Out of My Hand (2015)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 27分

演出 : Takeshi Fukunaga


‘What do you want?’ asks the trade union leader, to which the men respond as if with one voice: change! Life is hard work on Liberia’s rubber plantations and wages are meagre. Nothing has changed for generations, but now the workers are calling for a strike and instead of grafting, the men are playing football or fishing.


Bishop Blay
Bishop Blay
Zenobia Taylor
Zenobia Taylor
Duke Murphy Dennis
Duke Murphy Dennis
Rodney Rogers Beckley
Rodney Rogers Beckley
David Roberts
David Roberts


Takeshi Fukunaga
Takeshi Fukunaga
Donari Braxton
Donari Braxton
Eugene Yi
Eugene Yi


Merry Christmas! ロンドンに奇跡を起こした男
作家のチャールズ・ディケンズは執筆した小説が売れずに 出版社から契約を打ち切られる。彼は自費出版で作家を続けようと決意し、クリスマス・イヴを舞台に過去・現在・未来を旅する奇想天外な小説「クリスマス・キャロル」の執筆にとりかかる。
The Wolves
Max and Leo are 8 and 5 years old and have just immigrated to the US with their mother. Their days pass inside a tiny apartment, while they wait for their mother to come back, as they hold on to the hope of traveling to Disney.
アメリカン・ドリーマー 理想の代償
Saint Judy
The true story of immigration attorney Judy Wood and how she singlehandedly changed the U.S. law of asylum to save women's lives.
正義のゆくえ I.C.E.特別捜査官
アイ,トーニャ 史上最大のスキャンダル
An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting leads the actor down a path nobody could have predicted; creating the worst movie ever made.
ナイブズ・アウト 名探偵と刃の館の秘密
イップ・マン 完結
主人公カスペルは殺し屋ギャンググループmara salvatruchaのメンバーの一人。このグループは貧困で家族も居ない、仕事もない、食べ物もない、そんな地域の若者達から生まれた“1つの家族"である。しかしこのグループのメンバーになる為には13秒間のメンバー全員からの暴行に耐えて生き残れるもののみ。さらに必ず1人誰かを殺さないとメンバーにしてもらえないという恐ろしいグループである。刺青が多ければ多いほど位が高い。 他にもたくさんの掟があるなか、カスペルはグループに秘密でメンバー以外の女の子に恋をする。しかし、リーダーに嘘をついて会っていた事がバレ、罰として移民が移動に使う列車に強盗に一緒に行くことを命ぜられる。 ホンジュラスの少女サイラは、故郷を捨て、父親らと共にメキシコ経由でアメリカへ移民しようとしていたが、チアパス州でアメリカ行きの列車の屋根に乗り込んだところ、メキシカン・ギャング団のカスペル・スマイリー・リルマゴに遭遇し、リーダーのリルマゴに暴行されそうになる。耐えきれなくなったギャング団の少年カスペルは、リルマゴ殺してしまう。 サイラとその家族と共にギャングから逃げ、アメリカへ移民しようと必死に逃げる。 実際に世界中に存在する恐ろしいギャング、実際に今でも起きている不法移民問題やその厳しさなどをリアルに描いた映画。


A Woman Like Me
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Station to Station
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Two women, each named Helen, live out their mirrored lives in the town of Troy, NY. The first Helen is in her 60s, is married, and takes care of a small, extremely lifelike baby doll, which she treats as a living baby. The second Helen is in her 30s, has a successful art career and is four months pregnant. One night, something falls from the sky and explodes over the town. In the aftermath of this event, bizarre and unexplainable things begin to happen.
In the Family
In the town of Martin, Tennessee, Chip Hines, a precocious six year old, has only known life with his two dads, Cody and Joey. And a good life it is. When Cody dies suddenly in a car accident, Joey and Chip struggle to find their footing again. Just as they begin to, Cody's will reveals that he named his sister as Chip's guardian. The years of Joey's acceptance into the family unravel as Chip is taken away from him. In his now solitary home life, Joey searches for a solution. The law is not on his side, but friends are. Armed with their comfort and inspired by memories of Cody, Joey finds a path to peace with the family and closer to his son.
The Dynamiter
All fourteen-year-old Robbie Hendrick ever wanted was a family. Yet as another Mississippi summer begins, his wayward mother has run off again fearing a breakdown and he's left to burn the days caring for his half brother, Fess. As the deep days and nights pass without her return and with older brother Lucas dangerously in their lives again, Robbie must face the fact that his dream of a family may only be a dream and he might just lose the only family he's ever had: Fess.
She's Lost Control
Ronah's life unravels when she starts working with a new client, Johnny.
The Out List
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Petting Zoo
A story of love, sex and teen pregnancy in San Antonio, Texas. Petting Zoo is the portrait of a young woman coming into her own, in an environment that does not always present ideal circumstances.
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman
Frosty the Snowman goes where he is needed most, and the town of Evergreen sure needed a visit. Mr Tinkerton, the mayor, runs a tight ship, and there's no room for talk of magic or any other such nonsense. But, when Frosty the Snowman blows through town, he shows the town's children that magic is real. Tinkerton's sons, Charlie and Tommy, along with their friends Sarah and Walter, want to spread the word about Frosty's fun-loving, magical antics but meet resistance from Evergreen Elementary's dastardly principal Hank Pankley. In the end, good wins out, and all the citizens of Evergreen happily learn that magic is real and fun is for everyone!
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Part-time pianist Monty Fagan begins a May-December romance that upends his home life.
Das Zeugenhaus
Witnesses about to testify at the Nuremberg War Trials needed a safe place to wait. All under one roof, each with their own secrets. And the countess assigned to take care of them. What was her secret?
Museum Hours
The most famous Museum in Vienna appears in the film as a mysterious intersection where the characters explore their own lives, the city and how art reflects the world.