
From Left to Right (1989)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 4分

演出 : Ivan Maximov
脚本 : Bakir Dzhusupbekov, K. Konirkulzhaev, Dzhamshed Mansurov


What is the philosophical meaning of the film "Right to Left"? The moon falls into a meat grinder, whimsical, but typically Maximovian creatures, entering or not entering into some kind of relationship, are formed from moon stuffing, and eventually, after many transformations, the dog turns out to be patiently waiting for this on the "other edge" of the screen, gets a bone.



Ivan Maximov
Ivan Maximov
Bakir Dzhusupbekov
Bakir Dzhusupbekov
K. Konirkulzhaev
K. Konirkulzhaev
Dzhamshed Mansurov
Dzhamshed Mansurov
Marek Biliński
Marek Biliński


ウォレスとグルミット ペンギンに気をつけろ!
Wallace rents out Gromit's former bedroom to a penguin, who takes up an interest in the techno pants created by Wallace. However, Gromit later learns that the penguin is a wanted criminal.
Land Without Bread
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extremadura, Spain, as it was in 1932. Insalubrity, misery and lack of opportunities provoke the emigration of young people and the solitude of those who remain in the desolation of one of the poorest and least developed Spanish regions at that time. (Silent short, voiced in 1937 and 1996.)
Death as a global service provider? Unthinkable! So far Death has thought that too. But then his nephew Cedric had the crazy idea of founding the company AFTER LIFE while his uncle was away. This company takes over the craft of death with the latest technology and markets it worldwide.
 新人作家デイヴィッド・ベニオフの感動ミステリーを「ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング」のスパイク・リー監督が映像化したヒューマン・サスペンス。ベニオフ自ら脚本を担当。25時間後に懲役7年の刑で収監されることが決まっているひとりの男が、後悔と絶望感を抱え過ごす24時間の心の旅を情感を込め繊細に綴る。主演は「アメリカン・ヒストリーX」「ファイト・クラブ」のエドワード・ノートン。  ニューヨーク。かつて瀕死の状態から助けた犬と共に公園のベンチに佇む男モンティ・ブローガン。ドラッグ・ディーラーだった彼は、何者かの密告で麻薬捜査局に逮捕され、保釈中の身だった。そして、25時間後には7年の服役のために収監される。その中で彼のような“イイ男”が受ける仕打ちは火を見るより明らかだった。彼は、馴染みの店で最後の夜を明かそうと2人の親友、高校教師のジェイコブと株式ブローカーのフランクに声を掛ける。また、アパートでは恋人ナチュレルが待っていたが、モンティは彼女が密告者ではないかと疑っていた。やりきれない思いを抱えたまま、モンティのシャバでの最後の夜が始まろうとしていた。
Begotten is the creation myth brought to life, the story of no less than the violent death of God and the (re)birth of nature on a barren earth.
Sweet Movie
The winner of the Miss World Virginity contest marries, escapes from her masochistic husband and ends up involved in a world of debauchery.
Daybreak Express
Set to a classic Duke Ellington recording "Daybreak Express", this is a five-minute short of the soon-to-be-demolished Third Avenue elevated subway station in New York City.
男は馬肉屋の主人。妻は失踪し娘とふたりきり。 娘には体にいいからと馬肉をたべさせている毎日。父は娘を溺愛していた。 そんなある日、娘に初潮が訪れる。スカートの血のシミを見た父は、男に襲われたと逆上して若者を殺しにいってしまう……。<フィリップ・ナオンとブランディーヌ・ルノワール主演。タイトルの「カルネ」とは馬肉のことで、その色と安さからフランスでは軽蔑的な意味が含まれている。血と肉欲をモチーフに暴力に満ちた世界を描いた衝撃作。ギャスパー・ノエの初長編映画。続編は1998年に制作された「カノン」>
A young man journeys through a desert, where he is kidnapped by a sadistic stranger clad in a pig mask. The stranger proceeds to brutally torture the young man, who then finds himself escaping into his imagination, with fantasy and reality intersecting.
Candy Boy
Children are mysteriously falling ill at an orphanage. Candy Boy, the most valiant of the orphans, investigates, but the arrival of a new boarder complicates his inquiries.
The Broken
The life of a successful radiologist spirals out of control when she sees the spitting image of herself driving down a London street. While attempting to uncover who the imposter could be, she stumbles into a terrifying mystery that her family and closest friends are somehow involved in, leaving her with no one to trust.
Frankenstein, a young medical student, trying to create the perfect human being, instead creates a misshapen monster. Made ill by what he has done, Frankenstein is comforted by his fiancée; but on his wedding night he is visited by the monster.
Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.
Within the Woods
The low budget film starring the young Bruce Campbell that influenced the Evil Dead films.