
Yabancı (2012)

ジャンル :

上映時間 : 1時間 36分

演出 : Filiz Alpgezmen


Ozgur is a young woman who is the daughter of a refugee family fled to France. She is born and raised in Paris. After her father Huseyin's death, she comes to Istanbul to fulfill Huseyin's last wish. He wanted to be buried in his own country. But because of September 12 military coup d'etat period, Huseyin is no more a Turkish citizen. So this happens to be a great obstacle for Ozgur. This will force Ozgur to a journey both in Istanbul and herself. In this journey Ozgur will meet with her father's and mother's relatives who are completely different people. Most importantly she will meet with Ferhat who will deeply effect her. This journey will become a confrontation with themselves and 2011's Turkey for Ozgur and Ferhat.


Sezin Akbaşoğulları
Sezin Akbaşoğulları
Caner Cindoruk
Caner Cindoruk
Serkan Keskin
Serkan Keskin
Nedim Salman
Nedim Salman


Filiz Alpgezmen
Filiz Alpgezmen


36 Fillette
Lili, a pouty and voluptuous 14-year-old, is caravan camping with her family in Biarritz. She's self-aware and holds her own in a café conversation with a concert pianist she meets, but she has a wild streak and she's testing her powers over men, finding that she doesn't always control her moods or actions, and she's impatient with being a virgin. She sets off with her brother to a disco, latching onto an aging playboy who is himself hot and cold to her. She is ambivalent about losing her virginity that night, willing the next, and determined by the third.
Monsoon Wedding
As the romantic monsoon rains loom, the extended Verma family reunites from around the globe for a last-minute arranged marriage in New Delhi. This film traces five intersecting stories, each navigating different aspects of love as they cross boundaries of class, continent and morality.
イギリスのとある街にある工場で働くハンナは、働き者ではあるが誰とも口を利かず、孤独な毎日を送っていた。彼女の過去は誰も知らない。時々どこかに電話をかけるが、相手が出ても何も話さずに切ってしまう。全く休まないハンナを見た上司は、彼女に無理にでも休暇を取るように勧め、ハンナはある港町にやって来る。しかし休暇など欲しくなかった彼女はとりたててすることもない。 そんな時に入った中華料理屋で、至急看護師が欲しいと携帯で話す男を見かけ、ハンナは自分は看護師だと告げる。ある海底油田掘削所で火事が起こり、重傷を負った男性を看護する人が必要だという。ハンナはすぐにヘリコプターで採掘所に向かう。 患者のジョゼフは重度の火傷を負っており、さらに火事のせいで一時的に目が見えなくなっていた。火事の時、ある男が火の中に飛び込んで自殺したが、ジョゼフは彼を助けようとして重傷を負ったとハンナは聞かされる。 ハンナは黙々とジョゼフを看護する。ジョゼフは時には強引に、時には冗談を交えて何とかハンナ自身のことを聞き出そうとする。そんなジョゼフや、採掘所で働く心優しいコックのサイモンに、徐々にハンナは心を開いていく。
In My Skin
Esther's life is panning out nicely. She will soon move in with her boyfriend Vincent and she seems set to get a permanent position at the public relations company where she freelances. All would be fine if Esther didn't accidentally discover a piercing curiosity about her own body.
The Secret
Marie, who works as a successful door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson, has been married to her husband Francois for 12 years and has a two-year-old son. Though she is relatively content with her life, she feels something is wanting. Enter 50-year old African-American Bill. Initially she is annoyed by his insouciance, but she finds that she is irresistibly attracted to him. Soon the two are in the midst of sordid illicit affair. She knows little about her new lover, and he seems uninterested in learning about her, but the long sessions of lovemaking are something else entirely. Feeling out of control, Marie is increasingly repelled by her own actions. Psychologically, she struggles to reconcile her torrid encounters with Bill and mundane domestic chores such as bathing her son. Moreover, she finds herself incapable of hiding her adulterous behavior, rather she comes home with scratches and hickeys all over her body, to the devastation Francois.
On her birthday, Juliette is too upset to worry about the strange cleaner who imitates her every move and lusts after her clothing.
A team of astronauts on the first mission to Mars crashes onto the surface, losing contact with Earth. With no other recourse, and help millions of miles away, the crew is forced to make desperate choices in order to stay alive. Will they be able to survive as the minutes slip away?
フランス人フォトグラファー、マリオンと、アメリカ人インテリアデザイナー、ジャックは、付き合って2年になるニューヨーク在住のカップル。イマイチ盛り上がりに欠けたベネチアでのバカンスの後、立ち寄ったのは、彼女の生まれ故郷である、恋人たちの都・パリ。この町で過ごす2日間に期待をかけるふたりだが、雲行きは怪しい…。  マリオンの両親に会ったジャックは、そのあまりの自由奔放っぷりに圧倒され、カルチャーショックを受ける。さらに街に出れば、次々とマリオンの元カレに遭遇。別れた後は二度と元カノに会わないタイプのジャックは、元カレと親しげに振る舞うマリオンの姿に、戸惑いを隠せない。嫉妬心と猜疑心にさいなまれた彼のイライラは募るばかりで、ふたりの関係もギクシャクし始めてしまう。果たして、ふたりは関係を修復することができるのか?それともこのまま別れてしまうのか?
In the Realms of the Unreal
In the Realms of the Unreal is a documentary about the reclusive Chicago-based artist Henry Darger. Henry Darger was so reclusive that when he died his neighbors were surprised to find a 15,145-page manuscript along with hundreds of paintings depicting The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glodeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Cased by the Child Slave Rebellion.
FC Venus
Or (My Treasure)
Or shoulders a lot: she's 17 or 18, a student, works evenings at a restaurant, recycles cans and bottles for cash, and tries to keep her mother Ruthie from returning to streetwalking in Tel Aviv. Ruthie calls Or "my treasure," but Ruthie is a burden. She's just out of hospital, weak, and Or has found her a job as a house cleaner. The call of the quick money on the street is tough for Ruthie to ignore. Or's emotions roil further when the mother of the youth she's in love with comes to the flat to warn her off. With love fading and Ruthie perhaps beyond help, Or's choices narrow.
アウェイ・フロム・ハー 君を想う
11'09''01 September 11
Filmmakers from all over the world provide short films – each of which is eleven minutes, nine seconds, and one frame of film in length – that offer differing perspectives on the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Me and My Sister
Louise, who has just written a novel, comes to Paris to meet with a potential publisher. While in the city, she stays with her older sister, Martine, who in many ways is the exact opposite of Louise: she lives in a fashionable neighborhood, is cold to others, and has snobby friends, while Louise lives in a small town and is thoroughly unpretentious. Louise's apparent happiness -- and similarities to their mother -- gradually gets on Martine's nerves.
衝撃的な内容で話題となったブレット・イーストン・エリスの小説を「I SHOT ANDY WARHOL」のメアリー・ハロン監督が映画化したサスペンス・ドラマ。80年代のニューヨーク。27歳のハンサムなヤッピー、パトリック・ベイトマンは一流企業の副社長。高級マンションに住み、美しい婚約者もいる彼は一見誰もが羨む生活を送っていた。しかし、彼の心の中には深い闇が広がっており、突如襲う衝動に突き動かされ、夜の街をさまよいホームレスや娼婦を殺害していたのだった……。