
Cocktail spécial (1978)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 15分

演出 : Jesús Franco


Jesus Franco's adult film revisit of Marquis de Sade's Eugenie character.


Beni Touxa
Beni Touxa
Carole David
Carole David
Martine de Bressac
Karine Gambier
Karine Gambier
Nicole Velna
Nicole Velna
Jean Perrat
Jean Perrat
Lina Romay
Lina Romay
Yves Laporte
Yves Laporte
Aida Vargas
Aida Vargas
Caroline Mainard
Caroline Mainard


Jesús Franco
Jesús Franco
Daniel White
Daniel White
Original Music Composer


Wealthy slacker college student Mark, his new girlfriend Sarah, and their friends are invited to a special showing at a mysterious wax museum which displays 18 of the most evil men of all time. After his ex-girlfriend and another friend disappear, Mark becomes suspicious.
Without a family, penniless and separated from her sister, a beautiful chaste woman will have to cope with an endless parade of villains, perverts and degenerates who will claim not only her treasured virtue but also her life.
A Thought of Ecstasy
August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie.
The Skull
An occult investigator buys the 150-year-old skull of the Marquis de Sade, which turns out to be possessed by evil spirits.
A man takes up residence with a mysterious marquis and is soon persuaded to enter into an asylum for preventative therapy. Things are not what they seem, and the marquis may be even more sinister than what the young man may've predicted.
Night Terrors
A young girl travels to Cairo to visit her father, and becomes unwillingly involved with a bizarre sadomasochistic cult led by the charismatic Paul Chevalier, who is a descendant of the Marquis de Sade.
Eugenie de Sade
Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, lives with her stepfather, a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to her stepfather. He notices this, and eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.
Wicked Memoirs of Eugenie
Eugenie is the capricious daughter of a rich diplomat, living in a seaside resort in Spain. She exhibits her young and splendid body in the beach and night-clubs. She feels an incredible adoration for her father who returns his daughter's passion.
In pre-French Revolution Bastille, the Marquis is held being unjustly accused of working to overthrow the king. While his talking penis, Colin, longs for action, Marquis himself only desires to write his deviant stories in peace.
Marquis de Sade
Based on the true story of the notorious Marquis de Sade. In 18th century Paris, an innocent beauty's search for her missing sister leads her into the deadly sensuous realm of the infamous Marquis de Sade. Imprisoned for his sordid crimes, the Marquis likewise has the beauty morally trapped... for she must help him complete his banned book of lust, or never learn the fate of her sister. It becomes a test of wills and wit, as the Marquis attempts to convert her to his deviously sexual philosophy. When the Marquis escapes his prison, she must follow him to his remote chateau of sin to finally discover her sister's fate, and to face her own.
S & M: Les Sadiques
Marie, a teenage vagabond whose lust for life will eventually lead her to the bed of the mysterious Sandra. What begins as a blissful relationship soon takes a violent turn however, as Sandra tries to take full control over the innocent girl's life.
Les filous
The Marquis De Sade: Pornographer or Prophet?
Marquis de Sade spent much of his life in jail for the perversions he recounted in his famous writings. In a series of scandalous and long suppressed books, he celebrated deviant sexual activities and challenged every aspect of civilized authority- the church, the government and all social restraints.
ある日、新進女優イヴ・ハリントンはアメリカ演劇界の栄えある賞に輝いた。だが、彼女がここまで上り詰めるには、一部の関係者たちしか知り得ない紆余曲折の経緯があった。8ヶ月前、田舎からニューヨークへ出てきたイヴは、ひょんなことから憧れの舞台女優マーゴの住み込み秘書となった。するとイヴはこれを皮切りに、劇作家や有名批評家に巧く取り入り、マーゴまでも踏み台にしてスター女優へのし上がっていく…。  監督マンキウィッツ自身による見事な脚本と、名優たちの火花散らす熱演とが融合し、その年のアカデミー賞をほぼ独占する形となった、バックステージものの最高作。田舎からニューヨークへ出、大女優(B・デイヴィス)の付き人となったのを皮切りに、有名批評家に取り入って大女優の代役から一躍、ブロードウェイの寵児にのし上がるヒロインを、A・バクスターがまさに一世一代の体当たり芝居で演じきる。批評家のG・サンダースも、いつになく繊細な役柄を的確に表現し、オスカー助演賞を得た。まだ無名の頃のモンローが顔を出している。