Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse (2015)
ジャンル : ファンタジー
上映時間 : 1時間 37分
演出 : Colin Teague
When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find the dragon Drago. After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being a knight in this fantasy action-adventure for the ages.
Marthe is a girl with a special gift: she can cure illnesses. But the time she lives in is marked by superstition and godliness. When Marthe can not help the burgrave's wife from her village, the girl has to flee. Your path crosses that of Ritter Christian, who moves eastward into the Mark Meissen with a group of Frankish settlers. In the Middle Ages an unimaginably long and arduous way. Christian has a hard time avoiding the fascination of Marthe, but their diverse backgrounds make a relationship impossible and the settlers are afraid of the weird girl.
Avarissa, a witch so evil that she was banished to an underground kingdom, attempts to trick a human child into committing a despicable act so that she can switch places with him and escape.
Mandrake and Lothar battle enemy agents who have kidnapped the beautiful Princess Narda to force the magician to assist them locate a counter-intelligence agent who possess vital information.
Czech Television's epic historical film draws on the breathtaking dramatic life of the great of Czech history, King Charles IV.
A long time ago, in a medieval world, Aegeus, son of Lord Theron, is forced to hide in the forest after the murder of his parents for political reasons. He meets there a young woman, Asteria, who decides to follow him on his journey.
Imaginative and creative Jack seeks adventure while trying to provide for himself and his mother. Will he ever solve the mystery of how his father died?
A bullied schoolboy takes drastic measures against his tormenter, summoning an ancient being in the woods using a spellbound book passed down through the generations of his family.
Sara reads a story to Victor at night, a story about a grieving princess and a brave prince. Gradually the story draws nearer to their lives until converge in a fatal outcome.
One Christmas, a knight garbed all in green appears in King Arthur's Court and challenges any knight to hew off his head on the proviso that he be allowed to return the axe stroke afterwards. All of King Arthur's other knights being frightened, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge and hacks off the green knight's head. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home and live a little before the cut is returned.
The film documents Palestinian everyday's life under Isreali occupation in East Jerusalem. It uncovers Isreals policy of judaizing the city in order to gain Jewish majority by driving out Palestinian people from the city. The documentary includes interviews with Palestinian as well as Isreali political leaders, political analysts and human right activists.
As Lulu graduates from the Hero Academy, he finally gets the chance to prove himself a hero to the society that has always doubted him. He sets off on an epic journey to slay the legendary and terrifying dragon. But to his great despair, his sweet and over-caring grandma decides to join him, and what should have been an epic journey full of freedom, blood and beautiful ladies becomes a family trip that will test Lulu’s nerves to their very limit.
魔術師<マスター>と英霊<サーヴァント> が願望機「聖杯」をめぐり戦う「聖杯戦争」。 10年ぶりに冬木市で始まった戦争は「聖杯戦争」の御三家と言われた間桐家の当主・間桐臓硯の参戦により、歪み、捻じれ、拗れる。臓硯はサーヴァントとして真アサシンを召喚。正体不明の影が町を蠢き、次々とマスターとサーヴァントが倒れていった。マスターとして戦いに加わっていた衛宮士郎もまた傷つき、サーヴァントのセイバーを失ってしまう。だが、士郎は間桐 桜を守るため、戦いから降りようとしなかった。そんな士郎の身を案じる桜だが、彼女もまた、魔術師の宿命に捕らわれていく。
「俺は、桜にとっての正義の味方になるって決めたから」 少年は、真実からもう目を逸らさない。少女を救うために。自分の選んだ正義を貫くために。 魔術師〈マスター〉と英霊〈サーヴァント〉が万能の願望機「聖杯」をめぐり戦う――「聖杯戦争」。その戦いは歪んでいた。 ひとりの少女――間桐 桜は犯した罪と共に、昏い闇に溺れてしまった。桜を守ると誓った少年・衛宮士郎は遠坂 凛と共闘し、「聖杯戦争」を終わらせるため、過酷な戦いに身を投じる。 イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルンは闘争の真実を知る者として、その運命と向き合い、間桐臓硯は桜を利用して己が悲願を叶えようとする。 「だから──歯をくいしばれ、桜」激しい風に抗い、運命に挑む少年の願いは、少女に届くのか。終局を迎える「聖杯戦争」──。最後の戦いが、遂に幕を上げる。
The nine year old Larissa lives in the Luneburg Heath. She is in the clique "The Timies", which is devoted to historical events and facts. In this summer holidays, Larissa's cousins from Berlin are visiting the Luneburg Heath for the first time. From now on, Emma more and more realizes that she disposes of a mysterious talent. By touching antique objects she is able to look into the past of these things. Will they be able to find this treasure? And what has this shining crystal appearing in Emma's visions to do with it?
Anger discusses his Aleister Crowley-inspired theories of art: How he views his camera like a wand and how he casts his films, preferring to consider his actors, not human beings but as elemental spirits. In fact, he reveals that he goes so far as to use astrology when making these choices. This is as direct an explanation of Anger’s cinemagical modus operandi as I have ever heard him articulate anywhere. It’s a must see for anyone interested in his work and showcases the Magus of cinema at the very height of his artistic powers. Fascinating. (Dangerous Minds)
Bad Times At Conformity High follows Thomas (Riley Danson). A sarcastic, fly under the radar kind of guy, who by an all power, British political goddess (Lucrita Hodkinson) has been forced into The Australian School System of All Things Conformity at -- you guessed it -- Conformity High!! Everything has been taken from him by the system, reluctantly pairing up with the mysterious Violet (Holly O'Kelly) in order to seek their completely irresponsible justice.
When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.
When the King Gareth dies, his potential heirs, twin grandchildren who possess the dragon’s unique strengths, use their inherited powers against each other to vie for the throne. When Drago’s source of power – known as the Heartfire – is stolen, more than the throne is at stake; the siblings must end their rivalry with swords and sorcery or the kingdom may fall.
『ドラゴンハート』(英語: Dragonheart)は、1996年に公開されたロブ・コーエンによるアメリカ合衆国の映画作品。ドラゴンが存在する中世のヨーロッパを舞台としたファンタジー映画。続編として、『ドラゴンハート 新たなる旅立ち』『ドラゴンハート 最後の闘い』が製作されている。
Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbuckling, sword-fighting mercenary, Darius.
悪の支配者から島を、そして仲間たちを守るため、ヒックとドラゴンのトゥースの新しい冒険が今、始まる! ドラゴンと人間が共存するバーク島では、賑やかなドラゴンレースが開催されていた。レースに参加しないヒックは、ドラゴンのトゥースに乗って地図にない場所を求め探検へ出かけてゆく。見慣れない島を発見したヒックは、そこで巨大なドラゴンを操る集団を見つけるが、何と彼らはバーク島を狙っていた。
ロンドン、サヴィル・ロウの高級テーラー「キングスマン」は、どこの国にも所属せず秘密裏の活動を行い、数々の難事件・テロリズムを解決する、スパイの本拠地であった。 かつての「キングスマン」候補生の息子であり元海兵隊員のエグジーは義父率いるギャングとの諍いの中逮捕され、17年前に父の死後「キングスマン」の勲章(メダル)を手渡しにきた工作員のハリーと出会う。エグジーはハリーの薦めにより父と同様に「キングスマン」の選考試験に参加し、他の候補生たちとともに過酷な試練を経験することになる。 一方、ハリーは仲間の死に関わった一連の事件にリッチモンド・ヴァレンタインというアメリカ人実業家が絡んでいることを知る。ヴァレンタインを調べていくうちに判明したのは、人類の存亡を揺るがす巨大な陰謀であった。