
Polder (2015)

Become A Game

ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Julian M. Grünthal, Samuel Schwarz


NEUROO-X, a German-Swiss-Chinese entertainment company group, stands for games that dissolve the boundary between reality and gaming). A new gadget, the myth-enshrouded RED BOOK, offers the ultimate gaming experience. The most secret longings of gamers are scanned by the engine and transformed into fantastic adventures. The conspiracy psychoses of users are the raw material for the storytelling of NEUROO-X. Marcus, Chief Development Manager of NEUROO-X dies shortly before completion of the RED BOOK. His lover Ryuko finds out that something terrible happened during testing of the game in China, and the deeper she submerges into the secret of NEUROO-X, the more she loses touch with reality. She neglects her son Walter, who logs into the game and disappears into the digital parallel world. The more Ryuko fights the corporation in order to rescue her son, the more she updates the narrative desired by NEUROO-X. Ryuko finds herself in a world full of demons, witches, knights and terrorists.


Christoph Bach
Christoph Bach
Arnold Bucher
Arnold Bucher
Nina Fog
Nina Fog
Philippe Graber
Philippe Graber
Julian M. Grünthal
Julian M. Grünthal
Friederike Kempter
Friederike Kempter
Samuel Schwarz
Samuel Schwarz
Francis Wartmann


Julian M. Grünthal
Julian M. Grünthal
Samuel Schwarz
Samuel Schwarz


The Lovers
The Lovers is an epic romance time travel adventure film. Helmed by Roland Joffé from a story by Ajey Jhankar, the film is a sweeping tale of an impossible love set against the backdrop of the first Anglo-Maratha war across two time periods and continents and centred around four characters — a British officer in 18th century colonial India, the Indian woman he falls deeply in love with, an American present-day marine biologist and his wife.
ある日、父の形見の鉱石ラジオから聴こえてきた不思議な唄。その唄を忘れられない少女アスナは、地下世界アガルタから来たという少年シュンに出会う。2人は心を通わせるも、 少年は突然姿を消してしまう。「もう一度あの人に会いたい」そう願うアスナの前にシュンと瓜二つの少年シンと、妻との再会を切望しアガルタを探す教師モリサキが現れる。そこに開かれるアガルタへの扉。3人はそれぞれの想いを胸に、伝説の地へ旅に出る―。
Blood Money
In South Africa, a young man living with his wife becomes embroiled in an illegal diamond business and with time finds his life changing.
LOL ~ローラの青春~
In a world connected by YouTube, iTunes, and Facebook, Lola and her friends navigate the peer pressures of high school romance and friendship while dodging their sometimes overbearing and confused parents. When Lola's mom, Anne, "accidentally" reads her teenage daughter's racy journal, she realizes just how wide their communication gap has grown.
Daughters of Eve
In the remote countryside of Ilongo, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters meet Simon, the most attractive man in the village, and fight over him - one constantly haunted by Catholic dogma because of the abuse she suffered previously.
Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens
Based on the original animated series Ben 10. Ben becomes targeted by an evil Mechamorph Warrior, named "Retaliator," who mistakenly blames Ben for something he did not do and attempts to destroy all aliens.
After a drunken house party with his straight mates, Russell heads out to a gay club. Just before closing time he picks up Glen but what's expected to be just a one-night stand becomes something else, something special.
劇場版ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ ビクティニと白き英雄 レシラム
イッシュ地方を旅するサトシとピカチュウ、アイリス、デントたちは、「大地の剣」と呼ばれる城を中心に広がる街、アイントオークにやってきた。この街はかつて、「大地の民の王国」として栄えていたが、現在は衰退してしまっていた。サトシたちは、アイントオークの収穫祭の記念バトルに参加し、そこで人やポケモンに不思議なパワーを与えることのできる幻のポケモン・ビクティニと出会い、仲良くなる。王国復活を願う大地の民の末裔、ドレッド・グランギルは、ビクティニのパワーを利用し、「大地の剣」を動かそうと企むが、その影響により、アイントオークはかつてない異変に巻き込まれてしまう。果たして、サトシたちはこの街の危機を救えるのか? ビクティニの運命は? レシラムの謎とともに、ポケモン史上最大の冒険と感動が、君に迫る!
ブルーラグーン 〜恋の目覚め〜
Two high school students become stranded on a tropical island and must rely on each other for survival. They learn more about themselves and each other while falling in love.
42 ~世界を変えた男~
バトル・オブ・ザ・イヤー ダンス世界決戦
A down-on-his-luck coach is hired to prepare a team of the best American dancers for an international tournament that attracts all the best crews from around the world, but the Americans haven't won in fifteen years.
A woman turns to prescription medication as a way of handling her anxiety concerning her husband's upcoming release from prison.