ムカデ人間 (2009)
Their flesh is his fantasy
ジャンル : ホラー
上映時間 : 1時間 32分
演出 : Tom Six
かつてシャム双生児の分離手術の名医であったドイツ人のヨーゼフ・ハイター博士は、これまで自身が行ってきた分離手術とは反対に、人間の口と肛門を繋げて「ムカデ人間」を創造する密かな願望を抱いていた。 ある日、旅行中のアメリカ人女性リンジーとジェニーが車で移動中にタイヤがパンクし、ハイター博士の家に救助を求めてくる。ハイター博士は願望を実現すべく、何も知らない二人を快く迎え入れ、自身が捕らえていた日本人のカツローを加えたムカデ人間の製作に乗り出す。
An obese lawyer finds himself growing "Thinner" when an old gypsy man places a hex on him. Now the lawyer must call upon his friends in organized crime to help him persuade the gypsy to lift the curse. Time is running out for the desperate lawyer as he draws closer to his own death, and grows ever thinner.
Joan Wilder is thrust back into a world of murder, chases, foreign intrigue... and love. This time out she's duped by a duplicitous Arab dignitary who brings her to the Middle East, ostensibly to write a book about his life. Of course, he's up to no good, and Joan is just another pawn in his wicked game. But Jack Colton and his sidekick Ralph show up to help our intrepid heroine save the day.
Martin Brundle, born of the human/fly, is adopted by his father's place of employment (Bartok Inc.) while the employees simply wait for his mutant chromosomes to come out of their dormant state.
Industrialist François Delambre is called late at night by his sister-in-law, Helene Delambre, who tells him that she has just killed her husband, André. Reluctant at first, she eventually explains to the police that André invented a matter transportation apparatus and, while experimenting on himself, a fly entered the chamber during the matter transference.
Honeymooning couple Monica and Mike check into a motel in New Mexico. All seems normal until an ambulance pulls up and abducts Mike. Monica narrowly escapes and, with the help of truck driver Bill, discovers the awful secret of the motel and the ambulance service.
The inventor of a new top-of-the-line burglar alarm system is kidnapped by a gang in order to get him to help them commit robberies.
Golden Swallow is a fighter-for-hire who has been contracted by the local government to retrieve the governor's kidnapped son. Holding him is a group of rebels who are demanding that their leader be released from prison in return for the captured son. After a brief encounter with the gang at a local restaurant, Golden Swallow is joined by an inebriated wanderer Drunken Cat who aids her in her mission.
Inspired by the Baader-Meinhof gang, a film about modern left Germans adopting the culture of extreme left-wing movements of the 1970s. East German dominatrix Gudrun leads a revolutionary gang of her own in Berlin. She has her men kidnap the son of a rich businessman in order to gain publicity. Claiming that heterosexuality is a social norm created to keep the people down, she forces her male minions to have sex with each other.
Rachel Sheppard is a millionaire’s daughter, kidnapped for ransom and tortured in the weird and wonderful Virtual Hell of Dr Wong. Nelly and her toyboy assistant call on the help of the world’s greatest magician, Johnny Cagliostro.
A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of which still haunt him decades later.
Dr. Richard Sturgess leads a team of compassionate doctors at a veteran's hospital. Along with Drs. Morgan, Handleman and Van Dorn, he fights to deliver adequate care to needy veterans in the face of funding cuts and a corrupt administration. To succeed, the staff may have to bend the rules and circumvent the villainous "Article 99," a bureaucratic loophole that prevents veterans from receiving the benefits they deserve.
田舎の山荘で遊んでいたサムと息子トニー。だが突然謎の光が現れ、サムは姿を消してしまった。以来、トニーはサムが光に連れて行かれる悪夢を見続けていた。 3年後、山中に墜落したUFOから謎の生命体が現れ、近くに住む女性を襲い、腹部から触手を出して女性の体内に何かを産みつける。やがて女性は苦しみもがき、腹部が膨れ上がって体内から一人の成人男性が誕生する。それは紛れもなく3年前行方不明になったサムだった…
In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
Colin is in agony, shattered by his wife’s infidelity, so his friends kidnap the wife's lover so he can have his revenge.
To save the life of fellow cop kidnapped by a biker gang, a father and a son who cannot stand the sight of each other infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy for fathers and sons. Their biggest challenge is to survive the therapy without killing each other.
Inspired by the fictional Dr. Heiter, disturbed loner Martin dreams of creating a 12-person centipede and sets out to realize his sick fantasy.
Taking inspiration from The Human Centipede films, the warden of a notorious and troubled prison looks to create a 500-person human centipede as a solution to his problems.
Young married couple Rob and Laura move to the peaceful, friendly town of Breastford and right away are made to feel at home by the welcoming members of the Breastford Womens Association. They soon realize that something is amiss, and they discover the reason: Doc Brady, the town's mayor, has invented a device that, at the push of a button, turns women into insatiable, sex-crazed robots.
Milos, a retired porn star, leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.
息子を交通事故で亡くしたジェフは、目覚めると食肉工場の地下室にいた。扉を開けると、そこには鎖につながれた3人の男女。最愛の息子を飲酒運転でひき殺した男、犯人に軽罪しか与えなかった判事、そして事故を目撃しながら証言しなかった女…。「俺は、息子を殺した人間たちを処刑するのか?」 一方、医者のリンは誘拐され、連れて行かれた地下室で、瀬戸際のジグソウと会う。彼の延命手術を成功させなければ、彼女にも死が待っている…。こうして新たなる「ゲーム」が始まった!
九死に一生を得て助かったFBI捜査官ストラムは、傷一つ負わずにゲームから生き残ったホフマン刑事こそジグソウの後継者ではないかと疑う。一方、ジグソウ生前に弁護士に預けられた遺言と遺品を見て衝撃に襲われるジグソウの元妻、ジル。そして、コンクリートの床の上で5人の男女が目覚めると、犬の首輪に繋がれ、V字型の大きな刃がセットされていた…。新しいゲームの仕掛け人は、果たして、ホフマン刑事なのだろうか? そしてジグソウの遺言の内容、ジルが驚愕した遺品とは何なのだろうか?
10年前にベストセラーを執筆して以来、その後全く売れないノンフィクション作家のエリソン(イーサン・ホーク)は、妻トレイシー(ジュリエット・ライランス)と二人の子供と共に、ペンシルヴァニア州郊外の一軒家へ引っ越した。しかしエリソンは、以前そこである事件が起きた事を、家族に伝えていなかった。 その家は、かつてスティーヴンソンという一家が住んでいたが、家族は惨殺され、幼い娘が失踪するという事件が起きていた。エリソンは、事件の真相を調べて本を書き、作家として起死回生を図るために越して来たのだ。
In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.
Based on Wes Craven's 1977 suspenseful cult classic, The Hills Have Eyes is the story of a family road trip that goes terrifyingly awry when the travelers become stranded in a government atomic zone. Miles from nowhere, the Carter family soon realizes the seemingly uninhabited wasteland is actually the breeding ground of a blood-thirsty mutant family...and they are the prey.
A New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.
ジルの罠を生き抜いたホフマン刑事はジルの殺害に執念を燃やす。ジルは警察に保護を求めるが、ホフマンの魔の手は確実に彼女に忍び寄る…。ジグソウのゲームを生き残ったボビー・デイゲンは、その経験談をTVや著書などで語り、カリスマ的な人気を得ていた。ジグソウのゲームの生還者の会に参加した彼は、あのゴードン医師と出会い疑いの目を向けられる。ゲームの終焉は来た! 「ゲームオーバー!」を最後に言うのは誰なのか?!
To celebrate their graduation, the teenagers from Valley Hills High School have organized an ’80s-themed party at the old Wet Valley water park. Things turn gruesome when it's revealed that a mysterious maniac has inserted giant razor blades into one of the water slides. The water park thus becomes the backdrop for a bloodbath (literally), and everyone is a suspect...