Without You (1946)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 4分

演出 : Robert Cormack


"A Ballad in Blue" is a series of impressionistic images set to Andy Russell's rendition of the title song.


Andy Russell
Andy Russell


Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Robert Cormack
Robert Cormack


An intense and imaginative artist, revered Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh possesses undeniable talent, but he is plagued by mental problems and frustrations with failure. Supported by his brother, Theo, the tormented Van Gogh eventually leaves Holland for France, where he meets volatile fellow painter Paul Gauguin and struggles to find greater inspiration.
The life of Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, famous french painter, who lived, enjoyed, loved in the late 1800s Paris' Montmartre cultural life. He suffered from suffered from congenital health conditions traditionally attributed to inbreeding. His lifestyle and work are a testimony of the late-19th-century parisian bohemian lifestyle, as he was commissioned to produce a series of posters for the Moulin Rouge cabaret opening. As an alcoholic, he was addicted to absinthe. The movie related his love affair with the french painter Suzanne Valadon.
Jay Pharoah: Can I Be Me?
Stand up Jay Pharaoh performs his most popular celebrity impressions in this powerhouse comedy special, including hilarious takes on Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Jay-Z, Barack Obama and more.
Guga Baul - Radio Guga (Theatertour)
A Fugue
A space occupies it, awaiting to be unlocked by a freeing action or notion. What lies ahead is its determination.
Without You
"A Ballad in Blue" is a series of impressionistic images set to Andy Russell's rendition of the title song.
The Impressionists: Renoir
Pierre August Renoir's brilliant Le Moulin de la Gallette created immense controversy in its day. Famous for his use of hot reds, orange and gold to portray nudes in sunlight, Renoir's later life was blighted by arthritis, which crippled his hands. This fascinating story of a man and his work includes a visit to the artist's home.
Gauguin: The Full Story
Art critic and broadcaster Waldemar Januszczak wrote and directed this examination of a man who was not only a great painter but sculptor, wood carver, musician, print maker, journalist and ceramicist. As well as telling the remarkable story of Gauguin's life, Januszczak also celebrates Gauguin's achievements and examines the various accusations of sexual misconduct, familial neglect and racism that are frequently made against him.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
あの戦いから2年。 セフィロスがもたらした大破壊から立ち直りつつあった 魔晄都市「ミッドガル」を、謎の厄災が襲う。 「星痕症候群」と呼ばれるその病は、治療方法も見つからないまま次々と人々を死に至らしめていく。 この病に呼応するかのように現れた新たなる敵。 平和と引き換えに大事な仲間達を失い、深い自責の念に心を閉ざしていたクラウドは、眼前に迫った避けようのない戦いを前に思い悩む。 「罪って許されるのか。」 長い葛藤の末、ついに戦いを決意するクラウド。 敵の目的は何なのか?なぜ人々が病に倒れるのか? 人知を超えた戦いの先に待ち受けていた真実とは──。
Blood: The Last Vampire
1966年、秋。ベトナム戦争最中の、日本の中のアメリカ——米空軍・横田基地。ファントムF4戦闘機があわただしくスクランブル発進する基地周辺を殺伐とした空気が包む中、街では不審な自殺が相次いでいた。 地下鉄・銀座線、浅草行最終列車。殺風景な車両にたたずむひとりの少女。大人をも射すくめる強い眼差しと、堅く結ばれた唇が秘めた意志を物語る──彼女の名は小夜(SAYA)。人間社会に身を潜めた吸血鬼<翼手>を倒すため、「組織」が送り込んだ救世主。セーラー服に身を包んだ小夜は、日本刀を武器に基地内のアメリカンスクールに潜入したが……。
Pete, a young orphan, runs away to a Maine fishing town with his best friend a lovable, sometimes invisible dragon named Elliott! When they are taken in by a kind lighthouse keeper, Nora, and her father, Elliott's prank playing lands them in big trouble. Then, when crooked salesmen try to capture Elliott for their own gain, Pete must attempt a daring rescue.
Space Chimps
Three chimps are sent into space to explore the possibility of alien life when an unmanned space shuttle crash lands on an uncharted planet.
Animal Farm
A successful farmyard revolution by the resident animals vs. the farmer goes horribly wrong when corrupt pigs hijack it for their personal gain. Based on the socialist George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm”, a critique of Stalinist authoritarianism.