
Loving Pia (2017)

ジャンル : ロマンス, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 39分

演出 : Daniel Borgman


A work of fiction, the film is developed from the life of – and starring – a real woman, Pia, who is intellectually disabled. Pia is 60 years old and she lives in rural Denmark in the care of her mother Guittou, 84. In the story, Guittou is getting old, and Pia worries about what will happen when her mother dies. She is afraid of being left alone. Although Pia has never had a boyfriend, she thinks that she needs to find a man to love in order to survive. Then Pia meets a man called Jens at the harbour. Pia embarks on a quiet and simple relationship with him, not realising that in the meantime it is her mother who is left alone.


Pia Skovgaard
Pia Skovgaard
Céline Skovgaard
Céline Skovgaard
Pia's Mother
Jens Jensen
Jens Jensen
The Man
Putte Jensen
Putte Jensen
Randi Sørensen
Randi Sørensen
Gitte Nielsen
Gitte Nielsen
Michael Henriksen
Michael Henriksen
Nguyen Van Phan
Nguyen Van Phan
Thi My Chau Nguyen
Thi My Chau Nguyen
Berit Wolf Kristensen
Berit Wolf Kristensen
Mads Averhoff
Mads Averhoff
Andreas Naum
Andreas Naum
Lone Kastrup
Lone Kastrup
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Bo Andersen
Bo Andersen
Nina Maria Lykke Bach
Nina Maria Lykke Bach
Lise-Lotte Klinge
Lise-Lotte Klinge
Jørgen Capello
Jørgen Capello
Peter Rasmussen
Peter Rasmussen
Conny Ramshøj Nielsen
Conny Ramshøj Nielsen


Daniel Borgman
Daniel Borgman
Katja Adomeit
Katja Adomeit
Daniel Borgman
Daniel Borgman


Corky, a tough female ex-convict working on an apartment renovation in a Chicago building, meets a couple living next door, Caesar, a paranoid mobster, and Violet, his seductive girlfriend, who is immediately attracted to her.
ロマンシング・ストーン 秘宝の谷
姉がコロンビアで誘拐されたことを知った、女流作家ジョーン。姉から届いた1枚の地図を持って救出に向かうが、それはエメラルドの在り処を示す宝の地図だった!? 密林を舞台に繰り広げられるアクション・アドヴェンチャー。
ナッティ・プロフェッサー クランプ教授の場合
大統領の友人がクルーザーの中で一家皆殺しにされる。CIA情報担当副長官ジャック・ライアンは、被害者が麻薬組織の金の洗濯係だったことを突き止めた。大統領は密かに組織への攻撃を補佐官に命令する。 CIA作戦担当副長官は密かに特殊部隊をコロンビアに送り込む。麻薬王の情報係コルテズはボスの地位を乗っ取るため補佐官に取引を持ちかけ、攻撃の中止を約束させる。 それを知ったライアンは見殺しにされようとしている隊員たちを救うために現地に向かうが、全ては彼のせいだと聞かされているCIA工作員クラークが殺害命令を受けて待ち構えていた。
John Smith is a mysterious stranger who is drawn into a vicious war between two Prohibition-era gangs. In a dangerous game, he switches allegiances from one to another, offering his services to the highest bidder. As the death toll mounts, Smith takes the law into his own hands in a deadly race to stay alive.
A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.
リトル☆ダイナマイツ ベイビー・トークTOO
Mollie and James are together and raising a family, which now consists of an older Mikey and his baby sister, Julie. Tension between the siblings arises, and as well with Mollie and James when Mollie's brother Stuart moves in. Mikey is also learning how to use the toilet for the first time.
Sy "the photo guy" Parrish has lovingly developed photos for the Yorkin family since their son was a baby. But as the Yorkins' lives become fuller, Sy's only seems lonelier, until he eventually believes he's part of their family. When "Uncle" Sy's picture-perfect fantasy collides with an ugly dose of reality, what happens next "has the spine-tingling elements of the best psychological thrillers!"
砂漠の真ん中で首に縄を結ばれ身動きが取れない姿勢で枯れ木に吊るされた男が死を待っていた。男はどうして自分がこんな目に遭ったかを回想する。 男の名はブレット・マーヴェリック。ブレットは数日後に開かれるポーカー大会に出場するため、その資金稼ぎに躍起になっていた。そして、酒場でガンマン相手の掛けポーカーに勝ち抜いて何とかまとまった資金を得るが、それを同席していた美貌の女ギャンブラーのアナベルに掠め取られてしまう。怒ったマーヴェリックはアナベルを追い掛けるが、そこに謎の保安官クーパーも同行することに。かくして不思議な因縁で出会った3人の珍道中が始まった。
Wuthering Heights
Yorkshire moorlands, northern England, in the late 18th century. Young Heathcliff, rescued from the streets of Liverpool by Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering Heights, an isolated farm, develops over the years an insane passion for Cathy, his foster sister, a sick obsession destined to end tragically.
フランク・ホリガンは長年シークレットサービスに勤めるベテラン警護官であり、ダラスでのケネディ大統領暗殺事件の際にも現場に配属されていたが、大統領を守ることが出来ず、未だにその時のことを悔やんでいた。 アメリカでは現職大統領の再選キャンペーンが始まっていたが、そんな時期に大統領を暗殺するとの脅迫状が届く。やがてフランクは殺し屋のミッチを特定するが、逆にミッチはフランクのジョン・F・ケネディを守れなかった過去を知ると、彼に暗殺を阻止してみろと挑発を始める。一匹狼であるフランクは、唯一の相棒といえる臆病者のアルと共にキャンペーンの護衛に参加し、ミッチの追跡を始める。
Before the Fall
In 1942, Friedrich Weimer's boxing skills get him an appointment to a National Political Academy (NaPolA) – high schools that produce Nazi elite. Over his father's objections, Friedrich enrolls. During his year in seventh column,Friedrich encounters hazing, cruelty, death, and the Nazi code. His friendship with Albrecht, the ascetic son of the area's governor, is central to this education.
Set It Off
Four black women, all of whom have suffered for lack of money and at the hands of the majority, undertake to rob banks. While initially successful, a policeman who was involved in shooting one of the women's brothers is on their trail. As the women add to the loot, their tastes and interests begin to change and their suspicions of each other increase on the way to a climactic robbery.