The Animation Show (2003)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 8分

演出 : Don Hertzfeldt, Mike Judge


A collection of surreal and funny cartoons, produced exclusively to book-end the first year of The Animation Show's traveling theatrical tour.



Don Hertzfeldt
Don Hertzfeldt
Don Hertzfeldt
Don Hertzfeldt
Mike Judge
Mike Judge
Mike Judge
Mike Judge


Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery
The mystery begins when Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to "WrestleMania" and convince the crew to go with them to WWE City. But this city harbors a spooky secret - a ghastly Ghost Bear holds the town in his terrifying grip! To protect the coveted WWE Championship Title, the gang gets help from WWE Superstars like John Cena, Triple H, Sin Cara, Brodus Clay, AJ Lee, The Miz and Kane. Watch Scooby and the gang grapple with solving this case before it's too late.
Barbie: The Pearl Princess
Barbie plays Lumina, a mermaid girl with the power to change the color of pearls. Cheerful and creative, Lumina finds herself working in a mermaid salon customizing fabulous hairstyles. And when Lumina has the chance to attend the royal ball, her friends adorn her with a gown fit for a princess. At the ball, villains try to seize power over the kingdom, and Lumina finds within herself an unexpected power that proves she is much more than a hair stylist.
Huevos: Little Rooster's Egg-Cellent Adventure
Toto has grown and now is a young cock. An evil rancher tricks the female owner of the ranch where they live and forces her to bet the property in a cockfight in the arena. Toto is the only option to defend their home, so he must train in just one week and win the championship of the arena.
名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手
Freshly hatched bee Maya is a little whirlwind and won't follow the rules of the hive. One of these rules is not to trust the hornets that live beyond the meadow. When the Royal Jelly is stolen, the hornets are suspected and Maya is thought to be their accomplice. No one believes that she is the innocent victim and no one will stand by her except for her good-natured and best friend Willy. After a long and eventful journey to the hornets hive Maya and Willy soon discover the true culprit and the two friends finally bond with the other residents of the opulent meadow.
藤子・F・不二雄生誕80周年を記念して製作された「ドラえもん」シリーズ初の3DCGアニメーション。原作から厳選されたエピソードを再構成し、ドラえもんとのび太の出会いから別れまでを描いた。「フレンズ もののけ島のナキ」を手がけた八木竜一と「永遠の0」「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」の山崎貴が共同監督。何をやらせても冴えない少年のび太のもとに、22世紀の未来から、ネコ型ロボットのドラえもんがやってくる。のび太の孫の孫にあたるセワシが、ご先祖様であるのび太の悲惨な未来を変えるために送り込まれたドラえもんだったが、当のドラえもんはあまり乗り気ではない。セワシはそんなドラえもんにやる気を出させるため、のび太を幸せにしない限り22世紀に帰ることができないプログラムを仕込む。かくして仕方なくのび太の面倒をみることになったドラえもんは、のび太がクラスメイトのしずかちゃんに好意を抱いていることを知り、のび太としずかちゃんが結婚できる明るい未来を実現するため、数々の未来の道具を駆使してのび太を助けるが……。
Transformers: Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising
Autobots, Decepticons, Predaking and Predacons form an unlikely alliance to battle a resurrected Unicron.
ペンギンズ FROM マダガスカル ザ・ムービー
ドラゴンボールZ 復活の「F」
Monstruosamente Solo
Santiago is contained in the micro-universe of his home due to a deep depression after his girlfriend left him for no apparent reason. That is when he realizes that even though he wants to live his duel alone, his friends accompany him through video chats, telephone calls or visits right at his door.
Dragon Ball: Goku's Traffic Safety
An educational film featuring characters from "Dragon Ball". Roshi and Krillin are on their way to Bulma's birthday party, and they see a boy run into the street, nearly getting run over. Launch, as a traffic officer, teaches him about traffic safety. Meanwhile, Goku, who is also on his way to Bulma's party, gets a traffic lesson of his own from Suno after running through traffic to see her.
ベヨネッタ ブラッディフェイト
そらのおとしものFinal 永遠の私の鳥籠
JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time
Get ready for a battle of the ages when the Justice League faces off against its archenemies, the Legion of Doom, in an all-new movie from DC Comics. A mysterious being known as the Time Trapper arises, and a sinister plan led by Lex Luthor sends the Legion of Doom back in time to eliminate Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman before they become super heroes. For Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg, along with teen super heroes Karate Kid and Dawnstar, the stakes have never been higher, the rescue mission never deadlier. So join the fight for the future as the Justice League confronts its ultimate challenge… the threat of having never existed!
Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United
Iron Man and Captain America battle to keep the Red Skull and his triggerman, Taskmaster, from unleashing an army of Hydra Brutes on the world! Sequel to the film "Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United" and feature Iron Man teaming up with Captain America, it comes to accompany the live-action film "Captain America: The Winter Soldier".