
Mein Mann, der Trinker (2008)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Bodo Fürneisen


German television movie about an alcoholic university professor (Robert Atzorn).


Franziska Walser
Franziska Walser
Prof. Annemarie Wohlstedt
Robert Atzorn
Robert Atzorn
Prof. Ludwig Wohlstedt
Imogen Kogge
Imogen Kogge
Dr. Ulrike Katzner
Sonja Baum
Sonja Baum
Svenja Tucher
Peter Lerchbaumer
Peter Lerchbaumer
Dekan Lutz Kirchner
Ulrich Wiggers
Ulrich Wiggers
Dr. Scheffler
Kirsten Block
Kirsten Block
Sabine Teussner
Lorenz Claussen
Lorenz Claussen
Kai Sommerfeld
Joachim Schoenfeld
Joachim Schoenfeld


Bodo Fürneisen
Bodo Fürneisen
Bernd Böhlich
Bernd Böhlich
Uwe Franke
Uwe Franke
Sabine Tettenborn
Sabine Tettenborn
Jürgen Kramlofsky
Jürgen Kramlofsky
Ralf Nowak
Ralf Nowak
Director of Photography
Carola Hülsebus
Carola Hülsebus


The story of a young boy in the Midwest is told simultaneously with a tale about a young girl in New York from fifty years ago as they both seek the same mysterious connection.
In the dark heart of a sprawling, anonymous city, two assassins carry out a sinister mission, a teacher battles a fatal illness, and an enigmatic janitor and a curious waitress lead dangerous double lives. Murderous consequences unravel in the dead of night, as their lives intertwine at the hands of a mysterious criminal mastermind who is hell-bent on revenge.
A legendary Native American-hating Army captain nearing retirement in 1892 is given one last assignment: to escort a Cheyenne chief and his family through dangerous territory back to his Montana reservation.
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It's 2006, YouTube is in its infancy, and internet porn is still behind a paywall. Taking the stage name Brent Corrigan, a fresh-faced, wannabe adult video performer is molded into a star by Stephen, a closeted gay porn mogul who runs the skin flick empire Cobra Video from his seemingly ordinary suburban home. But as Brent's rise and demands for more money put him at odds with his boss, he also attracts the attention of a rival producer and his unstable lover who will stop at nothing to squash Cobra Video and steal its number one star.
Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel.
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Bad Class
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The Peeping
Private detective Calvin is hired to tape the sex life of a female politician Kwai Fung Ming, but falls for her instead. He decides to help her counter-attack Law Sau Nam, who is the mastermind to discredit Kwai. Unexpectedly, Law is only one of the tools in this war.
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Corporal Evan Albright joined the elite Marine Corps Security Guards to save the world and see some action-not necessarily in that order. But his first assignment, protecting a U. S. Embassy in a seemingly safe Middle Eastern capitol, relegates his unit to wrangling "gate groupies" protesting outside the compound and honing their marksmanship by playing video games. So Albright and his team are caught off guard when well-armed and well-trained militants launch a surprise attack aimed at killing an informant in the embassy. Heavily out-gunned, they will have to muster all the courage and fire power they can as their once routine assignment spirals into all-out war.
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When a new friend is brutally assaulted, Detective John Droomor is put by chance in charge of the investigation. Although the evidence against the perpetrators seems overwhelming, there is nothing definitive in the case that guarantees justice is served, even more so if some people are willing to twist and betray it.
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In 1980s Beirut, Mason Skiles is a former U.S. diplomat who is called back into service to save a colleague from the group that is possibly responsible for his own family's death. Meanwhile, a CIA field agent who is working under cover at the American embassy is tasked with keeping Mason alive and ensuring that the mission is a success.
James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge mistake and has inadvertently become involved in a dangerous human trafficking ring. The unlikely hero risks it all to shut down the trafficking ring and save the woman he is falling in love with.
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