Las alas de la vida (2006)

"Without death, every birth would be a tragedy"

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Antoni P. Canet


Dr. Carlos Cristos, 47, is terminally ill. He call a film director and proposes him to record his struggle for to live and die with dignity and without drama.


Enric Benito
Enric Benito
Carlos Cristos
Carlos Cristos
Carmela Cristos Font
Carmela Cristos Font
Carmen Font
Carmen Font


Antoni P. Canet
Antoni P. Canet
Carmen Font
Carmen Font
Antoni P. Canet
Antoni P. Canet
Carlos Cristos
Carlos Cristos
Original Music Composer
Enric Murillo
Enric Murillo
Alejandro Pla
Alejandro Pla
Juan Carlos Arroyo
Juan Carlos Arroyo
Edgar Vidal
Edgar Vidal
Sound Editor
Kiku Vidal
Kiku Vidal
Sound mixer


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