revenge.
『セント・オブ・ウーマン/夢の香り』のマーティン・ブレスト監督が、34年の名作『明日なき抱擁』をブラッド・ピット主演でリメイクしたファンタスティックラブストーリー。 N.Y.のメディア会社「パリッシュ・コミュニケーション」の社長ウィリアム(ビル)・パリッシュ(アンソニー・ホプキンス)は、ある夜どこからともなく響いてくる声を聞いた。次の日、ビルは愛娘のスーザン(クレア・フォーラニ)とその恋人ドリュー(ジェイク・ウェバー)と共にヘリで仕事に向かっていた。ビルの「恋人を愛しているか?」との問いに、素っ気無い反応をする娘にビルは話す。「愛は情熱だ。その経験のない人生は意味のないものだ」と。そして、その日スーザンは仕事場近くのコーヒーショップで一人の青年と出会う。最近この街に越してきた、という青年の気さくな態度に好感をもつスーザン。その夜、家族と共に食卓を囲んでいたビルの脳裏にまた同じ声が聞こえてくる。「私に会えるよ・・・ビル」。声に導かれるまま来客を招き入れるとスーザンがコーヒーショップで出会った青年が居た。以前から体調のすぐれないビルが心の中で問いかけていた「死期が近いのか」の言葉に青年は「イエス」と答えた。彼は青年の体を借りた死神だった。人間の生活に興味をもった死神が、ビルを連れて行く前に彼に案内を頼みにきたのだ。家族への説明に困ったビルは、青年をジョー・ブラック(ブラッド・ピット)だと紹介する。出会った時と印象の違うジョーを見て初めは困惑していたスーザンだったが、次第に彼の不思議な魅力に惹かれていく。父親のいう“情熱”を確かに感じていたのだ。
キューバにあるグアンタナモ米海軍基地で海兵隊員ウィリアム・T・サンティアゴ一等兵が殺害された。被疑者は同じ部隊のハロルド・W・ドーソン上等兵 とローデン・ダウニー一等兵 。彼らの弁護人に任命されたダニエル・キャフィ中尉 はハーバード出身だが法廷経験がない。2人が軍隊内の落ちこぼれに対する通称コードR(CODE RED規律を乱す者への暴力的制裁)の遂行を命じられていたことを知る。
On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca, the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat goes out, too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad boy with a nasty reputation of his own.
献身的で成功した犯罪心理学者であるミランダ・グレイ博士は、ある日、目を覚まして、彼女が働いているのとまったく同じ精神施設にいる患者を見つけました。 彼女はすぐに、夫が3日前に残酷に殺害されたことを発見し、血液の証拠が彼女に罪を犯しました。
アンダーワールド ビギンズ
呪怨 ザ・グラッジ3
Jake Kimble, the sole survivor of the Chicago massacre, is killed while in solitary confinement. His doctor begins investigating the claims he made about a long-haired woman in white, as a mysterious Japanese woman arrives at his old apartment building to help them get rid of the curse.


Death Comes at High Noon
A dark evening, a crime writer Peter Sander, drives through a forest when his car runs out of petrol . A little distance from the road there is a house with lighted windows, and he goes there to borrow a phone. Suddenly he trips over a tree root and sprain one foot . He lags up the forest road . Then there is a shot, a moment after running steps. A beam cuts through the dark. It goes out . The steps moves away. Peter gets up and stomps up to the house . No one responds to his knokking.
The Die Is Cast
Felipe, an aspiring actor, believes he is jinxed after an unfortunate event. His struggle to find the cause and cure of his jinx. His half-brother is not doing much better, but among the two of them embark on a mission to change their lives and fulfill their father's dream.
The Glass Cage
Two detectives investigate the murder of a local businessman by a mysterious woman.
The Happiest Days of Your Life
Nutbourne College, an old established, all-boys, boarding school is told that another school is to be billeted with due to wartime restrictions. The shock is that it's an all-girls school that has been sent. The two head teachers are soon battling for the upper hand with each other and the Ministry. But a crisis (or two) forces them to work together.
Alice and the Mayor
The mayor of Lyon, Paul Théraneau, is in a delicate position. After 30 years in politics, he is running out of ideas and is faced with a feeling of existential emptiness. To overcome this, Paul hires a young and brilliant philosopher, Alice Heimann. Then follows a dialogue between two diametrically opposed personalities who will turn their certainties upside down.
327 Cuadernos.
An Andrés Di Tella film about Ricardo Piglia's diaries.
This little-known German film retells the true story of the British ocean liner that met a tragic fate. Ernst Fritz Fürbringer plays the president of the White Star Line, who unwisely pressed the Titanic's captain (Otto Wernicke) to make the swiftest possible crossing to New York.
To obtain a supply of a rare mineral, a ship raising operation is conducted for the only known source, the Titanic.
The Fastest Gun Alive
Whenever it becomes known how good he is with guns, ex-gunman George and his wife Dora have to flee the town, in fear of all the gunmen who might want to challenge him. Unfortunately he again spills his secret when he's drunk. All citizens swear to keep his secret and support him to give up his guns forever -- but a boy tells the story to a gang of wanted criminals. Their leader threatens to burn down the whole town, if he doesn't duel him.
フランス映画の巨匠ジャン・ルノワール監督が、ミュッセの戯曲に想を得て、ブルジョワたちが織りなす恋愛騒動を描き、社会を痛烈に風刺した映画史上の傑作中の傑作。 美しい妻クリスチーヌを愛しながら、愛人と別れられないラ・シェネ侯爵。一方、クリスチーヌのために大西洋横断23時間の偉業を達成した飛行家アンドレと、その友人オクターヴ。ある日、侯爵の別荘で催される狩猟の集いに全員が顔を合わせる…。
The Lower Depths
Inhabitants of a flophouse struggle to survive under the harsh treatment imposed by the landlord, Kostyleva. One resident, young thief Wasska Pepel, ends his affair with the landlord's wife, Vassilissa, and takes up with her sister, Natacha. Pepel also befriends the baron, a former nobleman fallen on hard times, but Pepel's attempts at happiness are complicated when he's accused of murder by a spiteful Vassilissa.
In the 1920s, the Provence is a magnet for immigrants seeking work in the quarries or in the agriculture. Many mingle with locals and settle down permanently - like Toni, an Italian who has moved in with Marie, a Frenchwoman. Even a well-ordered existence is not immune from boredom, friendship, love, or enmity, and Toni gets entangled in a web of increasingly passionate relationships. For there is his best pal Fernand, but also Albert, his overbearing foreman; there is Sebastian, a steady Spanish peasant, but also Gabi, his young rogue relative; there is Marie, but there is also Josefa.
Las cinéphilas
Six elderly retired women, two from Buenos Aires, Argentina; two from Montevideo, Uruguay; and two from Madrid, Spain, have something in common, despite their different interests and lives: they go to the movies almost every day.
Night at the Crossroads
A gang of thieves utilize a cross-road garage as their hideaway; after accidentally murdering a jewel thief, the heat is on.