Own Worst Enemy (2012)

Time travel can be hazardous to yourself

ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ, ロマンス, サイエンスフィクション

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Jessica Star Judd, Michael Judd


James Keaton invents a time machine and goes back seven years to try to thwart the plans of his rival, Frederic Nichols. Meanwhile, Keaton's neglected girlfriend, Leila Locke, finds the time machine and uses it to convince her younger self to not get involved with Keaton in the first place. While in the past, however, she falls in love with the younger Keaton all over again.


John Mattey
John Mattey
James Keaton
Jennifer Kelsey
Jennifer Kelsey
Leila Locke
Mona Eadington
Mona Eadington
Shelly Stringfield (as Mona Gillen)
T.J. Hamilton
T.J. Hamilton
Homeless Man
Hillary Arlene Jones
Hillary Arlene Jones
Mike Lutz
Mike Lutz
Frederic Nichols
Laura Drake Mancini
Laura Drake Mancini
Sierra Nichols
Karl Ramsey
Karl Ramsey
Anthony Ward
Anthony Ward
Big Tony


Jessica Star Judd
Jessica Star Judd
Jessica Star Judd
Jessica Star Judd
Jessica Star Judd
Jessica Star Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Michael Judd
Daniel Peretti
Daniel Peretti
Julia Holter
Julia Holter
Original Music Composer
Darren P. Leis
Darren P. Leis
Director of Photography


Ash, a handsome, shotgun-toting, chainsaw-armed department store clerk, is time warped backwards into England's Dark Ages, where he romances a beauty and faces legions of the undead.
Annaluise & Anton
Luise, called Pünktchen, and Anton are closest of friends. Being the daughter of a wealthy surgeon, young Pünktchen lives in a great house. Her mother, who always travels through the world more for public relation reasons than for the social tasks she pretends to fulfill, is never available to her as a mother. Anton, son of a single and sick mother in financial trouble, does his best to help her out of it by working late. Pünktchen decides to help her only friend (as nobody else would anyway) and starts singing in public places. Trouble arises when Anton can't resist stealing a golden lighter and Pünktchen's secret life is discovered by her parents. Two troubled families finally can see the need for actions to be taken.
オースティン・パワーズ ゴールドメンバー
In the ruins of an amphitheatre just outside an unnamed Italian city lives Momo, a little girl of mysterious origin. She is remarkable in the neighbourhood because she has the extraordinary ability to listen — really listen. By simply being with people and listening to them, she can help them find answers to their problems, make up with each other, and think of fun games.
Crusade in Jeans
Dolf a 15 year old boy is sent back in time by a timemachine. Accidentally he is sent back to the Middle Ages. He is rescued by children who are part of a childrens' crusade, on their way to rescue Jeruzalem. During the trip Dolf finds out the danger is not coming from outside the crusade, but from within.
In My Skin
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
The Secret
Marie, who works as a successful door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson, has been married to her husband Francois for 12 years and has a two-year-old son. Though she is relatively content with her life, she feels something is wanting. Enter 50-year old African-American Bill. Initially she is annoyed by his insouciance, but she finds that she is irresistibly attracted to him. Soon the two are in the midst of sordid illicit affair. She knows little about her new lover, and he seems uninterested in learning about her, but the long sessions of lovemaking are something else entirely. Feeling out of control, Marie is increasingly repelled by her own actions. Psychologically, she struggles to reconcile her torrid encounters with Bill and mundane domestic chores such as bathing her son. Moreover, she finds herself incapable of hiding her adulterous behavior, rather she comes home with scratches and hickeys all over her body, to the devastation Francois.
On her birthday, Juliette is too upset to worry about the strange cleaner who imitates her every move and lusts after her clothing.
A documentary on the once promising American rock bands The Brian Jonestown Massacre and The Dandy Warhols. The friendship between respective founders, Anton Newcombe and Courtney Taylor, escalated into bitter rivalry as the Dandy Warhols garnered major international success while the Brian Jonestown Massacre imploded in a haze of drugs.
フランス人フォトグラファー、マリオンと、アメリカ人インテリアデザイナー、ジャックは、付き合って2年になるニューヨーク在住のカップル。イマイチ盛り上がりに欠けたベネチアでのバカンスの後、立ち寄ったのは、彼女の生まれ故郷である、恋人たちの都・パリ。この町で過ごす2日間に期待をかけるふたりだが、雲行きは怪しい…。  マリオンの両親に会ったジャックは、そのあまりの自由奔放っぷりに圧倒され、カルチャーショックを受ける。さらに街に出れば、次々とマリオンの元カレに遭遇。別れた後は二度と元カノに会わないタイプのジャックは、元カレと親しげに振る舞うマリオンの姿に、戸惑いを隠せない。嫉妬心と猜疑心にさいなまれた彼のイライラは募るばかりで、ふたりの関係もギクシャクし始めてしまう。果たして、ふたりは関係を修復することができるのか?それともこのまま別れてしまうのか?
In the Realms of the Unreal
In the Realms of the Unreal is a documentary about the reclusive Chicago-based artist Henry Darger. Henry Darger was so reclusive that when he died his neighbors were surprised to find a 15,145-page manuscript along with hundreds of paintings depicting The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glodeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Cased by the Child Slave Rebellion.
An unspeakable evil has come into our dimension and wants to rule over Earth, and only a mysterious sorceror known as Doctor Mordrid can stop him.