
Staatsdiener (2015)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 20分

演出 : Marie Wilke


Young police officers are supposed to enforce the law and suppress their personal opinions. After their training, protected by bullet proof vests, shields and a gun, they are sent out on the streets. This documentary accompanies students at a German police academy over the course of their first year. A remote location in Saxony-Anhalt. Real-life simulations and practice at the shooting range are the preparation for the second phase of their training - going out on the streets and facing the real world. It's their first year at the academy and on the beat, and these young men and women are often confronted with realities that take them to their limits. This documantary takes an uncensored look at the German police for the very first time.



Marie Wilke
Marie Wilke
Marie Wilke
Marie Wilke
Alexander Gheorghiu
Alexander Gheorghiu
Director of Photography
Stefan Oliveira Pita
Stefan Oliveira Pita
Jan Soldat
Jan Soldat
Marie Wilke
Marie Wilke


Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?
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