Queen of Katwe (2016)
In chess, the small one can become the big one.
ジャンル : ドラマ
上映時間 : 2時間 4分
演出 : Mira Nair
脚本 : William Wheeler
A young girl overcomes her disadvantaged upbringing in the slums of Uganda to become a Chess master.
Ben lives with his father in a dreary highrise housing estate, earning a bit of money delivering leaflets. The young man′s big dream is to one day write travel logs as a journalist. His unemployed father has been thrown hopelessly off balance with the death of his wife. Ben has since then been carrying all responsibility, taking care of the household, and making sure that all ends meet on his own. The financial pressures he increasingly stands under finally lead him to become criminal.
Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town.
The disabled ex-soldier Andreas Pum lost a leg for emperor and father land. After leaving the army he receives a license and a drehorgel. One day he gets into a controversy with a welldressed gentleman, disturbs the public order, and hits a policeman. Andreas Pum goes to jail, loses his license and becomes toilet guard in the Cafe Halali after his release. Only at the moment of death he recognizes that he was always too decent and too obedient.
The film follows Gabriel Angel (Rakie Ayola), a young Caribbean aviator who falls in love with the forger Duncan Stewart (Jonathan Pryce) on her journey to England. Stewart is pursued by his nemesis Rex Goodyear (John Hurt), and the group are supported by Dr Angela Bead (Vanessa Redgrave) and Miss Gwendolyn Quim (Dorothy Tutin), retired missionaries who become lovers during the voyage.
Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother's leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, romantic, and poetic: he dreams of being the son of a shark; he holds tight to a book about goldfish his mother gave him. In both halting and wild ways, he tries to court Marie, a neighbor girl. Simon, with a pocketknife and an intractable will, seems more dangerous to others. What, on earth, is there for these children-becoming-men?
A television executive low-level begins to rise sharply by the career ladder when he discovers a chimpanzee with an unerring ability to find television programs that will achieve immediate success.
The three-parts documentation GET ALONG portraits the identical twins TEGAN & SARA, who have been discovered by Neil Young himself, from three different points of view. STATES retraces the start of their career, INDIE accompanies the two musicians on their first India tour and FOR THE MOST PART is a recording of a very personal and intimate concert of the sisters from Vancouver, BC.
Hamburg, Germany, 1944, during World War II. A serial killer terrorizes the city. When it seems clear that the local police are unable to catch him, forces as dark and terrible as the criminal himself become involved in the case.
A documentary which examines the creation and co-production of the popular children's television program in three developing countries: Bangladesh, Kosovo and South Africa.
One man decides to wage war against a gang of teenage punks besieging an affluent California community. Based on a true incident.
At the tender age of 70 years, Sigrídur Níelsdóttir starts to publish her music – directly from her living room. This modern Icelandic fairy tale is one of the most beautiful stories to be told about music. In seven years, Grandma Lo-Fi recorded 59 records and wrote more than 600 songs. The creative senior is a cult figure of the Icelandic music scene and thus it seems obvious to go through Grandma Lo-Fi’s life accompanied by artists such as Múm, Sin Fang and Mr Silla.
Dutch filmmakers gathered to make this compilation movie, consisting of 17 segments, as a reaction to the status quo in The Netherlands after the assassination of filmmaker Theo van Gogh on november 2, 2004.
Giving fans unprecedented access to the real life of the music sensation, Katy Perry: Part of Me exposes the hard work, dedication and phenomenal talent of a girl who remained true to herself and her vision in order to achieve her dreams. Featuring rare behind-the-scenes interviews, personal moments between Katy and her friends, and all-access footage of rehearsals, choreography, Katy’s signature style and more, Katy Perry: Part of Me reveals the singer’s unwavering belief that if you can be yourself, then you can be anything.
Nominated for Best Documentary at the 1971 Academy Awards, On Any Sunday is perhaps the best-known film ever made about the sport of motorcross. Three decades later, the filmmakers revisted the film for this 2001 follow-up. On Any Sunday: Motocross, Malcolm & More features footage left on the cutting-room floor from the original film as well as new interviews with those involved in the making of the classic
Months after Hosni Mubarak stepped down, Egyptians country-wide seem determined to maintain the insurgency until their demands are met.
During a storm, a group of people are trapped inside a mansion with a killer.
Andrés Rabadán was headline news after killing his father with a crossbow. But beyond the chatter of the media, what is the true story of the young man who became known as the “maniac with the crossbow”?
Given only six months to live, Englishman Bruce Campbell goes to Canada to claim "Campbell's Kingdom", the land he inherited from his grandfather. In order to clear his grandfather's name and prove there is oil on the land, Campbell must face up to a ruthless contractor and work against the clock to find oil before "Campbell's Kingdom" is flooded by a new power dam.
インドで迷子になった5歳の少年が、25年後にGoogle Earthで故郷を探し出したという実話を、「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のデブ・パテル、「キャロル」のルーニー・マーラ、ニコール・キッドマンら豪華キャスト共演で映画化したヒューマンドラマ。 1986年、インドのスラム街で暮らす5歳の少年サルーは、兄と仕事を探しにでかけた先で停車中の電車で眠り込んでしまい、家から遠く離れた大都市カルカッタ(コルカタ)まで来てしまう。そのまま迷子になったサルーは、やがて養子に出されオーストラリアで成長。25年後、友人のひとりから、Google Earthなら地球上のどこへでも行くことができると教えられたサルーは、おぼろげな記憶とGoogle Earthを頼りに、本当の母や兄が暮らす故郷を探しはじめる。
「フォレスト・ガンプ 一期一会」「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー」の名匠ロバート・ゼメキス監督のもと、ブラッド・ピットとマリオン・コティヤールが豪華共演を果たし、過酷な時代に翻弄されながら究極の愛を試される男女の運命を描いたラブストーリー。 1942年、カサブランカ。秘密諜報員のマックスとフランス軍レジスタンスのマリアンヌは、ある重大なミッションを通して運命の出会いを果たす。それは、夫婦を装って敵の裏をかき、ドイツ大使を狙うというものだった。その後、ロンドンで再会した2人は恋に落ちるが、マリアンヌは誰にも言えない秘密を抱えていた。 「イースタン・プロミス」「オン・ザ・ハイウェイ その夜、86分」のスティーブン・ナイトが脚本を手がけた。